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Bullet Journal Cookies

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@JoAnn T posted:

Wow - I've never seen such beautiful wet on wet cookies. Would love to learn how to do some of these techniques. I've never heard of wafer paper will need to learn more.

Dear @JoAnn T, wafer paper is very easy to be used, just like real paper you can cut and paint it. Wet on wet (I am not a master at it!) needs to be fast not precise indeed but it is always super fun to do ๐Ÿฅฐ

@BevH posted:

These are gorgeous!  Did you hand paint the details on the wafer paper or print them with edible images.  And the pencils - WOW!  So much detail on a skinny cookie! Brava!

Dear @BevH, it is not difficult to hand paint on wafer paper, much easier than on iced cookies. Give it a try and you will see, just use food gel colors and a little bit of water if needed. Pencils are not so small, their size is 2cm x 13cm about ๐Ÿ˜˜

@Sylvianne posted:

The nearly naked cookies with that green - very complementary colours between the dough and green. Really like that simplicity. Good job.

Dear @Sylvianne, I am so happy you appreciate that. In the beginning I thought to do black piped decors on cinnamon cookies but in the end (because I am lazy!) didnโ€™t want to have another piping bag on the table so I decided to use the thick dark green icing  I already had. I also like that color match very much, doesnโ€™t look like real ink on stamps but it is cute ๐Ÿ˜˜

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