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Michelle from Sweet Somethings

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Points: 304
Member Rank: #1,526

Profile Information


December 8


United States


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Bitesize Bio

I'm Michelle and I'm a 27 year old single mother of a beautiful 2 year old boy. The first time I decorated cookies was when I was pregnant. I made Christmas tree cookies for my family as a sort of "thank you" for supporting me and my decision to raise a child on my own. I used a very basic royal icing recipe and spread it on the cookies using a butter knife. I was wondering if there was an easier, neater way to decorate cookies so I googled it and stumbled up The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle blog. I was amazed. I wanted to be able to create cookies as beautiful as hers and so I invested in some tools and realized that this was my calling. I love what I do and I owe that to my son, my family, and to all of the talented cookie artists that have inspired me along the way.

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Own/Operate Home-Based Cookie Shop/Bakery

Primary Occupation

Cookie Artist!

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Most Cookies Decorated In One Sitting


Most Time Spent On One Cookie

20 mins

Followers (4)

  • Meme
  • Tina at Sugar Wishes
  • Shel @ Sweet Petite
  • Regina P

Following (1)

  • Regina P