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Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #34

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How gorgeous dear Sofiya @Sofiya!! What detailed beautiful with these vibrant colors. No wonder your hubby loves it so much. What's not to love?! The shape of the bird is fabulous. I've love to hear the details about how you got perfect curves like you did. As always, your work is amazing my dear cookie friend ❤️❤️❤️

GinkgoWerkstatt posted:

Wow, this is so colorful and greatly done! Hard to believe that it is "just" food color. Looks really great. 

And by looking at all your entries you have been extremely creative and busy with/for this challenge ♥

Thank you so very much for your beautiful comment, @Former Member !!

Heather Bruce Sosa posted:

Amazing work!!! All the little pieces you glued together for the sides is perfect! And the bright colored chameleon over black background pops up so vibrantly!🥰

Heather @Heather Bruce Sosa , thank you so very much for your kind comment !!!

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:

How gorgeous dear Sofiya @Sofiya!! What detailed beautiful with these vibrant colors. No wonder your hubby loves it so much. What's not to love?! The shape of the bird is fabulous. I've love to hear the details about how you got perfect curves like you did. As always, your work is amazing my dear cookie friend ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you very much for your kind comment, Carol @Cookies Fantastique !!!