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Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #37

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Great job, @Dani Matos! Can you please explain the medium(s) used for the water and other items (i.e., rocks)? Is the water all isomalt, or was something else also used? We're all about learning as much as we can from these challenges! 

Thanks, Julia!

The water was done with isomalt colored with blue and also, I made some waves with white royal icing using brush embroidery.
For the Rocks, I used tip#7, with royal icing colored with black but not well mixed, giving the different grey collors and also, I used powder to give more impressionism to them.
For the grass, I used tip#233, with royal icing green.
For the roses, I used tip# 101 and 101S, with royal icing pink.
For the moss (those used at the rocks), I made with crushed and colored cookie.

I made the pictures with all of the steps from the cookie:

1) start with the general idea, without any royal icing yet.Waterfall_Construction_Step1
2) Decorate the cookies with the rocks


3) After the water


4) Include the grass and also flowers


4) Paint the rocks with black powder

5) Include the moss made by cookies colored with green
6) White waves with brush embroidery 

7) Build the project in a 3D form

8) include the big wave fixed with royal icing and also made some small waves with royal icing



After that, finally, I made the details on top with rocks and a small wave of royal icing on blue above the isomalt wave.



Dani Matos



Images (11)
  • Waterfall_Construction_Step1
  • Waterfall_Construction_Step2
  • Waterfall_Construction_Step3
  • Waterfall_Construction_Step4
  • Waterfall_Construction_Step5
  • Waterfall_Construction_Step6
  • Waterfall_Construction_Step7
  • Waterfall_Construction_Step8
  • Waterfall_Construction_Step9
  • Waterfall_Construction_Step10
  • Waterfall_Side_View_1_Dani_Matos
Last edited by Dani Matos
Dani Matos posted:
Julia M. Usher posted:

Great job, @Dani Matos! Can you please explain the medium(s) used for the water and other items (i.e., rocks)? Is the water all isomalt, or was something else also used? We're all about learning as much as we can from these challenges! 

Thanks, Julia!

The water was done with isomalt colored with blue and also, I made some waves with white royal icing using brush embroidery.
For the Rocks, I used tip#7, with royal icing colored with black but not well mixed, giving the different grey collors and also, I used powder to give more impressionism to them.
For the grass, I used tip#233, with royal icing green.
For the roses, I used tip# 101 and 101S, with royal icing pink.
For the moss (those used at the rocks), I made with crushed and colored cookie.

I made the pictures with all of the steps from the cookie, starting with the general idea, without any royal icing yet.
After that, I started with the rocks, the water, the waves at the water, the grass, the flowers, put the project in a 3D form and the big wave fixed with royal icing and some small waves with royal icing at this isomalt wave.
After that, finally, I made the details on top with rocks and a small wave of royal icing on blue above the isomalt wave.


Dani Matos

Awesome info - thank you!

Kim Damon posted:

Wow! This is so cool! Well done!

Thanks, @Kim Damon! I tried to do something different that represent this essencial nature water.... And otherwise..... After the sea, waterfall impressione me a lot!


Your waterfall has such perfect colors. I can imagine this being somewhere tropical. I can really see the movement of the water in the side view of your other attached photo. Nice work!

Sweet Prodigy posted:

Your waterfall has such perfect colors. I can imagine this being somewhere tropical. I can really see the movement of the water in the side view of your other attached photo. Nice work!

Great to know that you notice the others shots!

yes, I worked with two blue at the wave....

Thanks for your comments!


Petra Florean posted:

Great job @Dani Matos love your idea to show it from profile, and also thanks for how you did it step by step 👏👏👏

@Petra Florean Thanks! It’s a pleasure for me share and show how I made it!

it’s good to know that you liked!


This was a really creative entry. I like how you have the base layer as a "standard blue-flooded cookie with brush embroidery waves, but then took it to the next level by adding the isomalt layer. You have created so much depth with what is essentially just two rectangular cookies. All of the other details are terrific as well - the rocks, the moss - really the whole thing is a dreamy scene. Well done!

Bakerloo Station posted:

This was a really creative entry. I like how you have the base layer as a "standard blue-flooded cookie with brush embroidery waves, but then took it to the next level by adding the isomalt layer. You have created so much depth with what is essentially just two rectangular cookies. All of the other details are terrific as well - the rocks, the moss - really the whole thing is a dreamy scene. Well done!

Hello, Bakerloo!

I really appreciated your comments!
Thank you and have a nice holidays,


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