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By now, you've probably seen the very charming Easter-themed cookies in our site's banner and backdrop. If not, here's a closer look:



Not only have these cookies posted in time for us to enjoy them before Easter, but they'll be gracing the site for the entirety of April, allowing you to draw on them for other springtime cookie inspiration for a full month! Woo hoo!

As always, our Site Art Stylist Gabi, aka @Icingsugarkeks, worked her magic by piecing together images from this month's site artist (originally posted here and here) to create these delightful graphics. And, of course, she threw in her signature surprise animations as well. The Easter greeting is obvious, but watch the bunny closely for another unexpected extra! Thank you, Gabi!

But none of these graphics would be possible without the talented cookier who created their contents, and that artist is (drum roll, please) . . . none other than @Elke Hoelzle! Elke was last featured back in April 2021, so we're lucky enough to have already conducted an in-depth Cookier Close-up interview (June 2021) with her, which I encourage you to read. But before you do, please check out her updated and very impressive bio below.

Thank you, Elke, for contributing so consistently and beautifully to Cookie Connection over the years! Your work is absolutely perfect for this month's feature!

ELKES NEW HEADSHOT CROPPED@Elke Hoelzle, owner of Cookie Camp, is a 54-year-old cookie designer living in Brazil and the single mother of Camilla, a beautiful 16-year-old girl. Since 2021, Elke has welcomed two stray dogs, Chico and Pinkie, into her family! Elke has been in the boy and girl scout movement in her country, known as Escoteiros do Brasil, for more than 41 years and is a spelunker with a great ability to explore, assess topography, and draw cave maps freehand. She is also the Young Women's President of her church's ward, a newfound religious journey.

Elke started making cookies when in culinary school in late 2016. She was in class when presented with an assignment about trends in Brazil, and one trend was decorated cookies. She decided to try her hand at decorating, and promptly went looking for ways to learn, only to later spend countless hours watching Julia Usher’s YouTube videos. Elke sold her first cookies on September 23, 2017. Because she needed to impress her first client, she designed the cookies as elaborately as she could, thus establishing her fancy style on her first order.

Because Elke likes to choose the most difficult sources of inspiration to transform into cookies, she has earned a reputation for herself in Brazil not just as a cookie decorator, but also as a cookie artist. Inspired by Cookie Connection and the great artists who contribute to the world of cookies, Elke co-founded the Brazilian Society of Cookie Artists in 2020, which, with Elke's coordination, now conducts the annual Brazilian Cookie Contest. Elke was awarded the 2022-2023 Cake Awards trophy for Best Brazilian Artist in Decorated Cookies, and, today, she sells online classes and has thousands of students around the world.

Elke joined Cookie Connection in April 2018, just a few months after starting her cookie journey. You can follow her cookie pursuits here in her Cookie Connection portfolio and also on her Instagram page and YouTube channel.

All cookies and photos above by Elke Hoelzle.

Last but not least, for those of you who are wondering how to get featured, it's easy! Simply read these posts here and here. Remember: Site artists not only get their work featured prominently for a full month, but they also get profiled in a forum post like this one and in an in-depth Cookier Close-up interview. All considered, it's a lot of great free PR in exchange for photo sharing! When preparing your site art, please bear in mind that I already have artwork through all of 2024, thanks to @Icingsugarkeks, but she is currently at work on material for 2025. So don't hesitate to submit your cookies at any time. Please also remember that Icingsugarkeks is available to help you get your photos in the right format, so feel free to contact her if you need assistance! You can send her a PM right here on Cookie Connection by clicking on her name (in pink) above.


Images (3)
  • April 2024 Site Banner: Cookies and Photos by Elke Hoelzle; Graphic Design by Pretty Sweet Designs and Icingsugarkeks
  • April 2024 Site Background: Cookies and Photos by Elke Hoelzle; Graphic Design by Icingsugarkeks
  • The Lovely Elke Hoelzle: Photo Courtesy of Elke Hoelzle
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Original Post

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Absolutely darling bunny and basket  makes for a perfect backdrop for CC! Elke, your work is beautiful! Congratulations!
It’s also really nice to meet other cookiers and get to know a little bit about them!
Happy Easter to all, although the Greek Orthodox Easter is May 5th this year.

Absolutely darling bunny and basket  makes for a perfect backdrop for CC! Elke, your work is beautiful! Congratulations!
It’s also really nice to meet other cookiers and get to know a little bit about them!
Happy Easter to all, although the Greek Orthodox Easter is May 5th this year.

Thank you so much!! Happy Easter!!

What an honor for me! Cookies changed my life forever and my heart fills if joy because I am part of such wonderful group! Thank you Julia!

You are most welcome; it’s been a joy to have you on this site too!

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