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Fun with Lace | Manu
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #21 - Lace

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Magadiuz posted:

Sono a bocca aperta! Brava Manu... sei geniale, questo set è unico, straordinario! 

I'm open mouthed! Bravo Manu... you're brilliant, your set is unique, awesome! 

Grazie cara Ina! ❤

Sweet Prodigy posted:

Wow, Manu! This is definitely one of the most creative techniques for lace out there! Absolutely brilliant!!!

Thank you, Christine! I have been thinking so much of you while filling the grids!!! And I am so glad I didn't have to pipe the grids! I appreciate even more your work, if that it is possible!

Manu posted:
Sweet Prodigy posted:

Wow, Manu! This is definitely one of the most creative techniques for lace out there! Absolutely brilliant!!!

Thank you, Christine! I have been thinking so much of you while filling the grids!!! And I am so glad I didn't have to pipe the grids! I appreciate even more your work, if that it is possible!

Thank you for making me smile! 

pip posted:

Impossibly fantastic. Your creativity knows no bounds Manu.  I'm dumfounded.     Pip

Thank you, pip. As I said in the comments the foundations I acquired watching Julia's videos and project helped me to realize what I had in mind saving weeks of trying to figure out how to bake curved cookies. It wasn't anyway so easy, but I wouldn't have got this outcome.

swissophie posted:

You keep outdoing yourself, Manu! What a creative idea... brilliant! And so well done!!!

Thank you, Sonja, I am glad you liked . As I said this was a way to make a sample of each lace. Julia's work and videos inspired me and allowed me to create what I had in mind.

Oh my goodness, Manu!!! These are so perfect and lifelike that at first, I wondered why these were on the Cookie Connection. Then I realized that they were cookies! Outstanding detail and artistry! Just outstanding!

La Shay by Ferda Ozcan posted:

Wow, mind blowing Manu! A very creative set and I always like to read the story behind your creations. You are UNIQUE my friend ❤

Thank you, Ferda! I love cookies and everything about them. I like also to share what inspires me... though sometimes I am a little bit long. I am glad you like to read my stories ❤

Toni posted:

Oh my goodness, Manu!!! These are so perfect and lifelike that at first, I wondered why these were on the Cookie Connection. Then I realized that they were cookies! Outstanding detail and artistry! Just outstanding!

Thank you, Toni, that's a nice compliment! You made me smile

Sweet Kaleo (LeeAnn Slauson) posted:

HOLY MACKEREL!!! OH MY WORD!!! These are SO unique and SO beautifully done!!! I'm completely mesmerized, I can't stop looking at every tiny detail!! STUNNING!!!

Thank you so much, LeeAnn!

valeriejwhite posted:

This is so creative.  The "ribbons" are beautiful.  Thank you for telling us about your grandmothers and mother as the inspiration.

Thank you, Valerie I like to share the whole process of creating a cookie or a cookie set. The idea, the inspiration, the tools... @Bakerloo Station's Challenges are very inspiring and they are always a journey through memories, materials and techniques. I am glad you liked reading about that.

Manu posted:
valeriejwhite posted:

This is so creative.  The "ribbons" are beautiful.  Thank you for telling us about your grandmothers and mother as the inspiration.

Thank you, Valerie I like to share the whole process of creating a cookie or a cookie set. The idea, the inspiration, the tools... @Bakerloo Station's Challenges are very inspiring and they are always a journey through memories, materials and techniques. I am glad you liked reading about that.


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