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This was more challenging (and time consuming) than I anticipated or priced out! Never having been into gardening before, I read about it and looked at a lot of images. I drew out a lot of different ideas that ended up in the trash. I kept thinking that it should be easy to come up with good ideas that would fit but I really struggleld .

My client specifically asked for flowers, butterflies, birds and gardening "things". The cookie with the hoe, rake and gardening shovel was supposed to look like the tools were hanging on a wall. It didn't turn out right...after it was nearly done I began to come up with better ways to show the kind of wall that tools would hang on. Of course I had a tight deadline and couldn't fix it like I wanted. Doesn't make sense to have "dirt" (ground up Oreo cookies) with a trowel at the bottom of a wall where tools are hung up. Ugh! I would like a do-over with this set.

One thing I liked was being able to make a rose cookie using the "rose technique" of freezing dough in a flower mold and then baking it on top of a hexagon cookie so that I could follow the lines of the molded flower to create a large, fluffy looking rose cookie. It was really pretty.

The client was more than happy with the result which was the most important thing .  This set gave me many learning opportunities! (I almost photographed my rejected time I will.)

This is absolutely stunning dear Carol!!! WOW!!! I love your differently flowers and simply all cookies!! A super wonderful result for a garden theme!!
Carol, you are really very, very creative!!! I love your "dirt" too!! 😂
I would also like to have such delicious "dirt" in my garden ...! Great dear Carol!! 😘  @Cookies Fantastique

Petra Florean posted:

Dear Carol this set is absolutely stunning, love each one piece 👏👏

Oh Petra @Petra Florean, your words are beyond kind. Thank you . You always say just the right words to brighten my day ❤️❤️

Heather Bruce Sosa posted:

What a beautiful set, dear Carol!! So lively and eye catching! I love it, makes me want to go out and work in the garden!🥰

Thank you for your sweet words my dear @Heather Bruce Sosa!!! I've thought about working in a garden but that's as far as it went...a brief thought. HaHa. I think I'd rather work on cookies ❤️❤️❤️. But I so admire those who are able to grow beautiful flowers!!

LisaF posted:

What a gorgeous set.  Particularly for a non-gardener, you really nailed it!

Oh how kind of you to say that Lisa @LisaF!!! This was not an easy set for me. I sure have a lot to learn about gardening before making better and more realistic cookies. You can't eat a flower though, can you?? HaHa At least you can eat these cookies . My client said her mom didn't want to eat the cookies but her sweet tooth won out LOL ❤️

Icingsugarkeks posted:

This is absolutely stunning dear Carol!!! WOW!!! I love your differently flowers and simply all cookies!! A super wonderful result for a garden theme!!
Carol, you are really very, very creative!!! I love your "dirt" too!! 😂
I would also like to have such delicious "dirt" in my garden ...! Great dear Carol!! 😘  @Cookies Fantastique

Oh my dear friend, Gabi, thank you @Icingsugarkeks!! You are always so very kind. I appreciate you very much ❤️. I thought the dirt was a good idea, and especially thought it was fun to make a fondant trowel that could "dig in the dirt". LOL. I just hope the client enjoyed my attempt at some humor ❤️❤️.

It always amazes me when I get a job that I think will be "easy" and then it turns out to be harder to do than other orders that are more complex in nature...weird, eh?

Sweet Prodigy posted:

Wow! There's so many wonderful details in this set. These should be keepsake cookies. I can't imagine your customer not being impressed with these. 💚

Thank you Christine @Sweet Prodigy . I'm my own worst enemy!!! Instead of creating 4 designs and making 3 of each, I get more ideas as I go along and can't resist temptation...I get lost in my own little cookie decorating world. LOL ❤️❤️. (I'm sure you've never experienced this...right?)

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