Hi, Carol. Sorry for the delayed response. I just got back from CookieCon and am quite overwhelmed with catch-up work and an ongoing home renovation . . . so I'll be brief . . . I'd just mock that up in actual cookies - there aren't that many pieces - and actual cookies will give you the best sense of the end-product. Just build any mock-up time into what you charge for the piece. Custom work is very time-consuming and you need to charge accordingly for upfront design work.
Hi Julia! I'm surprised you got back on this as quickly as you did knowing that you were at CookieCon!!! My goodness but you're a hard working marvel @Julia M. Usher ❤️. Thank you for your suggestion about just using cookies. That's what I've done in the past and it's worked out pretty well overall.
Pricing for 3D work is difficult due to the time consuming nature of the design and decorating work as you said!! I definitely see room for improvement in that area of my business. I've found it ironic that the orders have been coming in at a much faster rate since I significantly raised my prices...I think it's a customer perception of quality that they're more than happy to pay for. Good news for anyone in this business!! From where I'm sitting it seems difficult to turn any real kind of profit unless you get into selling products and/or services (e.g. tutorials, classes, etc.). That may be down the road for me but not at this time. There's still so much to learn
I'm confident that your work and presentation were more than well received at CookieCon! I wish I could have been there
. Attending is one of my dreams...
Again, many, many thanks ❤️❤️❤️