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Walking into Autumn, cookie memory game by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #18

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Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:

*This comment should be the second comment and the second one should be the first one.  Let's pretend this is the second comment.  

There are over 120 messages come and go between @Manu biscotti decorati and me, from August 12th to September 12th.

It took a whole month for us to finish our project.  

This was NOT something like, "I have this idea, I do this part and you do that part".  We brainstormed, changed some, dropped a part, rethought again, went back to the meaning of “collaboration” and “complete me”, shared techniques, experiences and references, talked about colors, cultures, understanding the differences and found something new and interesting.  We took many photos, and sent sketches to explain fully, understood well each other and confirmed details. 

This was NOT something "we started with what we could do".  Both of us challenged something new and other’s design.  I really wished I lived next door to @Manu biscotti decorati so I could see how she made and created things (and I could have some pasta). 

I have learned the cultural differences in EU that @Manu biscotti decorati told me, how to make figs and grapes @Manu biscotti decorati taught me, @Manu biscotti decorati’s dynamic style to express things on cookies and as usual @Manu biscotti decorati is very capable of organizing things and her well-written explanation is splendid.  I am really lucky I could work with @Manu biscotti decorati.

It took so long for me to finish this project with @Manu biscotti decorati.  After this, I feel like it is just a piece of cake (wooops, cookie) for me to decorate other cookies. 

  • the color of pumpkins is dark green and squirrels have stripes in Japan
  • Thanks to this challenge, I am getting better at decorating cookies and I reacknowledged that decorating cookies was unlimited and that it is a universal language to bond people.

I absolutely love your explanation, Ryoko, of your collaboration with @Manu biscotti decorati. It's such a beautiful joint effort and the results are exceptional beyond words .

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:

Awesome work by both you and Manu!!! I just love the idea and the execution is absolutely beautiful!!! Wonderful work

Thank you, Carol.  We had very hot summer this year, I need autumn and some rest. 

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:
Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:

*This comment should be the second comment and the second one should be the first one.  Let's pretend this is the second comment.  

There are over 120 messages come and go between @Manu biscotti decorati and me, from August 12th to September 12th.

It took a whole month for us to finish our project.  

This was NOT something like, "I have this idea, I do this part and you do that part".  We brainstormed, changed some, dropped a part, rethought again, went back to the meaning of “collaboration” and “complete me”, shared techniques, experiences and references, talked about colors, cultures, understanding the differences and found something new and interesting.  We took many photos, and sent sketches to explain fully, understood well each other and confirmed details. 

This was NOT something "we started with what we could do".  Both of us challenged something new and other’s design.  I really wished I lived next door to @Manu biscotti decorati so I could see how she made and created things (and I could have some pasta). 

I have learned the cultural differences in EU that @Manu biscotti decorati told me, how to make figs and grapes @Manu biscotti decorati taught me, @Manu biscotti decorati’s dynamic style to express things on cookies and as usual @Manu biscotti decorati is very capable of organizing things and her well-written explanation is splendid.  I am really lucky I could work with @Manu biscotti decorati.

It took so long for me to finish this project with @Manu biscotti decorati.  After this, I feel like it is just a piece of cake (wooops, cookie) for me to decorate other cookies. 

  • the color of pumpkins is dark green and squirrels have stripes in Japan
  • Thanks to this challenge, I am getting better at decorating cookies and I reacknowledged that decorating cookies was unlimited and that it is a universal language to bond people.

I absolutely love your explanation, Ryoko, of your collaboration with @Manu biscotti decorati. It's such a beautiful joint effort and the results are exceptional beyond words .

Thank you, Carol.  I am really honored.  I am bowing in front of my PC (like a Japanese, well I am a Japanese)

swissophie posted:
Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:
swissophie posted:

Fantastic! Such a great idea and the execution absolutely stunning!

Thank you so much.  I want to do your knitting RI which Manu and I did not try this time.

I'm looking so much forward to seeing some "knitted" cookies by Ryoko and Manu ! You two are fountains of creativity and are so skilled. I know they will be spectacular !

Oh yes, we should have a tour to Switzerland to learn how to knit from you first!!!   Gee, most of you are so far away from me.  

Sweet Prodigy posted:

Wow! It's amazing the amount of work you both put into this set! Your cookies are incredible!

Thank you.  To tell you the truth, we tried to do needlepoint but that makes me headache then we gave up.  

I love everything about this concept - the memory game theme - pure genius!  As I said to Manu, Each and every cookie is its own little work of art, but all combined, they are pure magic!  I am so glad you two got to do ANOTHER collab!  Keep them coming!

Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:

The project: A cookie card game

@Manu biscotti decorati and Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. made a "cookie card game" thinking about the card game known as "Memory" or "Concentration" or "Pairs".
The object of the game is to match cards in order to make a pair. The player who makes more pairs wins.
The initial idea was to make cookies (cards) that made pairs for the techniques used to decorate cookies such as piped roses, handpainting, wet-on-wet, royal icing transfers, dimensional royal icing design, weaving, etc.

The collaboration:
@Manu biscotti decorati told Ryoko-Cookie Ave. about the card game.
• Ryoko thought the theme of the cookies/cards could have been Fall, as the challenge closes in Fall and sent @Manu biscotti decorati a sketch of some cookies decorated following the idea of Fall and the idea of matching decoration techniques (that's why the lady has piped roses in her hair)
• Ryoko thought about representing a lady who "walks into Autumn", who puts her shawl on and a couple of Fall scenes.
@Manu biscotti decorati then thought about the same lady who decorates her house for Fall (door and the window) and another couple of Fall scenes set in her yard, and sent Ryoko some sketches of the cookies as well.
•We decided to pick three sketches made by each cookier, so that each one of us designed half of the project, and to make 6 cookies each based on both designs, so that we had a consistent number of cards/cookies "to play the game".
•We thought it would have been interesting and challenging to see how the same design would have been transformed into cookies by each of the two cookiers to make a pair, but still we shared tips and step by step techniques, during all these weeks.

Sketches, ideas, techniques, tips and tricks, doubts and support, pics of work in progress bounced back and forth between Italy and Japan.
We made it! ... despite the 8 hours that separate us, which is a lot!!! (We have never been on line at the same time except on the day we posted the entries!)... and we can say it has been fun!

The entry of each of the two cookiers:
Per rule of the challenge each cookier had to post a pic only of the cookies she personally made.

The following pic explain the project:

In the pictures above there are the 6 cookies/cards we made, 3 are based on my design and 3 are based on @Manu biscotti decorati's design. 6 cards are faced down: "virtual cards". These last represent the cookies made by @Manu biscotti decorati/or me, to be flipped up during the "memory game". On the back of these virtual cards there are the watermarks of both cookiers to mime real cards and to reinforce the idea of the collaboration.

The theme of the challenge "You complete me":
 @Manu biscotti decorati and Ryoko~Cookie Ave. baked and decorated the same set of 6 cookies, that together make 6 pairs. Each of the cookiers designed half of the project.
The theme of the challenge is fulfilled because each of the cookies of Ryoko matches each of the cookies of @Manu biscotti decorati, each of the cookies of @Manu biscotti decorati "completes" a pair with each of the cookies of Ryoko.
In the picture below, all the cards are faced up, all pairs have been made.

image5*Written by @Manu biscotti decorati,  thank you Manu.

I love everything about this collaboration.  This is so well-conceived and executed.  I also like how you presented the final work as a collage that actually looks like a real memory game!  I am looking forward to many fruitful collaborations from you two in the future!  

Bakerloo Station posted:
Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:

The project: A cookie card game

@Manu biscotti decorati and Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. made a "cookie card game" thinking about the card game known as "Memory" or "Concentration" or "Pairs".
The object of the game is to match cards in order to make a pair. The player who makes more pairs wins.
The initial idea was to make cookies (cards) that made pairs for the techniques used to decorate cookies such as piped roses, handpainting, wet-on-wet, royal icing transfers, dimensional royal icing design, weaving, etc.

The collaboration:
@Manu biscotti decorati told Ryoko-Cookie Ave. about the card game.
• Ryoko thought the theme of the cookies/cards could have been Fall, as the challenge closes in Fall and sent @Manu biscotti decorati a sketch of some cookies decorated following the idea of Fall and the idea of matching decoration techniques (that's why the lady has piped roses in her hair)
• Ryoko thought about representing a lady who "walks into Autumn", who puts her shawl on and a couple of Fall scenes.
@Manu biscotti decorati then thought about the same lady who decorates her house for Fall (door and the window) and another couple of Fall scenes set in her yard, and sent Ryoko some sketches of the cookies as well.
•We decided to pick three sketches made by each cookier, so that each one of us designed half of the project, and to make 6 cookies each based on both designs, so that we had a consistent number of cards/cookies "to play the game".
•We thought it would have been interesting and challenging to see how the same design would have been transformed into cookies by each of the two cookiers to make a pair, but still we shared tips and step by step techniques, during all these weeks.

Sketches, ideas, techniques, tips and tricks, doubts and support, pics of work in progress bounced back and forth between Italy and Japan.
We made it! ... despite the 8 hours that separate us, which is a lot!!! (We have never been on line at the same time except on the day we posted the entries!)... and we can say it has been fun!

The entry of each of the two cookiers:
Per rule of the challenge each cookier had to post a pic only of the cookies she personally made.

The following pic explain the project:

In the pictures above there are the 6 cookies/cards we made, 3 are based on my design and 3 are based on @Manu biscotti decorati's design. 6 cards are faced down: "virtual cards". These last represent the cookies made by @Manu biscotti decorati/or me, to be flipped up during the "memory game". On the back of these virtual cards there are the watermarks of both cookiers to mime real cards and to reinforce the idea of the collaboration.

The theme of the challenge "You complete me":
 @Manu biscotti decorati and Ryoko~Cookie Ave. baked and decorated the same set of 6 cookies, that together make 6 pairs. Each of the cookiers designed half of the project.
The theme of the challenge is fulfilled because each of the cookies of Ryoko matches each of the cookies of @Manu biscotti decorati, each of the cookies of @Manu biscotti decorati "completes" a pair with each of the cookies of Ryoko.
In the picture below, all the cards are faced up, all pairs have been made.

image5*Written by @Manu biscotti decorati,  thank you Manu.

I love everything about this collaboration.  This is so well-conceived and executed.  I also like how you presented the final work as a collage that actually looks like a real memory game!  I am looking forward to many fruitful collaborations from you two in the future!  

Lots of hard work have been done by Manu.  The most interesting part for me was we exchanged message through iMessage to post at the same time.   I was too excited to post and I mixed up the first and the second comment here even we talked a couple of times about the procedure how to post. 

Bakerloo Station posted:

I love everything about this concept - the memory game theme - pure genius!  As I said to Manu, Each and every cookie is its own little work of art, but all combined, they are pure magic!  I am so glad you two got to do ANOTHER collab!  Keep them coming!

I gave Manu my design and she gave hers to me.  After we looked at whole we changed some parts of our design, techniques and colors.  Manu drew her sketches based on my design and I did hers and we learned each other what we wanted to add or delete. 

Manu decorated her designed cookies first and I did mine, we told each other the procedure and tips to help other to decorate cookies on partner's design.  

This project was fun but consumed a lot of time.  Manu and I are really proud of ourselves, we have done this project together. 

Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:
Sweet Prodigy posted:

Wow! It's amazing the amount of work you both put into this set! Your cookies are incredible!

Thank you.  To tell you the truth, we tried to do needlepoint but that makes me headache then we gave up.  

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