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Hi Julia,

Do you have any updates to share about possible release dates for your airbrush? I need to purchase one relatively soon and would love to wait to hear what you have come up with, if possible.


Jennifer Berry posted:

I know this is an old thread but hopefully someone sees this! LOL. I have never airbrushed cookies before but really want to start learning. I see all these cookie/cake decorating airbrush kits with little tiny compressors but if I already have an air compressor (it's much larger at 6 gallons) can I just buy extensions to use in order to use it for airbrushing? I hope that makes sense. Sorry if it is a dumb question. TIA!

Suzabell posted:

Hi Jennifer, I just took an airbrushing class w/ Creative Cookier (amazing!!!). Anyway, that size compressor would send your cookies flying across the room. You really need a smaller compressor, one that doesn't go higher than 15psi.  Hope that helps!!


Julia,  Glad to see your update re the release of your airbrush.  Since it's your research and design, it will probably be the best on the market.  

I'm not even close to needing an airbrush, but I want an airbrush. Gotta sell a lot of cookies first, and by then I should be ready for one. 


Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Isabel C. posted:

Hi Julia,

Do you have any updates to share about possible release dates for your airbrush? I need to purchase one relatively soon and would love to wait to hear what you have come up with, if possible.


I think we're still a couple of months away. I am headed to my partner's business to test compressors this Friday/weekend, so I'll have a better idea after then.

Although I have 2 airbrush kits already (not all that thrilled with either of them or my compressor). I'm eager to see what you come up with Julia after you've completed your research and design .

All the best as you continue on Julia!!

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:

Although I have 2 airbrush kits already (not all that thrilled with either of them or my compressor). I'm eager to see what you come up with Julia after you've completed your research and design .

All the best as you continue on Julia!!

I'm in the same situation.  I have 2 airbrushs and I'm not happy with either.  I've been wondering if the airbrush color might be the culprit.  

Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:

Although I have 2 airbrush kits already (not all that thrilled with either of them or my compressor). I'm eager to see what you come up with Julia after you've completed your research and design .

All the best as you continue on Julia!!

Thanks so much, Carol!

Econlady posted:
Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:

Although I have 2 airbrush kits already (not all that thrilled with either of them or my compressor). I'm eager to see what you come up with Julia after you've completed your research and design .

All the best as you continue on Julia!!

I'm in the same situation.  I have 2 airbrushs and I'm not happy with either.  I've been wondering if the airbrush color might be the culprit.  

I truly doubt it's the color. My airbrush is awesome and works great with Chefmaster, AmeriColor, and Dinky Doodle colors, among others. I'm now just working on finding the best compressor to go along with it.

Out of curiosity, which two airbrushes do you have and why aren't you happy with them? (Feel free to PM or email me, if you'd prefer to say in private!) Thanks!

Econlady posted:
Pookadu posted:

Patiently waiting for the release. With as much heart you put into your artistic creations, I'm sure this machine will be great.


Thanks for your patience. The airbrush part has been done for a while, but we're still working on finding the best compressor to partner with it. We want everything to be as wonderful as it can possibly be. Still hoping to release before Christmas, but exact date is not firm yet.

Hi Julia!  I'm waiting for your perfect airbrush. My aunt that lives in the USA told me what I want for christmas 😄😅. I said an airbrush but I will wait for yours! Waiting here in Peru 😊😍

Roberto Correa posted:

Hi Julia!  I'm waiting for your perfect airbrush. My aunt that lives in the USA told me what I want for christmas 😄😅. I said an airbrush but I will wait for yours! Waiting here in Peru 😊😍

Great - I am still hoping it will be out before Christmas, but we are still working on the compressor part of the system.

Todd posted:


my wife would love an airbrush for Christmas. Any update on if yours will be released by then?


thank you so much. 

Still hoping that before Christmas, but I don’t have an exact date. Some things are taking longer than hoped. Thanks for your interest and patience.

Mrs P's Biscuit Trove posted:

Hi there Julia! 

I was wondering if there was a firm release date for your airbrush system and will it be compatible with UK power supply?  Thank you so much. X

Sometime in April is all I can say. My partner is still working on the launch web site, and I don't have any control over how quickly he works. He promised this month, and that's what I'm going with for now. Yes, we will have 110V and 220V versions.

Hello all, I know I have seen many threads here in the past about airbrushing machines, techniques, and recommendation. However, when I do a search for them, I get no results.icon_sad.gif

I am ready to purchase an airbrushing machine, but I just do not know which one to get. For those who use an airbrush, which machine do you use, recommend? I am looking for something affordable, but obviously good quality.

Here's what I came up with when I did a search: 

Which one would be a good choice?

If you have link to threads about this, I will take those as well.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Nicole88 posted:

Hello all, I know I have seen many threads here in the past about airbrushing machines, techniques, and recommendation. However, when I do a search for them, I get no results.icon_sad.gif

I am ready to purchase an airbrushing machine, but I just do not know which one to get. For those who use an airbrush, which machine do you use, recommend? I am looking for something affordable, but obviously good quality.

Here's what I came up with when I did a search: 

Which one would be a good choice?

If you have link to threads about this, I will take those as well.

I would have recommended my JULIA airbrush system, but it is out of stock now and I am no longer working with that partner for various reasons. I love and work with my JULIA airbrush everyday, however. I am hoping to launch another (similar) system in the not-to-distant future with another company. In order to give you a good recommendation in the meantime though, I would need to know your airbrushing needs - cookies and/or cakes? precision work or broad-brush coverage? etc. In general, I think dual-action airbrushes, like the one I offered, afford much more precision than single-action systems, as you are in control of both air and coloring flow at the same time. But, they will be more expensive. The compressor also matters. I'd avoid ones that are only rated to 15 psi, as some deliver less, which can contribute to a speckled spray pattern. And, if you want to cover cakes, for instance, you'll probably need more psi.

One other important consideration is servicing. If you buy indirectly through a wholesaler online, and/or an airbrush manufactured in China with a big-name private label on it (like Duff's), you are likely going to have trouble locating someone to service it for you if/when needed. That all being said, I think your best service is likely to come from Creative Cookier - her airbrushes are single-action and made in China to her specs, but she's top-notch when it comes to delivering service. I have not used her system, but others seem to like it a lot.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

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