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Black and Gold Roses
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #16

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OMGosh these are outrageously beautiful!  I love this. 

You're right of course, golden leaves would distract from the movement created by the swathes of gold. Substituting the lovely fluid piping for  the gold in the top two cookies is genius.  The set is perfect. 


Cookie Celebration LLC posted:

The more I see these cookies the more I love them.  I have such a hard time working with black but these are gorgeous with the ivory and gold.

Thank you so much Diane, Funnily enough I find, the older the Black royal, the easier it is to work with, So I tend tomake it well in advance

carouselselsel posted:

WOW...these are wonderful, Kat! This is strange...I am making something similar right now, but with silver... If I make it I'll post them tomorrow...

Thanks and Oooo Another combination I adore - Black and silver!  Look forward to seeing them!

Allegra Crea posted:

Bellissimo il contrasto creato dalla polvere dorata, sembra quasi una romantica rappresentazione del cosmo...

I hope this translated well, and I thank you so much for your lovely comment Allegra Crea - "I love the contrast created by the dust of gold, it seems almost a romantic representation of the cosmos ..."  It was exactly what I saw when I dusted the cookies

Bakerloo Station posted:
Kat Rutledge-Ibicci posted:

Made it in time! interesting as I shot so many photos but editing showed that sunlight didn't do what I thought I saw through the phone viewer. How I wish I had a decent camera.. I thought of gilding the leaves, but ran out of time, and actually thought that might overdo it. The Rolkem Sparkle dust was sprinkled in swathes onto the wet black flood. I wanted the dusted look rather than painted. 
Even though I had a lot of roses falling off their stalks lol, I had fun revisiting this technique of piping roses. But I am looking forward to another practice session!
Cheers, Kat

I am so glad you had time to enter this time, Kat!

Me too !

Bakerloo Station posted:

Oooooh, those roses are gorgeous!  I love the dark and edgy feel of this set.  Who says roses have to be pink?!

Thanks Christine! Don't get me wrong, I love pink roses, but when you have black and gold royal on hand, and have cookies flooded.. well, do whatever comes to mind is the rule here

Julia M. Usher posted:

Kat, you know, you have to put your challenge entry in the Practice Bakes Perfect clip set in order for it to get entered. Otherwise, it doesn't. I just happened to catch this clip when I glanced at the site tonight, and put it in that clip set. But, again, if you don't do this yourself in the future, I can't guarantee that I will see it and it will get entered.

Lovely entry, BTW! Glad I spotted it.

Oh Thank you so much Julia. Posting at 2am has it's perils. Glad you spotted it too.

Kat Rutledge-Ibicci posted:

Made it in time! interesting as I shot so many photos but editing showed that sunlight didn't do what I thought I saw through the phone viewer. How I wish I had a decent camera.. I thought of gilding the leaves, but ran out of time, and actually thought that might overdo it. The Rolkem Sparkle dust was sprinkled in swathes onto the wet black flood. I wanted the dusted look rather than painted. 
Even though I had a lot of roses falling off their stalks lol, I had fun revisiting this technique of piping roses. But I am looking forward to another practice session!
Cheers, Kat

I am so glad you had time to enter this time, Kat!

Kat, you know, you have to put your challenge entry in the Practice Bakes Perfect clip set in order for it to get entered. Otherwise, it doesn't. I just happened to catch this clip when I glanced at the site tonight, and put it in that clip set. But, again, if you don't do this yourself in the future, I can't guarantee that I will see it and it will get entered.

Lovely entry, BTW! Glad I spotted it.

Made it in time! interesting as I shot so many photos but editing showed that sunlight didn't do what I thought I saw through the phone viewer. How I wish I had a decent camera.. I thought of gilding the leaves, but ran out of time, and actually thought that might overdo it. The Rolkem Sparkle dust was sprinkled in swathes onto the wet black flood. I wanted the dusted look rather than painted. 
Even though I had a lot of roses falling off their stalks lol, I had fun revisiting this technique of piping roses. But I am looking forward to another practice session!
Cheers, Kat

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