Wow! The coming Easter holiday has certainly made you all even more prolific than you usually are! Given the wealth of bunnies and eggs still hitting the home page feeds (they started earlier than St. Patrick's Day), it's remarkable that I haven't yet done a top ten Easter cookies post this year. But, as Easter baskets will soon need to be filled, I'm not going to dillydally any longer!
Below you'll find all manner of Easter-themed cookies, from eggs and bunnies to spring-y flowers and a garden cottage, all of which deserve to displace the chocolate bunnies and jelly beans you probably had planned for your baskets. Enjoy! And congrats to the talented cookiers on this week's hot list.*
#1: Easter Eggs by heidijo [EDITOR'S NOTE: Riding high for several weeks in a row, this cookie is getting an extra boost from external traffic sources - a side benefit of posting to Cookie Connection!]
#2: Bunny House Cookie by Evelindecora
#3: Easter Cookies by Sugarcat
#4: Gallinita by Maria Elena Alvarez Anton
#5: Peter the Rabbit by Cookieland by ZorniZZa
#6: Basket Full of Spring Flowers by Gulnaz
#7: Magnolia by Piernikowe Serca
#8: Easter 2017 by Tina at Sugar Wishes
#9: Easter Rabbits by Cookieland by ZorniZZa [EDITOR'S NOTE: Woo hoo - what a bright and cheery second win of the week!]
#10: Pierniki Wielkanocne by Teresa Pękul
Now if that list isn't motivation to hippity hop straight into the kitchen and start decorating, I don't know what is! A big round of applause to this week's honorees!
Heads up! I will be out of town next weekend and also the following weekend for Easter. That being said, there will be no Spotlight next weekend, but I will try to resume on Easter Sunday when I return from my trip. (If I don't, you'll know I decided to take the holiday completely off! ) The next challenge is still targeted to post on April 8, and a wonderful Cookier Close-up should post before then if all goes as planned. Stay tuned!

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.
All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.
To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.
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