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33 Responses
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What Type(s) of Cookie Stencils, If Any, Do You Want to Buy?

Okay, y'all. I'm doing a little market research about stencils used to decorate cookies. A lot of stencils are already on the market (for sale), so what I'm wondering is: do you have a burning desire for a certain type of stencil (pattern, theme, occasion, size, shape, etc.) that you can't easily find (or find at all) right now?


Please answer the poll below, as well as expand on any thoughts in the comments area below. Many thanks!


Specifically, the question is: What type(s) of cookie stencils, if any, would you like to be able to find more of in stores and/or online? Enter up to three (3) choices.

Background pattern stencils that cover the whole cookie
Background pattern stencils with space left in center for designs/writing
Border/ frame stencils for plaque cutters with space left in center for designs/writing
Border stencils for circles, squares and other standard shapes, with space left in center for designs/writing
Monogram stencils (letter stencils that can easily be arranged to make one larger monogram stencil)
Alphabet stencils (individual letters in various fonts)
Stencils for certain holidays (specify the holidays in the comments)
Stencils for certain occasions (specify the occasions in the comments)
Stencils of certain shapes or sizes (please clarify in the comments)
Other (please specify in the comments)
This survey was originally posted to a topic here.
Posted by Julia M. Usher ·

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