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Wedding Dresses
Watch-Learn-Create Challenge #55

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My 3 unusual half wedding dresses are decorated as followedIMG_7153IMG_7143

all are gingerbread cookies but first  is flooded with royal icing it is decorated with sugarveil lace snowflakes ,sugar pearls and sugarpaste border from mold and brushed a bit with gold colour,on the top is isomalt flowerIMG_7144.JPG1IMG_7141

2nd dress is stenciled with royal icing and between brushed with very thin sparse layer almost transparent royal icing,down on the dress molded sugarpaste ornament,like a garland on the left gold button and 2 baroque ornaments from modeled royal icing andsome pearls,on 1 photo I added also waferpeper flower with a  light pink pearl in the middleIMG_7164IMG_7138IMG_7171IMG_7169

If you ask me which one is my favorite,definitely I say the 3rd one,sugarveil lace cutted just those flower and glued on lower part of the dress,gingerbread cookie flower brushed magenda pink and a bit white,mosaic from sugarpaste pressed in embroidery folder and after get hard just brushed with pink,after that smaller pieces breaked and glued on the dress with royal icing.on the right piped a train and decorated with a few perls!


Images (8)
  • IMG_7153
  • IMG_7143
  • IMG_7144.JPG1
  • IMG_7141
  • IMG_7164
  • IMG_7138
  • IMG_7171
  • IMG_7169

You are quite the master of mixed media yourself, so I was really looking forward to your entry! I don't think there's a medium you didn't use - well done!

So beautiful dear Petra @Petra Florean!! You've gone all out in creating these beautiful cookies. So many different techniques that blend together perfectly!! Awesome work my dear ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

You are quite the master of mixed media yourself, so I was really looking forward to your entry! I don't think there's a medium you didn't use - well done!

Thank you dear Julia @Julia M. Usher but I was not enough satisfied actually exactly with what I used but I didn't wanted to make it too much of everything so I will try another 1new entry with different theme and hope use even more

So beautiful dear Petra @Petra Florean!! You've gone all out in creating these beautiful cookies. So many different techniques that blend together perfectly!! Awesome work my dear ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Many many thanks Carol @Cookies Fantastique for such nice words!Hugs

These wedding dress cookies are so pretty, Petra! I can’t pick my favorite, I like each one of them! Thanks for participating and for the detailed comment.

Many thanks dear fir a kind comment @Manu biscotti decorati!

If I have to pick my favorite it will be the right one with mosaic-with those broken pieces of dried sugarpaste

Last edited by Petra Florean
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