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Christmas in July Giveaway with Zazzle



Hey, all! Cookie Connection is partnering with Zazzle this week on a terrific giveaway surrounding their blow-out Christmas in July sale that's running from today, July 21, through July 25, 2014.


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If you didn't know, Zazzle will personalize just about any product for you: aprons, labels (perfect for cookie packaging), cookie jars . . . heck, even cake pans (which can easily double as cool cookie boxes)! During this week's sale, you can receive hefty discounts on these items, and many more!

Shop Zazzle Now!

And that's not all! If you enter this giveaway, you'll be in the running for a $75 gift certificate, which can be applied to any purchase on Zazzle. (The certificate is valid for both US- and non-US-based customers, with no expiration date).


You don't even have to make cookies to join the fun!


How To Enter


Simply do the following before 11 pm central, July 25:

  • REQUIRED: Tell me (in the comments area below) what's the best Christmas cookie design you've ever made. 
  • OPTIONAL: Copy the following text (in hot pink) and tweet it by clicking on the blue Twitter bird icon at the end of this post: #Zazzle Christmas in July giveaway on @JuliaMUsher 's #Cookie Connection: 

Other Giveaway Details

  • Only one comment per person is permitted. Duplicates will be deleted.
  • Remember, you must be a Cookie Connection member to comment on this site. To join, just click on "Join Community" in the upper left of our home page and follow the sign-up prompts.
  • The winner will be determined by random number generator at the close of the giveaway. The person whose comment position matches the number drawn by the random number generator will win!
  • The winner will be announced on this site and also contacted directly via email shortly after the close of the giveaway.

I think I've covered the basics! If you don't want to try your luck in the giveaway, you can still take advantage of great savings on Zazzle through July 25! Shop now! And/or best of luck!




First . . . I wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading about everyone's favorite Christmas cookie designs - and even seeing a few, thanks to those who uploaded their work! My personal favorite may very well be the ones I'm working on now (3-D ornaments with windows and other tiny cookies in them), but, honestly, it's a little too soon to tell. I'll know more in a few days when they're done! Hopefully, they'll cooperate.


Thanks to everyone for participating in this giveaway, and especially to Zazzle for sponsoring it.


And now, for the winner!


We had 54 entries at the time of contest close, and I drew the following random number:



This means that comment #33 by Lorraine is our winning entry: 




Congrats, Lorraine! I'll be emailing you shortly with information about how to redeem your $75 gift certificate from Zazzle. Woo hoo!


Images (1)
  • Christmas in July Sale Banner: Courtesy of Zazzle

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Comments (54)

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I absolutely LOVE Christmas!! It was a holiday I learned alot of baking ideas from my Dad who is now passed. I LOVE sharing that time of year,  traditions, and all the blessings of the season with my family. This of course includes baking both for my own family and for giving Below are some of my treats from last Christmas which included homemade sauces that got cookies tied on with ribbon and even cookie cutter earrings!! 




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Last edited by Winn@ Cherry Blossom Creations

My favorite design would have to be reindeer silhouette on a plaque cookie. This was the first time I ever attempted a silhouette on a cookie, and I absolutely love the result.  


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  • Joy

My favorite cookies that I decorated for Christmas were little drummer boy cookies!  Christmas is my favorite holiday, and we decorate cookies every year.  My grandchildren love to join in on the fun!

Last Christmas was my first christmas cookie decorating attempt! I had a lot of fun and I would say my best design would be the needlepoint mittens I learnt from My Little Bakery!


Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway!



First . . . I wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading about everyone's favorite Christmas cookie designs - and even seeing a few, thanks to those who uploaded their work! My personal favorite may very well be the ones I'm working on now (3-D ornaments with windows and other tiny cookies in them), but, honestly, it's a little too soon to tell. I'll know more in a few days when they're done! Hopefully, they'll cooperate.


Thanks to everyone for participating in the giveaway, and especially to Zazzle for sponsoring it.


And now, for the winner!


We had 54 entries at the time of contest close, and I drew the following random number:



This means that comment #33 by Lorraine is our winning entry: 




Congrats, Lorraine! I'll be emailing you shortly with information about how to redeem your $75 gift certificate from Zazzle. Woo hoo!


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  • Random Number Generator: Courtesy of Julia M Usher
  • Lorraine's Winning Comment
Last edited by Julia M. Usher

My favourite Christmas cookies that I've made are the reindeer cookies I made last year for my kids' schoolmates.  I have a pic of them as my iPhone wallpaper.  They make me smile every time I turn on my phone!



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  • Reindeers

I'll have to go explore Zazzle. Usually shipping costs deter me from buying overseas


I only made cookies one Christmas so far. The ones I like d the best were the 3D Christmas trees by putting different sizes of stars on top of each other.

The first decorated cookies I ever made were for Christmas. I saw those adorable mittens that look like they're knitted on pinterest, and thought that would be a good "gift" for all the faculty in the school I work in. So I followed a tutorial, and they were actually pretty decent for a first time decorator & for doing wet on wet! So they'd have to be my pick for best design Christmas far! They got me hooked on cookie decorating! That was a year and a half ago!

The favorite designs I've ever made are the Santa's hats and Christmas stockings. Both simply in red and with, but with sparkles on the edges of the hats and stockings and the 'ball' of the hat. Maybe really simple, but love them anyway

My Favorite design would have to be making Christmas trees with my 2 year old daughter Vicky. It was the first time we did this together and I cherished every moment. Will do again this year, but this time, my son Lucas will join!

This was not especially original but my favorite Christmas cookie design I have made were Santa cookies. I made these last Christmas when I first started decorating cookies and I tried some new techniques with sprinkles and sanding. I also made my first eyes ... and this was how I realized how tricky making eyes could be!

My goal this year is to send our family christmas card on a cookie. I'm hoping to take a picture, posterize it, print it and cut stencils in multiple layers, and then create an image on the cookie (in black and white) that mimics spray paint layer art. 

Last Christmas I made a huge amount of reindeer and Christmas tree sugar cookies for my son's primary school class and they were a HUGE hit! That's the part I love the most!

Thank you so much for the chance to enter in this awesome competition.

Julia, your detail is so delicate and beautiful

I look forward to seeing your future video posts xoxo

For Christmas dinner in 2012, I decorated several different penguin-shaped cookies, using Callye's (Sugarbelle) trick for re-purposing cookie cutters to fit my needs.


Thanks for the giveaway Julia!

This is an awesome giveaway!


By far, my most favorite Christmas cookie of all is my Grinch cookie.  I absolutely love him!  I hand cut him for a couple of years until I had a custom cutter of my design made for him.  What's Christmas without the Grinch!  :-)

Probably would have to be a snowman ice cream sandwich!  I decorated two snowman cookies then put softened ice cream in the middle and refroze.  Displayed on a platter with mini snowflake cookies all around.  It was years ago before digital technology was around, so who knows which box the photo is in, otherwise, I would post!

My favourite of my own Christmas cookie designs, much to my delight,  took third place in the Christmas Countdown contest! I did the Woodland Christmas set, I just love gnomes and woodland creatures!

I just started decorating cookies around Christmas last year and those were pretty sorry looking since I had no idea what I was doing with royal icing. Looking forward to decorating Christmas cookies this year though!!

Thank you for the chance!  I'm a beginner to cookie decorating, but so far my favorite cookies are ones that I made based on closeups of some of my favorite famous paintings.  After "painting" the closeups, I piped ornate frames around them without any sort of stencil or example.  Some of them were not so good, but I was proud of most of them.  After dusting with gold they really looked great and I received a lot of compliments on them. 

I love to bake Christmas cookies for family, friends and neighbors.  I don't have a particular favorite but I love putting together a tray of various Christmas themed cookies decorated with royal icing and sparkly trims.  Gingerbread people, candy canes, trees, bells, stars, angels, santas, sleighs and reindeer are always included

This past Christmas was my first decorating cookies. I tried many, but my favorites were the funky shaped stockings, hats and mittens I did. They match one of the trees I put up each year and they were so much fun to make! I'm gonna make them again this year

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