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Bows and Bows
Watch-Learn-Create Challenge #58

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Perfection, and you tried all of Delorseโ€™s bows! What a great idea to reurpose the sundae cookie cutter! I am so glad you learned new tips and tricks.

Please make sure to edit the post to add it to the โ€œCookie Connection Challenge Entriesโ€ clip set. I almost missed it! Unfortunately, I canโ€™t do that from my end. Tagging @Julia M. Usher so she catches it before the challenge closes.

Last edited by Manu biscotti decorati

Perfection, and you tried all of Delorseโ€™s bows! What a great idea to reurpose the sundae cookie cutter! I am so glad you learned new tips and tricks.

Please make sure to edit the post to add it to the โ€œCookie Connection Challenge Entriesโ€ clip set. I almost missed it! Unfortunately, I canโ€™t do that from my end. Tagging @Julia M. Usher so she catches it before the challenge closes.

Likewise, almost missed it, but I added the clip set already.

Perfection, and you tried all of Delorseโ€™s bows! What a great idea to reurpose the sundae cookie cutter! I am so glad you learned new tips and tricks.

Please make sure to edit the post to add it to the โ€œCookie Connection Challenge Entriesโ€ clip set. I almost missed it! Unfortunately, I canโ€™t do that from my end. Tagging @Julia M. Usher so she catches it before the challenge closes.

ThNk you so much! Also thank you for mention of adding it to the challenge! My error ๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿ˜Š

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