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Fun with Lace | Manu
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #21 - Lace

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Dear Christine, thank you! Once again this challenge was a journey and so much fun.

•The techniques:

1. Edible sugar lace on cookies

Fun with Lace | Manu
2. Eyelet lace and intricate piping

Fun with Lace | Manu
3. Needlepoint and cross-stich done using the SugarVeil needlepoint mat to make the grid

Fun with Lace | Manu


•The inspiration:
My two grandmothers (one of them 95 and still with us) and my mother have the hobby of sewing. As a kid I remember going to a small shop that sold everything for sewing, knitting, crochet. . . They sold fabrics, garnments, trim, ornaments, beads. . . anything. There was always to wait, which usually is not fun for a kid (me at that time), but the fun was watching all the different material that was shown and sold to the customers in line before us, and to learn how to use it. Being the personal taylor of my Barbie doll, and having the images of the mice sewing Cinderella's gown printed in my mind, I was always very interested and inspired!

I tried to recreate the image of the beautiful caos that I was used to see on the counter of that shop.

Thank you, @Julia M. Usher for your inspiring 3D projects, videos and "windows" on your classes around the world. Without the foundations I got from that material I couldn't have been able to cookie-fy my idea (which was not easy anyway).

Julia's technique of making cylinder cookies
allowed me to make the spools and the curved shaped cookies (ribbons). I used her distressed technique on the edges of some of the spools. I also cut the wafer paper with craft punches to make a different kind of trim borders* and I used the SugarVeil needlepoint on curved cookies, like she does in many of her projects.

*(wafer paper trim borders are out of the request of the challenge though, so please just consider it part of the staging)




Images (4)
  • Fun with Lace | Manu: Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #21-Lace
  • Fun with Lace | Manu: Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #21-Lace
  • Fun with Lace | Manu: Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #21-Lace
  • Fun with Lace | Manu: Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #21-Lace
Last edited by Manu biscotti decorati

WOW, Manu! You know I love everything you do, even the simplest things you make them look so special, but this is UNIQUE!!! This is just brill and a great job! Look at that curve on one of the cookies! LOVE, love, love! And happy Woman's Day!

carouselselsel posted:

WOW, Manu! You know I love everything you do, even the simplest things you make them look so special, but this is UNIQUE!!! This is just brill and a great job! Look at that curve on one of the cookies! LOVE, love, love! And happy Woman's Day!

Thank you so much, dear Zara, for the kind words. So glad you like them. Happy Woman's Day!

What a great idea and so well done! And what an excellent use of the @SugarVeil needlepoint mat! I'm sure Michele will be impressed!

Thanks too for the shout-out! Always glad to see my videos put to use!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Evelindecora posted:

Wow!!! Only you could have this amazing idea, I love every single detail of this set! Gorgeous 

Thank you, Evelin. I made a little "Merceria" (the Italian for the shop that sells this kind of things).

Julia M. Usher posted:

What a great idea and so well done!

Thank you so much, Julia, I really appreciate that. And thank you again for all the knowledge you share for our fruition

Add another Wow! Manu I have been looking at ribbons all week for a sewing project I'm doing right now . I have seen so many that I am starting to dream about them. Now BANG!!  I'm SEEING spools of ribbon  here on cookie connection. I'm not sure if I'm going nuts! Your ribbons are the pretties  I have seen so far. So if I'm not dreaming and I'm Not going nuts, and this is actually reality. What an awesome idea and a fantastic P.B.P.C. 

Last edited by Anne Marie Adams
Marimen posted:

Wowwww.i have to try...I loveeee them.

They are amazing Manu. really beautiful idea

Thank you! I thought it was a good way to show a sample of each lace. But then the work before getting to decorate the lace was quite a bit! I had to learn how to bake curved cookies, how to flood curved cookie... to fill the edible lace grid... a great learning experience like every PBP Challenge!

Anne Marie Adams posted:

Add another Wow! Manu I have been looking at ribbons all week for a sewing project I'm doing right now . I have seen so many that I am starting to dream about them. Now BANG!!  I'm SEEING spools of ribbon  here on cookie connection. I'm not sure if I'm going nuts! Your ribbons are the pretties  I have seen so far. So if I'm not dreaming and I'm Not going nuts, and this is actually reality. What an awesome idea and a fantastic P.B.P.C. 

Thank you, Anne! It is always fun taking part to Christine Challenges. Looking at the picture of what I had in mind posted on the site and reading all the positive comments is really rewarding.

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:

What an awesome idea Manu!!  love each and every one of these. You did such a beautiful job on all these cookies. Always love your work♡♡

Thank you so much, Carol❤

Cookie Me This ~ Heidi posted:

These are amazing!  I just love it when someone thinks outside of the box and comes up with an entirely new idea!  Wonderful!

Thank you, Heidi, that's a nice compliment. 

Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:

Manu, wonderful!!!  Very unique, very different and very beautiful.   I love the one with "Manu" needlepoint.   You nailed this challenge. 

Thank you, Ryoko! Still figuring out the right consistency, and though it is not easy handpiping dots on a curved surface I am very happy for the outcome. The lila color of the lettering "Manu" is the same of the background of the one with the white lettering "cookies". It is funny how the white- lila contrast is so different in both cookies.

Manu posted:
Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:

Manu, wonderful!!!  Very unique, very different and very beautiful.   I love the one with "Manu" needlepoint.   You nailed this challenge. 

Thank you, Ryoko! Still figuring out the right consistency, and though it is not easy handpiping dots on a curved surface I am very happy for the outcome. The lila color of the lettering "Manu" is the same of the background of the one with the white lettering "cookies". It is funny how the white- lila contrast is so different in both cookies.

I really really wish you lived next door, at least in next town so I could see how you make those 3D cookies and how you flood icing and how you design on curved surface.  

Magadiuz posted:

Sono a bocca aperta! Brava Manu... sei geniale, questo set è unico, straordinario! 

I'm open mouthed! Bravo Manu... you're brilliant, your set is unique, awesome! 

Grazie cara Ina! ❤

Sweet Prodigy posted:

Wow, Manu! This is definitely one of the most creative techniques for lace out there! Absolutely brilliant!!!

Thank you, Christine! I have been thinking so much of you while filling the grids!!! And I am so glad I didn't have to pipe the grids! I appreciate even more your work, if that it is possible!

Manu posted:
Sweet Prodigy posted:

Wow, Manu! This is definitely one of the most creative techniques for lace out there! Absolutely brilliant!!!

Thank you, Christine! I have been thinking so much of you while filling the grids!!! And I am so glad I didn't have to pipe the grids! I appreciate even more your work, if that it is possible!

Thank you for making me smile! 

pip posted:

Impossibly fantastic. Your creativity knows no bounds Manu.  I'm dumfounded.     Pip

Thank you, pip. As I said in the comments the foundations I acquired watching Julia's videos and project helped me to realize what I had in mind saving weeks of trying to figure out how to bake curved cookies. It wasn't anyway so easy, but I wouldn't have got this outcome.

swissophie posted:

You keep outdoing yourself, Manu! What a creative idea... brilliant! And so well done!!!

Thank you, Sonja, I am glad you liked . As I said this was a way to make a sample of each lace. Julia's work and videos inspired me and allowed me to create what I had in mind.

Oh my goodness, Manu!!! These are so perfect and lifelike that at first, I wondered why these were on the Cookie Connection. Then I realized that they were cookies! Outstanding detail and artistry! Just outstanding!

La Shay by Ferda Ozcan posted:

Wow, mind blowing Manu! A very creative set and I always like to read the story behind your creations. You are UNIQUE my friend ❤

Thank you, Ferda! I love cookies and everything about them. I like also to share what inspires me... though sometimes I am a little bit long. I am glad you like to read my stories ❤

Toni posted:

Oh my goodness, Manu!!! These are so perfect and lifelike that at first, I wondered why these were on the Cookie Connection. Then I realized that they were cookies! Outstanding detail and artistry! Just outstanding!

Thank you, Toni, that's a nice compliment! You made me smile

Sweet Kaleo (LeeAnn Slauson) posted:

HOLY MACKEREL!!! OH MY WORD!!! These are SO unique and SO beautifully done!!! I'm completely mesmerized, I can't stop looking at every tiny detail!! STUNNING!!!

Thank you so much, LeeAnn!

valeriejwhite posted:

This is so creative.  The "ribbons" are beautiful.  Thank you for telling us about your grandmothers and mother as the inspiration.

Thank you, Valerie I like to share the whole process of creating a cookie or a cookie set. The idea, the inspiration, the tools... @Bakerloo Station's Challenges are very inspiring and they are always a journey through memories, materials and techniques. I am glad you liked reading about that.

Manu posted:
valeriejwhite posted:

This is so creative.  The "ribbons" are beautiful.  Thank you for telling us about your grandmothers and mother as the inspiration.

Thank you, Valerie I like to share the whole process of creating a cookie or a cookie set. The idea, the inspiration, the tools... @Bakerloo Station's Challenges are very inspiring and they are always a journey through memories, materials and techniques. I am glad you liked reading about that.


This is the best cookies i have ever seen. 100% creativeness, so neat, so perfect, so real, it's a Manu's!

And i love your sign on them, i have always loved your letters; your sign, always will want to have my letters done by you.

Really such a nice and creative set!!! ♡♡♡ It inspires me back and forth, from the ground to the sky and the space and onwards. Manu's works are piece of arts, i always get stunned!!!!!

Sil Quiroga *Homemade Cookies by Sil* posted:

This is the best cookies i have ever seen. 100% creativeness, so neat, so perfect, so real, it's a Manu's!

And i love your sign on them, i have always loved your letters; your sign, always will want to have my letters done by you.

Really such a nice and creative set!!! ♡♡♡ It inspires me back and forth, from the ground to the sky and the space and onwards. Manu's works are piece of arts, i always get stunned!!!!!

Thank you so much, Sil, you always have kind words. I am so glad that you've got inspired, that's the best compliment!

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