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2018 Milestone _ Samantha

Yes, congratulations to Samantha Yacovetta, aka @Aproned Artist! Samantha's gorgeous and informative cookie tutorials have graced our site for over a year now, earning her the designation of Milestone Award Recipient! Woo hoo!

For those not in the know, Milestone Awards are my small way of thanking longstanding site contributors for their dedication to enriching Cookie Connection through tutorials, articles, and other cookie creations. Since May 2, 2017, Samantha has been writing bimonthly tutorials under the blog moniker Every Little Detail with Aproned Artist, which showcases her signature miniatures and very, very, very finely detailed work. If you're not yet familiar with Samantha's tutorials, I strongly urge you to check them out (here). Not only are her cookie projects uniquely delightful, but her blow-by-blow instructions are crystal-clear, making even her more advanced tutorials approachable to those just starting out. The other great news is that Samantha recently transitioned to a monthly tutorial schedule (for as long as she can keep up this posting pace)! Stay tuned, because I'll be posting her next beauty in just a few days.

In recognition of Samantha's accomplishment, I'll be sending her a custom-engraved crystal vase, very similar to the one above, as well as my sincerest gratitude and undying appreciation!  Please be sure to congratulate Samantha here in the comments below, via PM, or if you happen to cross paths online. I am sure she would love to know how much you appreciate her wonderful work too!

To learn more about Samantha, check out her bio below, and her past Every Little Detail tutorials here.

Samantha Yacovetta is the author of Every Little Detail with Aproned Artist, a bimonthly Cookie Connection blog feature that focuses on the special little details that make big statements in cookie design. Samantha began cookie decorating in 2013. While working at a local bakery, she became captivated by cookie art when a customer requested princess-themed cookies. Attracted initially to the precision of cookie decorating, Samantha soon found that the limitless design opportunities turned it into her artistic passion. Samantha began regularly stocking the bakery case with decorated cookies and for several years sold cookies through her own company, Aproned Artist, a cottage food operation. Having retired from the business life, Samantha now enjoys making cookies just for fun from her home in San Jose, California, USA. To learn more about Samantha, please check out her Cookie Connection portfolio, her Facebook page, and her past Every Little Detail tutorials here. Photo credit: Samantha Yacovetta.


Images (1)
  • 2018 Milestone Award Banner for Aproned Artist: Photo and Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
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When Julia first asked me to become a contributor, I'm embarrassed to say I almost declined. I'm shy - painfully shy - and tutorials involve talking (of a sort) which is definitely not my forte. But I'd been lurking on the site for over a year, taking inspiration and learning from all the photos, blog posts, and questions. It felt wrong not to give some of that back. So, I squashed my fear and agreed. I'm so glad I did because I have truly never met a kinder, more welcoming community of people. 

I really love and appreciate being a part of Cookie Connection. Thank you, Julia, for pushing me out of my comfort zone. Thank you, guys, for your supportive comments. And a big thank you to the larger community for all the inspiration you post on this site.

Aproned Artist posted:

When Julia first asked me to become a contributor, I'm embarrassed to say I almost declined. I'm shy - painfully shy - and tutorials involve talking (of a sort) which is definitely not my forte. But I'd been lurking on the site for over a year, taking inspiration and learning from all the photos, blog posts, and questions. It felt wrong not to give some of that back. So, I squashed my fear and agreed. I'm so glad I did because I have truly never met a kinder, more welcoming community of people. 

I really love and appreciate being a part of Cookie Connection. Thank you, Julia, for pushing me out of my comfort zone. Thank you, guys, for your supportive comments. And a big thank you to the larger community for all the inspiration you post on this site.

Oh, I never knew this back story, but, now that I do, I am even more glad you ventured out of your comfort zone. We are all so lucky to have you sharing so generously with us!

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