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3-D Garden Arbor Cookie
Coming to my YouTube channel tomorrow!

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carouselselsel posted:

OMG!!! This is the prettiest garden!!! So many gorgeous details and those flowers are like real and so beautiful!!! The arch is perfect....everything is perfect! :

Spectacular! Can't wait to watch the video. The pic is great, especially for the light, and you have to look twice to see if it is real. I wonder where that little path leads to... 

Beyond amazing! I showed it to my husband. He was looking at it for a minute and said: Where's the cookie? And I said: This is ALL a cookie. He answered: No, maybe these are cookies, but they are placed on the grass  No, silly, this is @Julia M. Usher and she wouldn't place her cookies on nothing else but cookies grass! ♥♥♥

Cookieland by ZorniZZa posted:

Beyond amazing! I showed it to my husband. He was looking at it for a minute and said: Where's the cookie? And I said: This is ALL a cookie. He answered: No, maybe these are cookies, but they are placed on the grass  No, silly, this is @Julia M. Usher and she wouldn't place her cookies on nothing else but cookies grass! ♥♥♥

LOL - yes, the "grass" is a mixture of dyed cookie crumbs and sanding sugar!

Manu posted:

Spectacular! Can't wait to watch the video. The pic is great, especially for the light, and you have to look twice to see if it is real. I wonder where that little path leads to... 

Thanks, just posted the full-length video to my YouTube channel and will have a link to it here shortly, after I wrap up from Chef Lodge's chat!

Kimberlie posted:

Every time I see this I have to look twice, it's just so beautiful and real looking. You are so talented.

Aww, thanks so much for the very kind words!

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:

This is amazing Julia!!! I  love all the nooks and  crannies in this masterpiece creation   am so looking forward to seeing your tutorial!!!

Thanks so much! Just posted the tutorial to YouTube, and will have a link to it here in an hour or so.

Lulu's Edible Art posted:

Another master piece Julia you did it again !!!!!!!!! I love all the details beautiful well done congrats

Thanks so much!