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2025 has started and for many people it is a rough start but I really wish I can find a little happiness in my daily life.  We had an earthquake recently here south part of Japan but luckily nothing was broken.   I could find time to make cookies and I am pretty sure this year is going to be more peaceful than last couple of years.  Mostly I like the "challenges" and the ribbons by @Delorse are so pretty and the first cookies of this year should be "Ribbons", I decided.

Ribbons:    My ribbon cookie inspired by Delorse looks very flat because I assumed this ribbon fabric is Obi (belt) of Kimono.  The fabric is harder than Kimono itself.  But I should have made a fluffy ribbon cookie so I added a pink ribbon one in rush (I didn't know the closing date is postponed).  That is why there are four cookies.   We have many items and icons to celebrate a new year and to wish good things traditionally.  The other day, we had a holiday to celebrate โ€œComing of Age Dayโ€ and many young people were in Kimono.  Because of these, I made a ribbon for the hair when we are in Kimono.

How I make my hair ribbon cookie for Kimono

  1. Green parts with Shibori (tie-dye) is wet on wet

           Strings are going to be painted gold after they dried completely.


  1. B-1 Red-bean-paste colored icing is flooded (B-1). I am very happy because I could make the color as I wished. After it completely dried (B-2) Gold river is painted, green leaves and waves are made.  B-3 Lines are put to make them ribbons.


  1. C Icing transfers. (C-2) Cranes are the icon of longevity. (C-1) I wanted to express bamboo with cloth.  Bamboos grow straight very fast, this is icon of growth, prosperity and strength.

sakura C

       4.  Assembling:  D-1 are plum flowers and the combination of red and white         means celebration.  


D-2 After I assembled, I realized that I forgot to add a layer of icing to show they are also ribbons.

I was very content to see my ribbon for Kimono but it does not look soft and fluffy....  Delorse's cookies inspired me but is this qualified??  I made another pink cookie.

  1. I flooded a round cookie with white icing and dried till it is hardened.
  2. Flood pink icing based on a left drawing.
  3. Add lines to make it ribbon


         4.  Flood pink icing some part to show fluffiness.

In fact, I made this ribbons  a couple of times (not cookie, real ribbon) but I started confused while I was making this cookie, this bow comes up or below that bowโ€ฆ?  My husband said โ€œyou made ribbon cookiesโ€ so this one also looks like a ribbon, I hope.   Probably I told him I was making ribbon cookies to post, though.

Oh, the mini tatami mat under the cookies was made by me!  I went to experience a making-tatami class and our instructors are real tatami craftsmen.  There was a little boy (probably 8 years old) attending the class by himself and next to me was my husband.  They boy was doing very well and my husband did not want the craftman to touch his tatami so he made his almost by himself with a little advice.  Mine was  made by the kind craftman (to tell you the truth) who maybe thought I was going to stich my finger with a big needle! 


Images (6)
  • R1
  • R2
  • R4
  • sakura
  • C
  • pinkribbon
Last edited by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.

Your Delorse-style bows are terrific, but that kimono band knocked the challenge out of the park! Wonderful! (Sorry about the surprise challenge deadline change; I decided to make the change last night because we have had many more people buy the video than entrants - and I wanted to give possible entrants more time to create. Also, one of the biggest rewards for me and those who work so hard to pull these challenges together, i.e., Manu and Delorse, is to see what people make as a result of watching the videos. So we thank you for your entry.)

Wow! Simply wow dear Ryoko!! I love your cookies. Espectually the japanese cookie. It's sooo amazing. The cookies go together wonderfully. ((Oh I hope I expressed it correctly in English?))

Congrats dear Ryoko for this fantastic work! โค๏ธ   @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.

Thank you Gabi @Icingsugarkeks

I love to see the cookies that are traditionally and culturally oriented and created cookies!  They are very unique.  โค๏ธ

Fascinating, Ryoko!  Thank you for the mini cookie tutorial. I felt like I have been travelling in Japan and learned not only how to decorate cookies but also learned more about your culture and traditions.
Thanks so much for participating! As @Julia M. Usher just mentioned, every entry is for us and the challenge guest ( @Delorse ) the biggest reward!

Hi @Manu biscotti decorati


Recently I have recived some rolling pins and other goodies and after that I have a long list of the cookies and some cake that include tiramisu, I want to make.  Before that, I saw CCC, the ribbons by @Delorse.  They are so cute and that's my favorite "challenge", "what am I waiting for?" so Here I am. 

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