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Quilled Peacock
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #33

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The whole peacock is one big transfer, and I messed up placing it on the cookie (off center). But am happy it didn't break! The outer feathers I reinforced with some white icing after the first round, and that helped.



Images (1)
  • Quilled Peacock side view
pip posted:

You made it a transfer!?😳  O my gosh Sonja, you did it again. Simply elegant.       Pip

BTW, how big is the cookie?

Even with a Pico I wouldn't have been able to get this design onto a cookie. It's way to complex, and I'm kind of a perfectionist , so the only way was to make it a transfer.

Since there is extra strength in the stacked lines, I was not worried too much about the interior where the lines touch each other. And the outside feathers, as mentioned above, I just reinforced with white icing. Still had to take extra care when transferring it onto the cookie, as I felt the peacock was with 20cm diameter too large to be held with fingers. I first got it loose with a thin, but quite sturdy piece of plastic and then with that pulled it onto a thin glass from a picture frame (had to be something transparent), then onto the cookie.

Thanks so much for your kind words, @pip ❤️❤️❤️!!!

Last edited by iSugarfy (aka swissophie)

AMAZING dear Sonja @iSugarfy (aka swissophie)!!! What precision work and gorgeous colors on the peacock. Once again your design makes me say "WOW" ❤️ ❤️

I'm trying to imagine handling the whole peacock about being nervous!!! You always inspire me, my friend

Sweet Prodigy posted:

You need to put this cookie on top of a cake so that you can charge $500 for it!  The detail work is incredible!!! 

Yeah, thought without the cookie it could be a cake topper, but I don't sell, just enjoy the process . Thanks so very much, Christine @Sweet Prodigy ❤️❤️❤️!