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South African Set
*** Ignore the bit of gold around each cookie please! I edited the background to grey and it left a bit of gold from my cookie sheet around each cookie...just noticed it now! I can see that it looks like I left too much naked cookie around the edges!

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I'm totally blown away by your creativity and work here dear @lulubakes!! Such vibrant  and colorful details on each cookie. There are just so many of these cookies that show the amount of time you must have devoted to the set!! It's simply incredible work my dear friend โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ Hugs...

Thank you so very much dear Carol!  Your words are so lovely and much appreciated.  I spent about 8 hours on them the day AFTER flooding lol.  The woman who received them loved them so much!  I loved doing them too, such a fun theme!    Laura xx

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