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Owl Alice
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #42

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I thought to create something different ,but in Autumn mood and becouse I love owls I decided to make one.

with much patience and to be honest I don't have a lotHeated everytime a bit of in many pots with different color in each one with small spoon pour a really too little on wax paper,under him my template,I made already some feathers and then I thought to make it more like with texture and I used petal veiners of Dahlia the smallest one and something like small anemone with dark red,brown,and light ivory  isomalt,That way was more ree style,I mean not exactly as my template becouse f 3D texture feathers.

Can't hide i get burned in despite of I know very well how hot it is! So ALWAYS  be very careful in case you work with hot isomalt !!For backround of my owl I use clear isomalt and slant down light ivory.Gingerbread frame covered with royal icing and I used needle to make different lines as texture like bark of tree,when dryed brushed with Rainbow dust Milk chocolate brown powder color and lightly airbrushed with black and on the end I took Rainbow dust Sunset yellow powder color and just brushed on some place of the frame.

Back to owl ..all feathers glued one by one with hot melted isomalt

What was used to create my Autumn owl Alice I will add on photo bellowIMG_1648IMG_1652

Started like this ,but after changed mind and I think I did it more interesting feather by feather with petal veiners like 3D



Images (4)
  • IMG_1635
  • IMG_1648
  • IMG_1652
  • IMG_1653
Last edited by Petra Florean

Wow Petra, this is amazing! Congratulations on your creativity and imagination. Love how you shaped and glued each feather separately and created lovely movement both with the colours you chose as the dimensions you obtained. Excellent work, dear Petra!♥️

Wow Petra, this is amazing! Congratulations on your creativity and imagination. Love how you shaped and glued each feather separately and created lovely movement both with the colours you chose as the dimensions you obtained. Excellent work, dear Petra!♥️

I'm really so happy you like my creation and 1000 thanks for your beautiful comment ❤️❤️❤️

Oh Petra, Wow!!! I love your owl. It's such beautiful, bright colors again! The wings of the owl inspire me the most! Very nice work my dear cookie friend !! @Petra Florean  ❤️😘

Dear Gabi, you give me appreciation with your nice comments,I'm so grateful for ❤️❤️Thank you from my heart❤️

This owl looks amazing. The layering, textures, and dimensional work are brilliant. This is excellent outside-the-box thinking!

Thank you so much Christine, very happy you like my owl❤️❤️❤️