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Water Lilies | Manu
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #27 - Circles - NON-ENTRY

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Aproned Artist posted:

So pretty, Manu. I love the flowers. I’ve been contemplating trying that out with a more succulent style plant, and now I know it works!

Thank you, Samantha @Aproned Artist!💕

Manu posted:
carouselselsel posted:

WOW Manu, this set is brilliant, fantastic and so perfect and beautiful again. Can't stop looking at it. I think a tuto on how you made the flowers would be great. I also wanted to do a water lily set one day. Now you inspied me and I'll give it a try sooner or later. 

Thank you, Zara, @carouselselsel!😊 Probably the flat lay doesn’t give enough justice to the flowers. I was glad to be able to make this set and to check it off my “to do list “ of cookies! Try to make one while you feel inspired. The challenge was out in perfect timing, with my memories still fresh. 


The photos in your comment show all the gorgeousness and beauty of this set! Amazing! I'm gonna try those RI transferes for sure. 

GinkgoWerkstatt posted:

So awesome and perfect looking! ❤️
From looking at it I would have thought that the flowers are sugarpaste... great job!

Thank you Anne @Former Member, it would have probably been quicker using sugarpaste, but I like how the royal icing petals crack in the mouth!😊

Teresa Pękul posted:

Wspaniała praca, precyzja wykonania ogromna.  Pięknie i gustowne ciasteczka,❤️ chciałabym takie otrzymać w prezencie 

Thank you Teresa @Teresa Pękul! What a nice compliment!💕

Evelindecora posted:

Such a gorgeous project Manu! This technique is amazing, I’ll try it very soon, your petals look so real, fantastic!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

🌸Thank you so much Evelin @Evelindecora! 🌸💕

This is a GORGEOUS set of cookies, @Manu biscotti decorati! I am absolutely floored that all of the lily pads and flowers are royal icing transfers and not fondant! I could stare at these cookies all. day.

Manu posted:

I have never made so many round cookies since I started cookie decorating. I made so many because I wanted to display my non-entry in layers and I needed to leave at least 12 cookies with edges clearly visible, per challenge requirements.


My cookies range from a diameter of 2 in/ 5 cm to 4 in / 10 cm.
I relied too much on the fact that I baked almost perfect circle-shaped cookies, therefore I thought I’d just needed to pipe outline along the edge, without drawing any circle on the cookie. Although I felt I kept improving cookie by cookie (from the smaller ones in the middle onwards), the outcome wasn’t so perfect at the end and next time I will need to flood circles I will use a template. I personally found easier piping outling starting at 6 o’clock and proceeding anticlockwise, keeping the tip raised enough to have in sight the edge all the time.
I kept practicing with circles by piping all the lily pad transfers. I didn’t have clear in my mind how to arrange the final set so the leaf transfers gave me more versatility.
I can surely say that I developed that “muscle memory” mentioned by Christine @Bakerloo Station and now I can pipe and breath at the same time 😊


The inspiration to make this set came from a recent trip to Vietnam. I took a lot of pictures of things that I would like to cookie-fy (one of them is already in my February tutorial) and the water lilies below are some of them (photos by Manu).


I just needed an idea to make the set though, so when I read Christine’s article about the challenge and the requirements, immediately the set began to take shape in my mind, as every circle was a potential lily pad or flower. Thank you once again Christine!


Moreover, among the pictures of Christine’s article there was the Autumn set by Samantha @Aproned Artist which reminded me about her tutorial. It came in handy, as I developed her technique to bend the leaves in a way I could build my water lily flowers. Thank you, Sam!


The flowers are made of royal icing. The petals are royal icing transfers piped one by one and then glued to a royal icing center.


This comment is sooooo informative!  And now I need to go and check out that tutorial by The Aproned Artists too!

Last edited by Bakerloo Station

Amazing!!! I love everything about this project: perfect circles, colour of the leaves and the fact that they are also circle shaped, ri petals, beautiful buds, and I also enjoyed your explanation so much! 

Biljana Kovacevic posted:

Amazing!!! I love everything about this project: perfect circles, colour of the leaves and the fact that they are also circle shaped, ri petals, beautiful buds, and I also enjoyed your explanation so much! 

Thank you @Biljana Kovacevic! I always loved to read the comments to the challenge’s entries and everything involved in the process of making the cookies. This is my contribution 🌸

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