Hi, everyone! As you may or may not know, last week I hosted a site feedback chat here on Cookie Connection. You can read the full transcript here, and I certainly encourage you to do so.
Chat Goal
My goal in hosting this chat was not only to find better ways to serve you in 2017, but also to convey that I need your help to do so - both with prioritizing activities and jumping in to do some of the "work". As I'm sure most of you know, Cookie Connection is a free service, and every ounce of maintaining this site and creating content for it is done on a volunteer basis. We have advertising revenue, but all of it goes toward paying the site's hosting fees. My schedule has also become increasingly busy over the last couple of years - to the point that I can't take on any more site work myself or manage more than a couple of additional contributors. Plus, my strong feeling is that this community will become even richer than it already is if more people pitch in and have a stronger voice here!
That context aside, let me turn to the chat recap. First, thanks to the members who attended or left questions in advance. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
The first thing you'll note from reviewing the transcript is that the chat was very sparsely attended, which isn't atypical of our chats, unfortunately. This observation was also made within the chat, and led us to focus the chat on the following question: How can we encourage more involvement on the site in areas other than the VERY popular site photo galleries?
We came up with a few goals, to which all participants agreed, and proposed some action items to achieve those goals. You'll find this info summarized directly below. My hope is that we can all reach agreement on these goals and collectively commit to working together as a team to achieve them in 2017. I also hope that this post begins an open dialogue about how I can better manage the time and resource constraints of this site going forward, while growing Cookie Connection into a better site than it is today (see the very last action item).
Goal #1
Encourage more dialogue on photo posts about techniques, recipes, and methods used
Action Item #1: Members to take the lead by explaining their posts in a brief comment underneath. Don't just post and disappear, but give us a little story about the techniques and resources you used, and any lessons learned along the way!
Action Item #2: Members to actively engage in the public asking of questions about photo posts. While asking questions via private message is fine, asking them in public view is generally better, as everyone can benefit from the answer.
Action Item #3: Julia (hey, that's me! ) to push Hoop.la (site software development team) to allow "quick-commenting" on photos from the thumbnail viewing page without having to open photo detail pages. The belief is that this added functionality will make it easier and quicker for members to comment on posts. Note: This feature would cost several hundred dollars to implement if expedited only for Cookie Connection. Unfortunately, I do not have the budget for this work, and so have submitted the proposal to Hoop.la for consideration. If enough of their member-communities (other customers) also express interest in this feature, they may develop the feature for all communities for free. So, for now, I'm in a holding pattern, waiting to see how Hoop.la and their other customers respond to this suggestion.
Goal #2
Foster more real-time spontaneous chatting on the site (i.e., shout-outs for help or advice or other member-driven conversations)
Action #1: Julia to remind members that our 24/7 chat room is always open for spontaneous chats. Done! Also, please know that I would be overjoyed if members staged their own scheduled chats in that area. For instance, if you have a topic you're dying to discuss real-time with others, please feel free to announce the topic and chat time in our forums (and in your social media channels) and then be in the 24/7 chat room at the appointed time to guide the discussion. The 24/7 chat room is not moderated as our live chats are, so just know that questions or comments will appear as soon as they're posted to that area. The transcript of the session also disappears after 24 hours. That being said, you could also schedule a live chat in a forum at any time, as those transcripts are always saved.
Action #2: Members to jump on Action #1 by scheduling a 24/7 or forum-based chat!
Goal #3
Introduce some new content areas, specifically a blog or forum that addresses packaging options and photo skills development. Also, translate the Site FAQ and Terms of Use into other languages to encourage more global membership.
Action Item #1 (Short-term): As I have no budget or time to add new content areas to the site or to translate areas right now, the short-term action here is for members to step forward to volunteer to translate or to start blog series on the suggested topics. Easier yet, just jump into our existing packaging forum or resources forum (for photo skills resources) to get quicker conversations going.
Action Item #2 (Long-term): Julia to evaluate whether a fee-based structure for the site can generate sufficient revenue to allow hiring of an admin assistant and paying of contributors to expand content.
As much as I love the idea of keeping this site free for all and providing the broadest possible access to our resources, I have been toying with the idea of an opt-in membership fee to help subsidize some of the expenses noted above, and to free me from admin duties that currently keep me from developing new content and doing other things I love.
IMPORTANT: While I intend to explore this idea more formally through a site survey in the next month or so, I would appreciate your off-the-cuff thoughts about it below. For instance, would you be open to the idea of paying a small fee to access content here? How much would be too much to pay? Any other thoughts?
And that's a wrap of the high points of the feedback chat. Again, for more details, please check out the chat transcript.
Any questions? Please leave them below. Thank you, everyone, for helping to make 2017 even better than 2016!
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