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Walking into Autumn, cookie memory game by Manu
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #18 - Collaboration

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The project: A cookie card game

@Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. and Manu made a "cookie card game" thinking about the card game known as "Memory" or "Concentration" or "Pairs".
The object of the game is to match cards in order to make a pair. The player who makes more pairs wins.
The initial idea was to make cookies (cards) that made pairs for the techniques used to decorate cookies such as piped roses, handpainting, wet-on-wet, royal icing transfers, dimensional royal icing design, weave, etc.

The collaboration:
•Manu told Ryoko-Cookie Ave. about the card game.
•Ryoko thought the theme of the cookies/cards could have been Fall, as the challenge closes in Fall and sent Manu a sketch of some cookies decorated following the idea of Fall and the idea of matching decoration techniques (that's why the lady has piped roses in her hair)
•Ryoko thought about representing a lady who "walks into Autumn", who puts her shawl on and a couple of Fall scenes.
•Manu then thought about the same lady who decorates her house for Fall (door and the window) and another couple of Fall scenes set in her yard, and sent Ryoko some sketches of the cookies as well.
•We decided to pick three sketches made by each cookier, so that each one of us designed half of the project, and to make 6 cookies each, based on both designs, so we had a consistent number of cards/cookies to play.
•We thought it would have been interesting and challenging to see how the same design would have been transformed into cookies by the two cookiers to make a pair but still we shared tips and step by step techniques, during all these weeks.

Sketches, ideas, techniques, tips and tricks, doubts and support, pics of work in progress bounced back and forth between Italy and Japan.
We made it! ... despite the 8 hours that separate us, which is a lot!!! (We have never been on line at the same time except on the day we posted the entries!)... and we can say it has been fun!

The entry of each of the two cookiers:
Per rule of the challenge each cookier had to post a pic only of the cookies she personally made.
The following pics explain the project:
In the pictures above there are the 6 cookies/cards we made, 3 are based on my design and 3 are based on Ryoko's design. 6 cards are faced down: "virtual cards". These last represent the cookies made by Ryoko/or me, to be flipped up during the "memory game". On the back of these virtual cards there are the watermarks of both cookiers to mime real cards and to reinforce the idea of the collaboration.

The theme of the challenge "You complete me":
Ryoko-Cookie Ave. and Manu baked and decorated the same set of 6 cookies, that together make 6 pairs. Each of the cookiers designed half of the project.
The theme of the challenge is fulfilled because each of the cookies of Ryoko matches each of the cookies of Manu, each of the cookies of Manu "completes" a pair with each of the cookies of Ryoko.
In the picture below, all the cards are faced up, all pairs have been made.



Link to Ryoko's clip:



Images (7)
  • Cookie memory game by Manu&Cookie Ave.
  • image
  • Cookie memory game by Cookie Ave&Manu
  • Cookie memory game by Manu
  • Cookie memory game by Cookie Ave
  • PBP#18  by Manu
  • PBP#18 by Cookie Ave
Last edited by Manu biscotti decorati

I loved collaborating with Ryoko, we talked almost daily and shared so much about cookie decorating.

This was the first time I made cookies based on someone else design.
I have learned a lot, like the technique for the hair or the weaving technique and also to make something looking almost like a squirrel/chipmunk. I made 4 or 5 before of them before it didn't look too much like Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars. I should have dared more and tryed to make royal icing transfers leaves, but I painted them instead. I definetly tryed something completely new to me, like people, clothes and animal... it was challenging.

I have loved the way Ryoko made her cookies based on my design. Seeing my design under a different point of view helped me to think in a different way. I like the idea we have been able to write a story that allowed us to merge different designs. The sets we have made are similar but not the same and each one of them keeps the style of the cookier.

But most of all, nice friendship born during a past Challenge keeps growing.

Last edited by Manu biscotti decorati

WOW! I am speechless! Amazing work! Both of you are so talanted! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!! And I am so happy and proud both of you are my friends! Lots of xxx 

Last edited by carouselselsel
carouselselsel posted:

WOW! I am speechless! Amazing work! Both of you are so talanted! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!! And I am so happy and proud both of you are my friends! Lots of xxx 

Thank you, Zara! I am glad the three of us made a connection!

Marie - LilleKageHus posted:

These are wonderful and I love all the details of the collaboration. What a fantastic idea. Congratulations to both of you, they're just brilliant

Thank you, Marie! It has been fun, good hardwork and going out of our confort zones. It is not easy to try new things, but it is the only way to learn. 

Manu posted:
carouselselsel posted:

WOW! I am speechless! Amazing work! Both of you are so talanted! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!! And I am so happy and proud both of you are my friends! Lots of xxx 

Thank you, Zara! I am glad the three of us made a connection!

Good luck! You both deserve to win, I wish both of you could win! Lots of xxx from the Black sea!  

Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:

Manu, your lady looks much younger than mine!    And squirrel looks eating something right now, so cute.  

Your lady has a better hairdresser than mine! Lol!

As I said to Ryoko: "Awesome cookies, awesome idea, awesome amount of collaboration! Love both of these sets!" Thanks for contributing so thoughtfully, as always!

I have to congratulate you Manu you and Ryoko work so perfectly together both of your game cards definitely looks as though they go together now does anyone have a squirrel card I needed one for a *fall* house

Last edited by Anne Marie Adams
Evelindecora posted:

Fantastic!!! Love the idea and design, so beautifully done! ❤️

Grazie Evelin❤️

Do you remember at your class when you helped me fixing my handpainted roses as I put too much color? I used the same technique to paint yellow leaves on the trunk.

Last edited by Manu biscotti decorati
Julia M. Usher posted:

As I said to Ryoko: "Awesome cookies, awesome idea, awesome amount of collaboration! Love both of these sets!" Thanks for contributing so thoughtfully, as always!

Thank you, Julia, without Cookie Connection I would have never met Ryoko and all of this couln't have been possible.

I love both sets as well and I look at them as only one thing. We made a project, build a story to fulfill the theme "you complete me", but one set completes the other just for the collaboration behind it. I recall messages, doubt, tips and tricks just looking at each cookies. Ryoko has explained very well our "journey" in her comment.

Last edited by Manu biscotti decorati
Anne Marie Adams posted:

I have to congratulate you Menu you and Ryoko work so perfectly together both of your game cards definitely looks as though they go together now does anyone have a squirrel card I needed one for a *fall* house

Thank you Anne.

Manu posted:

I loved collaborating with Ryoko, we talked almost daily and shared so much about cookie decorating.

This was the first time I made cookies based on someone else design.
I have learned a lot, like the technique for the hair or the weaving technique and also to make something looking almost like a squirrel/chipmunk. I made 4 or 5 before of them before it didn't look too much like Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars. I should have dared more and tryed to make royal icing transfers leaves, but I painted them instead. I definetly tryed something completely new to me, like people, clothes and animal... it was challenging.

I have loved the way Ryoko made her cookies based on my design. Seeing my design under a different point of view helped me to think in a different way. I like the idea we have been able to write a story that allowed us to merge different designs. The sets we have made are similar but not the same and each one of them keeps the style of the cookier.

But most of all, nice friendship born during a past Challenge keeps growing.

How awesome for the 2 of you to have come up with such a beautiful collaborative effort!! You are both to be commended for your beautiful work!! I'm beyond impressed by the work from both of you

Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:

Manu, your lady looks much younger than mine!    And squirrel looks eating something right now, so cute.  

Beautiful collaborative work Ryoko!!! Love with you two came up with for the project...simply gorgeous

Manu posted:
Evelindecora posted:

Fantastic!!! Love the idea and design, so beautifully done! ❤️

Grazie Evelin❤️

Do you remember at your class when you helped me fixing my handpainted roses as I put too much color? I used the same technique to paint yellow leaves on the trunk.

I really wish I were in Italy.  It is a dream I am at Evelindecora's class with Manu.  

@Cookies Fantastique

Thank you Carol, you are always so kind.

I worked very well with Ryoko. As I said ideas (and much more) bounced back and forth and the project took shape. We designed half of the set each, and all the cookies are in harmony. 

When Ryoko made "The flower girl 3" cookie, based on my design, I liked very much the additions she brought to it, like the ballons and the little flower wreath on the sideview mirror. We tryed to do the same here, keeping the basic design but leaving each other free to decorate. Ryoko made the pumpkin green because that is what she sees in Japan. I made the ruffle of the shawl in a different color because I couldn't find a nice blue/purple to go to the green and orange. But at the end my cookies and her cookies are still making pairs together, they are similar but not the same. A different way to see each other design, a different way to decorate. That helped me to think different and to think wider, to walk out of the borders of my own design. On the other hand I tryed new things just by following Ryoko's design, that I probably wouldn't have tryed because it meant again going out of my confort zone.

Last edited by Manu biscotti decorati
Cookie Bakes & Cakes posted:

congratulations these are so good Manu it must have been a lot of work and to be able to do this with someone not living near you even harder ....but these are fantastic


Thank you, Kim. Ryoko and I have been texting almost daily and shared lot of pictures of work in progress through Cookie Connection, so I still have the feeling we had been working in the same room.

Sweet Prodigy posted:

Wow, Manu! It definitely shows that you and Ryoko put a lot of thought and work into this set! The details in your work are amazing! 

Thank you, Christine. I think that the two of us have a special passion for the Challenges thought by Bakerloo Station. I wish I had the same clean way to decorate that Ryoko (and also you) has, but little by little I will get there (practice bakes perfect ). Working on the same designs has helped me this way.

Manu posted:
Sweet Prodigy posted:

Wow, Manu! It definitely shows that you and Ryoko put a lot of thought and work into this set! The details in your work are amazing! 

Thank you, Christine. I think that the two of us have a special passion for the Challenges thought by Bakerloo Station. I wish I had the same clean way to decorate that Ryoko (and also you) has, but little by little I will get there (practice bakes perfect ). Working on the same designs has helped me this way.

Wow, Manu, we really understand each other without words.  Special passion for the Challenges, Yeeeeees!  I always learn a lot through challenges by @Bakerloo Station

Manu posted:

I loved collaborating with Ryoko, we talked almost daily and shared so much about cookie decorating.

This was the first time I made cookies based on someone else design.
I have learned a lot, like the technique for the hair or the weaving technique and also to make something looking almost like a squirrel/chipmunk. I made 4 or 5 before of them before it didn't look too much like Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars. I should have dared more and tryed to make royal icing transfers leaves, but I painted them instead. I definetly tryed something completely new to me, like people, clothes and animal... it was challenging.

I have loved the way Ryoko made her cookies based on my design. Seeing my design under a different point of view helped me to think in a different way. I like the idea we have been able to write a story that allowed us to merge different designs. The sets we have made are similar but not the same and each one of them keeps the style of the cookier.

But most of all, nice friendship born during a past Challenge keeps growing.

I LOVE how you guys have made such a wonderful "connection!"  Cookie friends are the best friends!

Bakerloo Station posted:

What a FABULOUS idea for a collaboration!  And on top of it, these cookies are individual works a=of art - each and every one!

Thank YOU, Christine, fabulous are your Challenges that help us brainstorming new ideas for cookies. It is amazing the way this project took shape and developed and how much Ryoko and I have been sharing. Thank you again for another great learning experience.

Mily posted:

Wow You are so talented!  Always surprising in each new cookie.  


Thank you, Mily, If you could only see how many pics of ideas and work in progress we have shared... we should have posted them...

Manu posted:
Sweet Prodigy posted:

Wow, Manu! It definitely shows that you and Ryoko put a lot of thought and work into this set! The details in your work are amazing! 

Thank you, Christine. I think that the two of us have a special passion for the Challenges thought by Bakerloo Station. I wish I had the same clean way to decorate that Ryoko (and also you) has, but little by little I will get there (practice bakes perfect ). Working on the same designs has helped me this way.

Well, I think the detail in your work far exceeds that of a person who has been decorating cookies for a relatively short period of time (my work included). You definitely have a talent for this! 

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