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Henna-Inspired Cookies
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #27

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I planned to enter this challenge long time ago, but somehow I ended up at the last minute. Over the two months period I had few different ideas in mind and all of them required more time to finish, so here it is...something quicker, henna-like design that I always wanted to try  but did not have a chance to do it. At first it looked easy to do it, and soon after I discovered that it was not simple as I thought.  

So this challenge was for me like 2 in 1 .

I always thought that flooding round cookies would not be a problem, but this time it appears that there was a problem. The green one has vary odd round shape, also few others are not good but not quite bad eather. 

For all circles, I did a circle line starting from left (9 o´clock) without making any marks beforehand and I tried to flood closest to the edge as possible. I used colored icing for flooding and white icing for henna design, but ended up airbrushing whole cookies, somehow I like airbrush finish. 

This set is far from being perfect or unique, but I enjoyed working on it.




Images (4)
  • DSC09937
  • DSC09989
  • DSC09983
  • DSC09985
Last edited by Dragana
Tracy Merlau posted:

Someone (here on CC) told me we are always harder on ourselves, there are many of us still striving to achieve YOUR talent!  I think they are beautiful. 

Thank you for you kind words! ❤

This is a really wonderful set of cookies! Your circles are quite clean, especially considering that you basically drew them free-handed! I like these cookies both with the white piping and with the airbrushing, but I think the airbrushing them tone-on-tone is very interesting and lovely.  Well done!  I am very glad you were able to find the time to enter the challenge.  

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