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Love Is Just a Bubble
Watch-Learn-Create Challenge #55

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Asking to be kind with me,becouse this is really not my style & I said have to try something oposite to me so my first try with modern touch of big bubble.Lets say love is blind or after years just the "bubble bursts" or it looks like a love but it isn't....

My big assistant here was my small metal cutting DIY maschineIMG_7278.JPGβλαψκκIMG_7277.JPG1

But also I piped lace and eyelet lace,I tried hard chichi20240109_17205720240109_17345320240109_17274820240109_175429

Sorry for my pessimistic view of things in my post,becouse mentioned cookie looks so romantic!!


Images (6)
  • IMG_7278.JPGβλαψκκ
  • IMG_7277.JPG1
  • 20240109_172057
  • 20240109_173453
  • 20240109_172748
  • 20240109_175429
Last edited by Petra Florean

It's lovely. Don't be so hard on yourself! I'm impressed that you're so adventurous with so many different media! I'm tagging @Manu biscotti decorati and @Inspirations by Carmen Urbano so they're sure to see your two latest challenge entries! Well done!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

It's lovely. Don't be so hard on yourself! I'm impressed that you're so adventurous with so many different media! I'm tagging @Manu biscotti decorati and @Inspirations by Carmen Urbano so they're sure to see your two latest challenge entries! Well done!

Thank you very much, I'm so touched

Thanks @Julia M. Usher

Your work is amazing, but what’s outstanding is your attitude in stretching out your capacities. Congratulations, dear Petra!👏👏♥️

Thank you so much dear Heather @Heather Bruce Sosa for recognizing that,I really worked opposite of my "regular habits "but I wanted at least try

Last edited by Petra Florean

That’s why I like so much to read the comments to each entry. They help to understand what there is behind each creation and appreciate it even more. Thank you Petra for your entries and for your comments.

That’s why I like so much to read the comments to each entry. They help to understand what there is behind each creation and appreciate it even more. Thank you Petra for your entries and for your comments.

Thank you dear Manu @Manu biscotti decorati!

Congrats for your great effort! I still can not achieve gelatin bubbles lol so you need to teach me 😉

I also congratulate you for being so brave to get out of your comfort zone and create this pretty cookie. Thank you for entering in this challenge!

Congrats for your great effort! I still can not achieve gelatin bubbles lol so you need to teach me 😉

I also congratulate you for being so brave to get out of your comfort zone and create this pretty cookie. Thank you for entering in this challenge!

Thanks a lot for such a nice comment dear Carmen @Inspirations by Carmen Urbano

So unique dear Petra @Petra Florean!! I love the creative border additions. No need to request kindness, my dear, dear friend!! It's really wonderful when you try making new cookies with techniques that you're not familiar with. But, you always amaze me with how well you do and how eager you are to learn something new!! It's truly something I greatly admire about you, sweet Petra ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

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