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Potatoes, Tomatoes, and Peppers
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #41

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WOW!! Dear Shea, your entry is fantastic!!! I totally like the 3 types of flowers with the corresponding leaves and fruits !! A great idea to design the flowers of vegetable plants !! Very unique and a wonderful job! I love the colors too! ❤️😘 @Shea

Thank you so much, as always!  I had so much fun, learned a lot!  

@Kanch J posted:

So creative and wonderful! love all of the tiny details. 🍅🥔🌶🌸❤

Thanks so much.  I had to fight with the humidity, but learned along the way to take my time and let the shapes dry a little between steps.  It's so much fun to learn new things, eh?

Your flowers are beautifully done and very realistic looking. All of those tutorials and your hard work definitely paid off. Vegetables do come from flowers, of course, and this is such a brilliant idea for an arrangement. Those potatoes really caught my eye (bad pun). How did you make them look so real?

Your flowers are beautifully done and very realistic looking. All of those tutorials and your hard work definitely paid off. Vegetables do come from flowers, of course, and this is such a brilliant idea for an arrangement. Those potatoes really caught my eye (bad pun). How did you make them look so real?

HA! I'm always up for a good pun.  Thanks for the encouragement, and the wonderful challenge.  Coming up with a good potato color was more challenging than one would think.  My husband is a fine artist, so he helped me see how much yellow is in an actual potato skin.  Finally got that color with combination of chestnut brown, yellow and a little green food coloring.  The chestnut brown food coloring had enough red in it, that I didn't have to add extra.   Colored the white modeling chocolate and formed the taters.  Made rough oval, then poked them with my finger to get different shapes.  I took a stylus, dipped in powdered dark brown food coloring and poked little random divets in the surface.  Some of them I smeared with a small paint brush for a little more realism.  I was happy with result!  Thanks again, can't wait for the next challenge! 

@Shea posted:

HA! I'm always up for a good pun.  Thanks for the encouragement, and the wonderful challenge.  Coming up with a good potato color was more challenging than one would think.  My husband is a fine artist, so he helped me see how much yellow is in an actual potato skin.  Finally got that color with combination of chestnut brown, yellow and a little green food coloring.  The chestnut brown food coloring had enough red in it, that I didn't have to add extra.   Colored the white modeling chocolate and formed the taters.  Made rough oval, then poked them with my finger to get different shapes.  I took a stylus, dipped in powdered dark brown food coloring and poked little random divets in the surface.  Some of them I smeared with a small paint brush for a little more realism.  I was happy with result!  Thanks again, can't wait for the next challenge! 

Me either! That's definitely a lot of work put into making the potatoes look so real. Very impressive. Thank you for explaining the process.

Wow! Fabulous work @Shea!! I just love the flowers combined with vegetables. What a great creative! Your flowers are gorgeous . I loved reading about your journey to making this beautiful entry for the challenge. I can certainly identify with the countless hours spent watching YouTube videos and researching online to help put your idea into this finished work of art!!

I had never heard of flowers on okra plants. What a wonderful discovery but how sad that the blossoms lasted for only a day . Rats!!! Your flowers are so beautifully made and decorated my dear. This is amazing work ❤️❤️❤️

Wow! Fabulous work @Shea!! I just love the flowers combined with vegetables. What a great creative! Your flowers are gorgeous . I loved reading about your journey to making this beautiful entry for the challenge. I can certainly identify with the countless hours spent watching YouTube videos and researching online to help put your idea into this finished work of art!!

I had never heard of flowers on okra plants. What a wonderful discovery but how sad that the blossoms lasted for only a day . Rats!!! Your flowers are so beautifully made and decorated my dear. This is amazing work ❤️❤️❤️

How kind you are always, Carol @Cookies Fantastique!  Loads of fun, and looking forward to another challenge.  Always grateful for your encouragement!!  ❤️ 

What a great composition! Beautiful detailed flowers. I love how you have paired them with the vegetable miniatures.

Thanks so much Manu, great to hear from you!  I really enjoyed your recent tutorial (and all of them!)  Hope you are well.  

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