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Easter Cottage - 1st Attempt House Construction
Roof was inspired by a Gingerbread house that I saw on Pinterest...I'm so sorry to not remember the artist's name

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Making a 3-D cottage turned out to be a little more challenging than I had thought it would be. I "glued" the the front and back to the sides incorrectly so that the roof didn't overhang the house as intended. I also designed the templates for the chimney and those cookie pieces should have been rolled to 1/8th rather than 1/4". Also, the construction on the chimney wasn't done properly so that it is far too chunky looking (exaggerated by the design I chose to decorate on the chimney....ugh). A fun discovery was learning that you can paint isomalt with light corn syrup and gel food coloring for a clear, shiny color. You can see it better on the back of the cottage which I'll show in another uploaded clip. All in all, it was a great experience!! In order to get a large enough round cookie for the base I used a plate to cut out the cookie. Live, decorate and learn....

Last edited by Cookies Fantastique
swissophie posted:

So creative, Carol! Love all the little details...

Sonja, thank you so much for your kind comment!! Your continued encouragement  means a lot to me. Hope all is going well ♡♡♡. Hugs...

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:
swissophie posted:

So creative, Carol! Love all the little details...

Sonja, thank you so much for your kind comment!! Your continued encouragement  means a lot to me. Hope all is going well ♡♡♡. Hugs...

All is going well, dear Carol ! Thank you !

What an adorable cottage Carol. I love all those little details, every time I look at it I see something new.  

It's always enjoyable to read the process behind cookie art. Thanks for taking us through your creative journey.

This is a delight.       Pip

Dolce Flo posted:

Lovely, Carol!! I like very much every details...♥

Thank you so much!! I'm really happy that you like the cottage . It was a lot of fun. Can't wait to work on another one and correct the construction details. Lol ♡♡♡. You are always super sweet  !!

pip posted:

What an adorable cottage Carol. I love all those little details, every time I look at it I see something new.  

It's always enjoyable to read the process behind cookie art. Thanks for taking us through your creative journey.

This is a delight.       Pip

Thank you so much for your kind words.  I loved working on this project and couldn't believe how long it took me to  figure out how to put all the pieces together.  Lol. Construction  adds a  completely new  component to decorating cookies!  I  always so appreciate your thoughtfulness and  kind words.  Am looking forward to starting my next project ♡♡♡

Anne Marie Adams posted:

Carol we are our worst critics I don't see anything wrong with you're sweet and adorable House cookie I admire you so much you're never afraid to try anything


Anne Marie Adams posted:

Carol we are our worst critics I don't see anything wrong with you're sweet and adorable House cookie I admire you so much you're never afraid to try anything

Thank you  Anne Marie!! Oh yes, I am very self-critical. I'm just so happy that you like the cottage. I'm  looking forward to working on another project like this soon  . You are so sweet and kind!!

Lovely and welcome to the world of 3D-Cookies

I can very much relate to your experiences with your first cookie house - sounds exactly like my own first try *lol*

Rolling out some parts thinner than others makes things a lot easier, though. And fitting the pieces before icing them, filing when necessary. And as I have glued the pieces together the wrong way not only once, but twice, I now mark the backsides of the cookies with little arrows to show the right direction

Laegwen posted:

Lovely and welcome to the world of 3D-Cookies

I can very much relate to your experiences with your first cookie house - sounds exactly like my own first try *lol*

Rolling out some parts thinner than others makes things a lot easier, though. And fitting the pieces before icing them, filing when necessary. And as I have glued the pieces together the wrong way not only once, but twice, I now mark the backsides of the cookies with little arrows to show the right direction

Thank you so much for your great ideas and for commenting  Leoni!  Even though I've watched several of Julia 's videos with these same suggestions, I guess it took  trying it on my own before I fully understood the directions.  I am glad to know that I'm not alone in "getting it" about house construction.  Lol. I  enjoyed the experience so much and will do it again  . The thing I did do was to  decorate each piece before assembling. Should have also rolled the roof pieces at 1/8th rather than  1/4". Hadn't thought through the issue of weight either. Construct and learn,  right?? Love hearing about your experiences. Thanks for sharing  ♡♡♡

Manu posted:

What a lovely project Carol! So many details, so much work, and a great outcome!

Thank you so much Manu!!! It's really thoughtful of you to comment  . You're so right about the amount of work and time it took from the design process to the finished cottage!  But it always feels so great to complete a project that you've never tried before. 

I'm  so excited that you are going to be a new contributor on c.c. Your wonderful designs  and detailed explanations are awesome, fun and incredibly helpful. ♡♡

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:
Manu posted:

What a lovely project Carol! So many details, so much work, and a great outcome!

Thank you so much Manu!!! It's really thoughtful of you to comment  . You're so right about the amount of work and time it took from the design process to the finished cottage!  But it always feels so great to complete a project that you've never tried before. 

I'm  so excited that you are going to be a new contributor on c.c. Your wonderful designs  and detailed explanations are awesome, fun and incredibly helpful. ♡♡

Yes, Carol, and practice makes perfect. You will see how easiest will look your next project. 

Thank you, I still can't believe it. 

GingerbreadFairy posted:

Wonderful minuature composition! So beautiful

Thank you so much!!! I'm terribly sorry about the delay in getting back to you...totally missed your sweet comment

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