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Enjoy the Warm Days of Summer
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #23

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Pfew!!! Just under the wire with this set!!! I really wanted to make one set in the cool color family and one in the warm family, but I'm just getting back to making cookies after a little break. So thankful as I checked the rules (real quick) to find I made it by a day! Daisies and Black-eyed Susans are my favorite flowers and Monarch my favorite butter fly, so as I dreamed of hot summer days, the set just made it's self. I was hesitant to use any green as (at times) it's hard to tell if it's warm or cool, so the bits I used were high-lighted with yellow and shadowed with brown, to make it clearly warm. Please Enjoy The Warm Days of Summer.

Last edited by Kim Damon

With the warm color scheme, this set looks very late-summer-turns-to-fall. I really like the very warm, deep orange that you used. I especially like the dimension created by the butterflies and flowers. I am so glad you had time to squeeze in another entry!  Next time, you will have to try your hand at the greens!

Kim Damon posted:

Pfew!!! Just under the wire with this set!!! I really wanted to make one set in the cool color family and one in the warm family, but I'm just getting back to making cookies after a little break. So thankful as I checked the rules (real quick) to find I made it by a day! Daisies and Black-eyed Susans are my favorite flowers and Monarch my favorite butter fly, so as I dreamed of hot summer days, the set just made it's self. I was hesitant to use any green as (at times) it's hard to tell if it's warm or cool, so the bits I used were high-lighted with yellow and shadowed with brown, to make it clearly warm. Please Enjoy The Warm Days of Summer.

Greens are the HARDEST!  Apparently, the human eye can see more different shades of green than any other color, and this is part of the reason greens straddle the warm and cool parts of the color wheel.  

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:

This is such a gorgeous set Kim! I love all the little details hidden in every cookie design . Beautiful work!!

Awe, thank you so much, Carol! <3

Bakerloo Station posted:

With the warm color scheme, this set looks very late-summer-turns-to-fall. I really like the very warm, deep orange that you used. I especially like the dimension created by the butterflies and flowers. I am so glad you had time to squeeze in another entry!  Next time, you will have to try your hand at the greens!

Late summer...I get that. Even sunset time of day. <3

*greens... we'll leave that for a warm and cool color mix (much safer!).


Bakerloo Station posted:
Kim Damon posted:

Pfew!!! Just under the wire with this set!!! I really wanted to make one set in the cool color family and one in the warm family, but I'm just getting back to making cookies after a little break. So thankful as I checked the rules (real quick) to find I made it by a day! Daisies and Black-eyed Susans are my favorite flowers and Monarch my favorite butter fly, so as I dreamed of hot summer days, the set just made it's self. I was hesitant to use any green as (at times) it's hard to tell if it's warm or cool, so the bits I used were high-lighted with yellow and shadowed with brown, to make it clearly warm. Please Enjoy The Warm Days of Summer.

Greens are the HARDEST!  Apparently, the human eye can see more different shades of green than any other color, and this is part of the reason greens straddle the warm and cool parts of the color wheel.  

Yes, I get that. Pinks were hard for me to figure out too! I almost went with just one color (not trusting myself with all of them!) hehe I thought I might get carried away by how cool it looked I might venture over to the other side! ;P This challange stretched me again! TY

pip posted:

Oh my gosh, what are you doing now Kim.  These are outstanding.  Beautiful painting and the fondant butterfles look real.  Just lovely

Pip, you are so sweet! Thank you!

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