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Event News and Recaps

Huge Cookie-A-Thon All-Access Pass Giveaway from Julia - Starts 10/1, 12 PM CT!

One of the many amazing aspects of Cookie-A-Thon, organized by the wonderful Nancy Westfall, is that sponsors like me get free All-Access Passes to give away. Remember, Cookie-A-Thon (a four-day spree of online cookie decorating classes from November 2 to November 5) is normally free. However, if you want..

Exciting Course Announcement, Especially for My Japanese-Speaking Friends! わくわくする講座のお知らせ - 特に日本語を話す皆さんのために!

Hi, everyone! As you may know, I’ve been working rather covertly this past year on a special project. I've been dying to talk about it but was sworn to secrecy until it was finished! Well, today I can finally spill the beans, and I am so excited to share my news with you – particularly with my Japanese-speaking friends...

Registration for Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ - Now Open!

How exciting! The cookie competition of the year is here in its brand new, shiny virtual format! Here is where you will find all of the information to help you register for and later submit your entry into the 2021 virtual edition of Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™...

The Big Judge Reveal!

Hmmm . . . who are those mystery judges of my competition, you ask? I’m sorry if I’ve come across as unusually secretive or slow to reveal, but going virtual with Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ has introduced some new twists that have taken some time to sort through. One of those twists came with...
