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Here is my " big project". ๐Ÿ˜„ First off, when I started this I thought I got this. I have seen @juliamusher do this enough, I can handle it. To be honest I did have a tough time doing the actual structure part of the cookie. I use hanielas sugar cookie recipe on a normal basis without any problem but I think I need Julia's recipe for this one. I did not get any progress pictures even though I promised myself I would! So I used 2 different size soup cans to bake the "cake" part. I did it twice and neither time I could get a nice even circle to put together. Hence there is a nasty seam right down the middle of the top tier. Its a little more off to the side on the bottom tier. I dipped them and dried them, decorated the 2 tiers separately and then glued them together and put on the tiny green accent flowers. My first time for toothpick roses too! I just got a Wilton 101s tip for this. I really like it despite my mistakes and really want to try this out on a real cake. Also every cookie piece individually is at the minimum requirements for the challenge.

Bakerloo Station posted:

I think this is spectacular! You are a bit too hard on yourself about the seams - had you not mentioned them, I would hardly have noticed. Julia does make all of these 3-D creations look so easy, doesn't she?! Your Lambeth piping and string work are really lovely, and the pops of green are fun. Great job!

Thank you so much!  I really want to do more 3d things. It was a blast. And Ilove this overpiping thing!

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