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Hi, all! The winners of the Edible Artists Global (EAG) Awards were announced just two hours ago, and I am completely floored by the news! While I'm certainly honored to have been recognized, I am mostly thrilled that cookies have taken center stage, alongside cakes, in the world of sugar arts. 

Congrats to fellow cookiers @Creative Cookier and @Marta Torres - Royal Icing Cookie Art (aka Marta Torres) for their industry-shattering work!  And to all of the other amazing sugar artists who were honored in Hong Kong last night. Every one of you is a source of inspiration to me.

Thank you as well to the EAG Awards for recognizing our growing, creative, and always surprising cookie community as a vital part of the sugar arts!



Images (1)
  • 2016 EAG Award Winners: Graphic Courtesy of the EAD Awards
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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A HUGE congratulations to you, Julia!!! So well deserved and I'm thrilled beyond words for you . What a wonderful event and I'm so happy to see the cookie world emerging into the limelight as they are now doing.

You all rocked this and elevated cookies front and center! 

We are so proud of you! 

From what I see published daily the bar is unlimited by talented cookiers and what better leaders and source of inspiration then you three! 


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