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These cookies for mom's 83rd birthday have a very special meaning to me (and they will to her, too). When we were young, a very, very long time ago...sigh, mom played the piano for every Sunday church service while my dad often sang to her accompaniment. What a wonderful memory!! From time to time my brother, sister and I would also join in the song fest. Lol. Music was a central part of my growing up years.

You see that crocheted bedspread that the cookies are sitting on? Of course you do! My mom MADE that! Can you even imagine the time involved in crocheting a queen size bedspread? Not I!

Psst...these cookies are a surprise for mom so no telling, ok? I feel safe enough posting them early because she doesn't have a computer or smart phone.

With much love...Happy, happy birthday Mom ����

The keyboard, music score "sheet" and piano are all inspired by so many others who have created music-related cookies (look on Pinterest and there are bunches). There's not really one person I can point to and say that "they" inspired me because these are so very similar to many, many others.

A very Happy Birthday to your mom, Carol! I'm sure she will be more than thrilled with your meaningful gift. I love the flowers and the little birdie that embellish the numbers. Great set! And that crocheted bedspread is beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!

Ines Doherty posted:

This set is fantastic!  

Happy birthday to your Mom

Thanks so much Ines!! Saw mom today and she loved her cookies that brought back so many memories for her

swissophie posted:

A very Happy Birthday to your mom, Carol! I'm sure she will be more than thrilled with your meaningful gift. I love the flowers and the little birdie that embellish the numbers. Great set! And that crocheted bedspread is beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!

Thank you so much Sonja ♥♥. Mom really loved her cookies and just was thrilled to walk down memory lane with us today!

Dolce Flo posted:

Beautiful set Carol....I'm a pianist too and I love the music so much. I understand your feelings and I would like to wish a happy birthday to your mom too.

Flo,  thank you so much for you comment!  Saw mom yesterday and she was really thrilled with the cookies .  We had a great time together visiting.  It was so good to see her after so long.  

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:
Ines Doherty posted:

This set is fantastic!  

Happy birthday to your Mom

Thanks so much Ines!! Saw mom today and she loved her cookies that brought back so many memories for her

That is so nice! Unique moment

Wow, your mom sure is lucky to have such a thoughtful daughter, but at the same time, I get the feeling she deserves that.

My grandmother taught me to crochet - many years ago - so I can appreciate the time and care that must have gone into such a beautiful creation.

Please wish your mom a very happy birthday! 

Sweet Prodigy - Christine posted:

Wow, your mom sure is lucky to have such a thoughtful daughter, but at the same time, I get the feeling she deserves that.

My grandmother taught me to crochet - many years ago - so I can appreciate the time and care that must have gone into such a beautiful creation.

Please wish your mom a very happy birthday! 

Oh Christine, what a sweet and kind thing to say! Thank you . Mom is definitely showing her age but seems to be fairly healthy overall.

I never got the hang of crocheting even though I did try...not enough to learn how to make some good looking stitches. Anything I tried looked kind of weird. Isn't it fun how we all have different gifts?

CC is a great place for sharing the love of cookie decorating with such an amazing array of styles and designs although we're all basically doing the same thing. Pretty cool, I think . Hugs...

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