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Teresa Pękul posted:

Mi podobają się Twoje prace , a maleńkich błędów nie zauważam 

Thank you. I think I'm looking too closely at it to see all of the mistakes.

Dziękuję Ci. Myślę, że patrząc na to zbyt blisko, aby zobaczyć wszystkie błędy. (Did I get it right?)

Last edited by Sweet Prodigy
Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:

These are fabulous Christine!!! I just love the design and the colors are gorgeous . You do such an incredible job...Hugs ♥♥

Thank you!! I thought the colour would be good reminder that spring is coming. 

Sweet Prodigy posted:
Anne Marie Adams posted:

Oh sweet Prodigy you're being too hard on yourself they look perfectly great to me maybe you did one too many lines close your eyes for 1 minute then open them and the lines will go back in place it works for me 

Ha! I have a better idea: eat all of the "mistakes." 

I'm with  you Christine!!!

Kay's Sweet Cookie posted:

Boy, I sure don't see any mistakes here! These are incredible.  I'd love to try this on a set.

Thank you, but I still ate some anyway . I like these cookies because they are relatively quick and easy but look impressive. 

Sweet Prodigy posted:
Anne Marie Adams posted:

Oh sweet Prodigy you're being too hard on yourself they look perfectly great to me maybe you did one too many lines close your eyes for 1 minute then open them and the lines will go back in place it works for me 

Ha! I have a better idea: eat all of the "mistakes." 

(A.M.A.) I thought I was the only one doing that it's nice to know I have company

Last edited by Anne Marie Adams
Teri Pringle Wood posted:

Well, they make my brain tired just thinking about doing them.. you are so great at this. I  bow to you!

Thank you, Teri. I made these mainly for practice...and to eat.

Anne Marie Adams posted:

Oh sweet Prodigy you're being too hard on yourself they look perfectly great to me maybe you did one too many lines close your eyes for 1 minute then open them and the lines will go back in place it works for me 

Ha! I have a better idea: eat all of the "mistakes." 

Oh sweet Prodigy you're being too hard on yourself they look perfectly great to me maybe you did one too many lines close your eyes for 1 minute then open them and the lines will go back in place it works for me 

Last edited by Anne Marie Adams

I don't make a lot of cookies for consumption (i.e. with expensive vanilla flavoring) but I felt like some cookies so I decided to make these star cookies for myself. One thing about cross-piping (my name for this technique) is that I've found that if I want the lines to meet in the center, then I can only use certain size cookies. (I was a bit sloppy with these cookies, which is why not all of them have lines that meet in the center.) I tend to pipe my lines approximately 2mm apart, and it seems that this pattern only works with every other size in my Wilton star cutter set. I also found that the same thing is true with my square cutter set.

Last edited by Sweet Prodigy
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