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Memorial Day Cookies
Weekly cookies for local food distribution

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This is a close-up of cookies I donated on Friday for the local food distribution.  I wanted to acknowledge the importance of the day but keep it joyful in these troubling times.  Luckily, Julia's @Julia M. Usher stencils let me do some mixing and matching to get what I wanted.   My stenciling is definitely improving, though I still have a long way to go.  As usual, I made 150 of these and a third of the way through the airbrushing my compressor stopped working.  Fortunately, I had a second airbrush system and used that compressor with the sprayer from the first (I felt like Macguyver when I made it work!)  Fortunately, I ended up with a cookie I really liked and, as always, I learned a lot.  Royal icing transfers were the definitely the MVP for me with this batch!

Memorial group


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  • Memorial group

Great job mixing and matching, and thinking on the fly when your compressor went out! Stripes are always a big challenge, but you did well with them!

These are so wonderful Lisa @LisaF!! I love the beautiful flower with the stripes and RI transfer. Great combination of colors, too. Stenciling with compressor going out...Yikes!! Sounds like you made lemonade out of a potentially frustrating (Very frustrating?) experience . Your airbrushing work looks great. I admire you so much Lisa. Your commitment to community unity during these times is more than commendable my dear!

Your kindness is appreciated more than you may ever know. I believe that with all my heart. Hugs...❤️❤️

Great job mixing and matching, and thinking on the fly when your compressor went out! Stripes are always a big challenge, but you did well with them!

Thank you Julia.  You have stated repeatedly that airbrushing really is an art and boy is that true.  There really is so much to learn in terms of grip, angle, positioning and pull.  And no way around it other than practice.  Your gorgeous stencils provide great goals though!

These are so wonderful Lisa @LisaF!! I love the beautiful flower with the stripes and RI transfer. Great combination of colors, too. Stenciling with compressor going out...Yikes!! Sounds like you made lemonade out of a potentially frustrating (Very frustrating?) experience . Your airbrushing work looks great. I admire you so much Lisa. Your commitment to community unity during these times is more than commendable my dear!

Your kindness is appreciated more than you may ever know. I believe that with all my heart. Hugs...❤️❤️

Thank you for all of your kindness @Cookies Fantastique.  Yes, it was a very frustrating experience but I really have enjoyed it.  It's nice to be able to problem solve and end up with a workable solution!  I am getting just as much (if not more!) out of this as I am putting in. Even if I haven't yet reached the level of my "vision" with each batch, I'm learning something every day.  Even if stressful at times, it certainly has been a joy.

@LisaF posted:

Thank you Julia.  You have stated repeatedly that airbrushing really is an art and boy is that true.  There really is so much to learn in terms of grip, angle, positioning and pull.  And no way around it other than practice.  Your gorgeous stencils provide great goals though!

Thank you!!

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