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Chess inspired me.

Of all the chess pieces, I like the rook best, which resembles a fortress, and I tried to recreate it, including the atmosphere of a castle. In order to vary the color of the bricks, I adjusted the baking time and position in the oven during cookie baking.

It is not at a level where I can make it public, but I uploaded it as a record of my first work.

I think the attached photo is more eloquent about the size of the piece.


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Last edited by Kazookie

How fun! And I so appreciate the picture with the dimensions!  How big was each brick and how many went into this small 3-D structure? And how long did it take you to stack the entire thing? Impressive patience!

How big was each brick and how many went into this small 3-D structure? And how long did it take you to stack the entire thing?

Thank you @Julia M. Usher

The brick measures approximately 10mm(W) x 5mm(H) x 3mm(D), which is 0.4inch(W) x 0.2inch(H) x 0.1inch(D) . I used about 100 bricks and it took about 4 hours to stack.

I initially tried stacking with the bricks as squares, like real buildings, but the scale proved too small and the gaps too noticeable. So, I disassembled my partially completed structures and re-stack them, angling the backs of the bricks.

Last edited by Kazookie

Hi Kaz! Oh, the patience, this tower is so tiny! Amazing work, the bricks are perfectly baked.
Welcome, and congrats on your first post! Next you need to participate in the Cookie Connection challenges! @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. knows everything about them!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

Hi Kaz! Oh, the patience, this tower is so tiny! Amazing work, the bricks are perfectly baked.
Welcome, and congrats on your first entry! Next you need to participate in the Cookie Connection challenges! @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. knows everything about them!

Hi @Manu biscotti decorati!

@Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. seemed to be having so much fun making the creations that I decided to give it a try and see what it was like.

The cookie dough for this piece was made by Ryoko, so if the cookies turned out well, credit goes to her!

Last edited by Kazookie

Next you need to participate in the Cookie Connection challenges! @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. knows everything about them!

We are going to push him, aren't we?   I made the dough and told him how to bake cookies and I left him alone saying "Clean the kitchen afterwards, will you?". LOL.

Last edited by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.

Welcome to Cookie Connection

@Julia M. Usher  Kazookie (Kaz cookie) is my husband 😄

Wow, I'm impressed that you convinced him to get into it - mine keeps a wide berth around my cookie stuff!

This is very creative @Kazookie!! I also look the rook in chess . You did a great job of replicating the piece here. ❤️ Hugs...

Thanks @Cookies Fantastique!

And, the tart from the recipe provided to @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. was delicious!

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