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Evelin's Topics: Handpainting and Intricate Piping
Woo hoo! We're kicking off the first in our series of Sweet Sharing chats with Evelin Milanesi of Evelindecora, and the topics are handpainting and intricate piping, two techniques over which she reigns supreme!
More About Sweet Sharing
Not familiar with Sweet Sharing? I thought so . . . it's brand new! The brainchild of Cookie Connection member Tina Deluca Tsourtsoulas of Sugar Wishes, Sweet Sharing is a series of bimonthly informal, topic-centered chats. Each chat will feature a subject matter expert on a chosen topic or two. Unlike our existing moderated monthly chats that last one hour and cover a wide gamut of topics in one sitting, the Sweet Sharing chats will be open for three hours on a given day to engage as many site visitors as possible, with the featured cookier available the entire time to answer questions about the day’s topic and the inevitable off-topic questions that arise! Tina will also be on hand to moderate should the questions start coming fast and furiously! Our hope is that these conversations will be info-packed, yet very fluid and spontaneous – as if we were all sitting in a room with our cookie besties swapping tips and having fun.
More About This Month's Guest
Evelin Milanesi, aka Evelindecora, is a decorator and food blogger living in Milan, Italy. Always passionate about art and decoration, she recently abandoned painting trompe l’oeil to devote herself entirely to the world of sweets decorating, especially cookie decorating with royal icing. Since November 2013, she has been teaching cookie decorating using various techniques: pressure-piping, wet-on-wet, brush embroidery, basketweave, and lace. Her favorite technique, however, is painting on royal icing, creating delicate bouquets and floral decorations, all freehand. In 2014, she was a finalist in both Cake Masters' annual awards program and Cookie Connection's Cookier Choice Awards.
More About Your Moderator
Born, raised, and educated in the United States before making a permanent move to Kastoria, Greece with her husband Dimitrios, Tina DeLuca Tsourtsoulas has always loved crafts and baking of one sort or another. Though she operated a bridal-baptismal store in Greece for more than 20 years, she decorated her first cookie only as recently as Christmas 2012 – and immediately fell in love! Self-taught, Tina attributes her cookie decorating development to blogs, YouTube tutorials, and, most importantly, the openness and support of the many wonderful people in the cookie world. Take a look at Tina’s work on her Facebook page, and explore the transcripts from her previous Sweet Sharing chats here.
Sweet Sharing Chat Rules and Tips
"See" you at the chat!