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OMG!!! Meine liebe Sonja, du รผbertriffst dich doch jedes Mal selbst!! Deine Engelchen sind ein Traum!! "Festlich" kann es gar nicht gut genug beschreiben!! Sie sind einfach unglaublich schรถn und haben einen Hauch von Zerbrechlichkeit. Der Schein der Kerze durch die Figur - einfach perfekt, liebe Sonja!! Das Ganze noch gebogen darzustellen, stelle ich mir nicht ganz einfach vor! ... SUPER!!!! @iSugarfy (aka swissophie)

OMG!!! Meine liebe Sonja, du รผbertriffst dich doch jedes Mal selbst!! Deine Engelchen sind ein Traum!! "Festlich" kann es gar nicht gut genug beschreiben!! Sie sind einfach unglaublich schรถn und haben einen Hauch von Zerbrechlichkeit. Der Schein der Kerze durch die Figur - einfach perfekt, liebe Sonja!! Das Ganze noch gebogen darzustellen, stelle ich mir nicht ganz einfach vor! ... SUPER!!!! @iSugarfy (aka swissophie)

Vielen herzlichen Dank fรผr deinen enthusiastischen Kommentar, liebe Gabi @Icingsugarkeks โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ! Bin froh, dass es dir gefรคllt! Gebogen ist jedoch nichts, aber etwas, das ich auch noch meistern mรถchte. Das Kleid habe ich in zwei Hรคlften gemacht und dann in einem 90-Grad-Winkel "zusammengeschweisst".  Die Flรผgel sehen vielleicht wegen dem welligen Design etwas gebogen aus. Also nochmals vielen lieben Dank !

Absolutely stunning!! This is so beautiful, dainty and perfect! Lovely warm colours and so much movement in it! Tell us more of how you created this masterpiece, please!๐Ÿฅฐ

Thanks very much for your kind comment, dear Heather @Heather Bruce Sosa โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ!!! The skirt is made in two sections, then "glued" together at a 90-degree angle. Arms, wings and head I made separately and then attached to the skirt. The way I made these pieces is the same as with my sugar skull entry, i. e. I piped the lines onto a template and then filled them with isomalt. Thanks again!

Thanks very much for your kind comment, dear Heather @Heather Bruce Sosa โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ!!! The skirt is made in two sections, then "glued" together at a 90-degree angle. Arms, wings and head I made separately and then attached to the skirt. The way I made these pieces is the same as with my sugar skull entry, i. e. I piped the lines onto a template and then filled them with isomalt. Thanks again!

Awesome my dear friend! Thanks for sharing!!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘โ™ฅ๏ธ

Oh Sonja...what can I say. I've run out of superlatives my dear. LOL. Each masterpiece is a joy to behold. I love your angel of light . Your precision work is always present in everything you create but when I see all the tiny mosaic areas on your beautiful creation, I can only imagine the amount of time you've invested in creating this work of art. The result is absolutely worth it!! It's completely unique and so very beautiful. I'm glad to see that you were able to participate in this challenge! I wasn't able to due to my current order schedule but am so glad to see your contribution.

As always, my sweet friend, your work is stunningly beautiful โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

Oh Sonja...what can I say. I've run out of superlatives my dear. LOL. Each masterpiece is a joy to behold. I love your angel of light . Your precision work is always present in everything you create but when I see all the tiny mosaic areas on your beautiful creation, I can only imagine the amount of time you've invested in creating this work of art. The result is absolutely worth it!! It's completely unique and so very beautiful. I'm glad to see that you were able to participate in this challenge! I wasn't able to due to my current order schedule but am so glad to see your contribution.

As always, my sweet friend, your work is stunningly beautiful โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

Thank you so very much for your most wonderful comment, my dear Carol @Cookies Fantastique โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ!!! The mosaic base took almost 4 hours, but it didn't feel long at all . The lure of a stained-glass challenge was too strong to resist, so had to neglected some other duties to take part .

It's probably a good thing that you still have orders coming in, and I hope they'll keep coming as long as you wish for them . Take best of care of yourself, and thanks again, my sweet friend โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ!

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