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Mom's Dress, Repurposed - My First Ever Decorated Cookie

Mom's Dress, Repurposed - My First Ever Decorated Cookie
Practice Bakes Perfect - Inspiration Challenge #1

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Hi Dana, Seriously you have talent. This is a beautiful, well thought out and crafted edible piece of art. It shows the 70's, the love of mother/baby, colours, technique... However and however long you have been studying my lady has paid off - Your first decorated cookie is beautiful. Thank you for sharing and entering.

Also thank you for being so encouraging with my uploaded clips since I started posting here a short while ago. Always good to see your icon. ♥ Kat

Originally Posted by Kat Rutledge - Ibicci:

Hi Dana, Seriously you have talent. This is a beautiful, well thought out and crafted edible piece of art. It shows the 70's, the love of mother/baby, colours, technique... However and however long you have been studying my lady has paid off - Your first decorated cookie is beautiful. Thank you for sharing and entering.

Also thank you for being so encouraging with my uploaded clips since I started posting here a short while ago. Always good to see your icon. ♥ Kat

Hi Kat! Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging comment! It means, so much to me! I have enjoyed seeing your beautiful cookies, as well! Now that I have made my first cookie, I appreciate everyone's cookie art, even more!!! It has been a pleasure seeing your cookies in this challenge, as well as everyone else's! 

Last edited by Dana ~ Dana's Daydreaming Cookies

I'm not sure if I'm in shock or in awe. I've seen you reply to tons of cookies on here and just assumed you were "an old pro". You've really raised the bar on "first cookies". If I were there with you, I'd give you a HUGE HUG and tell you how proud I am. WOW, this is really amazing!!! One of these days I'll figure out how to post pictures on here and put up a few of mine. But they are nothing like yours. You really did a fantastic job!!!

Originally Posted by LeeAnn Slauson:

I'm not sure if I'm in shock or in awe. I've seen you reply to tons of cookies on here and just assumed you were "an old pro". You've really raised the bar on "first cookies". If I were there with you, I'd give you a HUGE HUG and tell you how proud I am. WOW, this is really amazing!!! One of these days I'll figure out how to post pictures on here and put up a few of mine. But they are nothing like yours. You really did a fantastic job!!!

Hi LeeAnn! Thank you so much, for your kind and encouraging comments! I was smiling as I read them! Yes I have commented on lots of cookies, even though I barely know how to hold a piping bag, I still know beautiful cookie art, when I see it and love studying every detail! I always look forward to my visit to Cookie Connection! I'm always amazed at everyone's talent and beautiful cookies! I wanted to challenge myself with this cookie project, and that, I did! I worked on it for 3 days! I would love to see your cookie creations!!


Last edited by Dana ~ Dana's Daydreaming Cookies
Originally Posted by ClassicCookies by Parr:

Oh my....I don't even want to show you my first cookies. I got a lot of compliments but mine are so simple next to this as a "first cookie". Geesh! I will be watching you girl !

Thank you so much Jinnee! I always look forward to seeing your cookies! Your comment means a lot!

Originally Posted by Eileen McGinley_Manchester Ovens:

Wowsers! This is gorgeous! Congrats on the saturday spotlight!

Welcome to the addiction

Thank you so much Eileen! I appreciate your kind comments!

Last edited by Dana ~ Dana's Daydreaming Cookies
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