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Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #41

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Timea, I knew you were going to mesmerize me with your entry.  These are far beyond what I could think of.  You are amazing.  Stunning. 
Did you also make the scissors???  My goodness.  

Thank you sooo much for your lovely comment, dear @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.! 

Your are correct, entries do not have to be three-dimensional. Your flowers are stunning. And this is such a creative way to display them. Thank you for your detailed tutorial. It not only shows us how you created your masterpiece, but it also shows how much detail went into creating it. And those scissors look amazing, but adding that they are movable - now that's impressive.

I am glad you like it, dear Christine @Sweet Prodigy! Thank you sooo much the lovely words! 

Amaking, Timea! I don’t think I’ve ever seen wafer paper used as beautifully.

You are so kind, Samantha @Aproned Artist! Thank you very much for the lovely words! I used wafer paper at first. That's why I'm really happy for your feedback. 

Oh WOW Timea @PUDING FARM!! This is amazing work. I absolutely love the feel of old and rustic paper, not to mention the rusted scissors . Totally realistic work!! Unbelievable detail my dear. The corn silk adds the perfect touch for roots and your drawings are spot on perfection!! As always, your work is amazing and so incredibly unique. Love this ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Oh WOW Timea @PUDING FARM!! This is amazing work. I absolutely love the feel of old and rustic paper, not to mention the rusted scissors . Totally realistic work!! Unbelievable detail my dear. The corn silk adds the perfect touch for roots and your drawings are spot on perfection!! As always, your work is amazing and so incredibly unique. Love this ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Thank you very much for your lovely comment, dear Carol @Cookies Fantastique! You are always so kind! Have a nice day! 

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