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Giveaway: Julia's New Cookie Decorating App!

My word, putting together my new cookie decorating app has been like birthing a baby! But it's finally done and ready to push out into the world (so to speak)!




Celebration Giveaway

To help spread the word about its birth, I'm running a little Rafflecopter giveaway from today (November 7, 5 pm central) until November 14 (5 pm central), which you can enter on my Facebook page or via the link below. Rafflecopter will present you with all the various ways you can enter, but (hint, hint) the more things you do (tweet, write a blog comment, etc.), the greater your odds of winning! Entrants have the chance to win one of the following five prizes, which have a combined retail value of over $150. Just think of the Christmas gift potential - if not for you, then for someone else!

  • First Prize: A promo code to access the app, both of my books (Ultimate Cookies and Cookie Swap), and my DVD video series ($70-plus value)
  • Second Prize: A promo code to access the app and both of my books (Ultimate Cookies and Cookie Swap) ($50-plus value)
  • Third Prize: A promo code to access the app and my book Cookie Swap ($25-plus value)
  • Honorable Mention: A promo code to access the app ($7 value)
  • Honorable Mention: A promo code to access the app ($7 value)

Of course, skipping the giveaway and buying the app (it's just $6.99) is fair game too! 


Enter Here

Julia's Rafflecopter Giveaway


More About My App

In short, my app is a “best of” compilation of all of my latest projects. It combines 20 of my favorite cookie projects from my second book Ultimate Cookies with 15 videos from my recently released DVD video series. Plus, it has a lot of other cool features:

  • 20 in-depth technique tutorials, companions to some of the videos;
  • 12 cookie and icing recipes;
  • 9 technique sorts to help you find all the projects that use your favorite techniques or ones you want to learn more about;
  • Project sorts so you can quickly find projects (from beginner to advanced) to suit your skill level;
  • Tips about my favorite tools and supplies;
  • Chat areas for commenting, asking me questions, and providing feedback;
  • A resource guide; and more!

And here's a little sneak peek if these words aren't enough to get you revved up . . .


Main Navigation Page with 5 Project Chapters



Typical Project Chapter Headersphoto2


9 Technique Sorts



15 Technique Videos

ReplacementVideo Screen Shot 10-15


Typical Step-by-Step "Cascading" Project Layoutphoto1


Thanks for indulging me with your attention!


If you don't want to wait for the giveaway results, you can always buy the app here. In any event, I'd so appreciate if you would help spread the word by sharing this post via the links below. 


Many thanks! And best of luck to those who enter!


Again, Enter Here

Julia's Rafflecopter Giveaway


Announcement of Winners

Woo hoo! Thanks to the help of Rafflecopter's random number generator, five winners have been selected from among the giveaway's 1473 entries! But before I announce the names, I wanted to first thank all who entered or otherwise spread the word about the giveaway and my app. Every tweet and share and comment is so appreciated, and was invaluable in spreading awareness about my new project.


And now, drum roll, please . . . the first through fifth place winners are, in this order:


1. Joanna Mills

2. Yusnita Anugrayanti Rasad

3. Kim Polman

4. Inez Euler Hines

5. Lizeth 


Congrats, ladies! I have contacted each of you via email already with your app promo codes and other instructions for redeeming any other prizes. I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Thanks again to all who participated!


Any Support or Tech Questions? Contact:


Images (6)
  • App Giveaway Banner for Rafflecopter: Photos by Steve Adams
  • Main Navigation Page with 5 Project Chapters: Photos by Steve Adams
  • Typical Project Chapter Headers: Photos by Steve Adams
  • 9 Technique Sorts: Photos by Steve Adams
  • 15 Technique Videos: Video by Joe Baran
  • Typical Step-by-Step "Cascading" Project Layout: Photos by Steve Adams

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Comments (53)

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Being able to be creative when cookying, sharing ideas and inspiration, being inspired by people like you and everyone on this blog. Cookying has opened a world, literally, of friends out there!

I love that I am able to use various methods to express my creativity. So far I have tried wet on wet, stenciling, painting on cookies, edible marker, and royal icing transfers. I hope to explore airbrush and 3D cookieing!

I love the cookie community!!  I adore being as creative as I want to be with cookies.  I have always had a thing for cookies, but now I get to put my spin on them.  Being a cookier helped me to find my inner voice...I am grateful for being a cookie decorator.  It just makes me happy.  

I love that I learn so much about cookies from this site and I love that they can be so detailed or simple and still look amazing and they last longer than cake, well unless my kids get to them

Last week, my three year old grandson and I made Halloween cookies.  He picked out the cookie cutters and we rolled and cut the dough together.  I knew he had a good time, but the next day, his mom told me that all he did was talk about making cookies with Grandma, and that his favorites were the Frankenstein cookies.  I enjoy creating cookies for friends and family, but THAT was the BEST!

I love that when I pick up a cookie and some icing I can leave the rest of the world behind. All the stress and pressure of the day slips away just like the icing flowing out of the bottle. It is very relaxing and, a ton of fun!

Originally Posted by BAKRGAL:

Any chance that this app might be developed to run on a Macbook?  I soooo want it, but no iPad and I just can't watch detailed stuff on my iPhone -- too small for my aging eyes!


Sorry, not a tech geek, but can't you run an app on a Mac through iTunes? I'll ask my tech guys and get back to you if you don't know, but I'm not a Mac user.

Heads up - my app should be available for Android devices later today. Other outlets beyond iTunes are coming very soon. Just check back to this link and you'll see when the other stores have gone live because they will light up and the words "Coming" will disappear:


Many thanks!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

BAKRGAL - just fired off your question to my tech guys; will let you know what they say as soon as I hear.


If anyone who has purchased has support/tech/device questions related to the app, please contact directly, as I am not able to answer any technical questions. i Just don't have the expertise. So far there haven't been any questions other than someone having her iPad on mute (thus videos could not be heard!), but just in case.

Originally Posted by BAKRGAL:

Any chance that this app might be developed to run on a Macbook?  I soooo want it, but no iPad and I just can't watch detailed stuff on my iPhone -- too small for my aging eyes!


Just checked and the app is not compatible with Macbook. So sorry - it works on just about every other device.

Originally Posted by Julia M. Usher:
Originally Posted by BAKRGAL:

Any chance that this app might be developed to run on a Macbook?  I soooo want it, but no iPad and I just can't watch detailed stuff on my iPhone -- too small for my aging eyes!


Just checked and the app is not compatible with Macbook. So sorry - it works on just about every other device.

Thanks for checking.  Most apps developed for iPhone or iPad don't run on a desktop or laptop without extra work being done.  I think at some point, I'm just going to have to break down & get the iPad!

Originally Posted by esther73rg:

Hola julia, q lindo trabajo,,, al comprar la aplicacion se puede usar tanto en ipad con en pc?, es por tiempo ilimitado?.

Para el concurso cuales son las pautas a seguir?

un beso

Hi, Esther, Yes, the app will be available to buy indefinitely and it will be available for iPad, iPhone and most mobile devices (but NOT laptops) through the stores in this link, which is also on the home page:  For the giveaway, which ends on November 13, just follow the instructions here: 


Thanks, I hope I have answered your questions.


Originally Posted by Julia M. Usher:
Originally Posted by esther73rg:

Hola julia, q lindo trabajo,,, al comprar la aplicacion se puede usar tanto en ipad con en pc?, es por tiempo ilimitado?.

Para el concurso cuales son las pautas a seguir?

un beso

Hi, Esther, Yes, the app will be available to buy indefinitely and it will be available for iPad, iPhone and most mobile devices (but NOT laptops) through the stores in this link, which is also on the home page:  For the giveaway, which ends on November 13, just follow the instructions here: 


Thanks, I hope I have answered your questions.


Rough translation:


Hola, Esther, sí, la aplicación estará disponible para comprar indefinidamente y que estará disponible para dispositivos iPad, iPhone y más móviles (pero no un portátil) a través de las tiendas en este enlace, que también está en la página de inicio: http:/ / / apps / Julia_Ushers_Ultimate_Cookies Para el sorteo, que finaliza el 13 de noviembre, sólo tienes que seguir las instrucciones aquí:

Gracias, espero haber respondido a sus preguntas.

Originally Posted by SandraB369:
You inspire me so much!
I'm a beginner but learned so much from you!

Oh, thanks so much, Sandra!

Originally Posted by esther73rg:

Julia perdona, me direcciona es a la pagina de premios , no a los requisitos para concursar, gracias

Sorry, neither I nor Google Translate can figure out what you are saying. I am not sure if I answered your question or not, but hope I did above.

Thank you so much for this opportunity of the giveaway!  I can't wait to check out your app even if I don't win it!!!  I love how much my new hobby makes my friends and family and I can't wait to learn even more from you! Your work is amazing!!!

Originally Posted by Kippy's Kookie's:

Thank you so much for this opportunity of the giveaway!  I can't wait to check out your app even if I don't win it!!!  I love how much my new hobby makes my friends and family and I can't wait to learn even more from you! Your work is amazing!!!

Thanks so much, Kippy's Kookies!

Congrats! So exited about this Giveaway!I love baking and decorating cakes;Im a little "obsess" about cookie cutters and beautiful art of cookies and finally take the plunge and dare to try I'm hook! thanks so much for all what you share with us!

Thanks for sharing your awesome talents in another medium...the app! I love baking and being challenged with new ideas. I always think that if a decorated cookie doesn't turn out how you want it to look you can eat it in the dark, right? 

Originally Posted by FigTales:

Thanks for sharing your awesome talents in another medium...the app! I love baking and being challenged with new ideas. I always think that if a decorated cookie doesn't turn out how you want it to look you can eat it in the dark, right? 

RIGHT, FigTales. Totally agree about eating it in the dark - or even in plain view!

I have just started decorating cookies in the past year,and I am hooked. I would love to see the cookie become the next cupcake. People,ask if I can put that on a cookie. All I can do is try. I love the challenge. Thank you for all you do

Originally Posted by Sissygirl:

I have just started decorating cookies in the past year,and I am hooked. I would love to see the cookie become the next cupcake. People,ask if I can put that on a cookie. All I can do is try. I love the challenge. Thank you for all you do

Ahh, Sissygirl, but the cookie IS the next cupcake! It's arrived!

Announcement of Winners (This information is also posted above, but in case you did not see it . . .)

Woo hoo! Thanks to the help of Rafflecopter's random number generator, five winners have just been selected from among the giveaway's 1473 entries! But before I announce the names, I wanted to first thank all who entered or otherwise spread the word about the giveaway and my app. Every tweet and share and comment is so appreciated, and was invaluable in spreading awareness about my new project.


And now, drum roll, please . . . the first through fifth place winners are, in this order:


1. Joanna Mills

2. Yusnita Anugrayanti Rasad

3. Kim Polman

4. Inez Euler Hines

5. Lizeth 


Congrats, ladies! I have contacted each of you via email already with your app promo codes and other instructions for redeeming any other prizes. I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Thanks again to all who participated!

Originally Posted by Joanna (Cookie Mojo):

OOOOOOOH! I won!!! I am beyond excited! Thank you so much, Julia!


Great to put a face to the name. Just sent you an email regarding the promo code.

I just wanted to post a public thank-you to Julia for running this contest and donating the generous prizes. I've been using the app on my Android phone for a few days and I love it! And today I got Julia's fabulous books in the mail and have been poring over should all put these on your Christmas list!!!

Originally Posted by Joanna (Cookie Mojo):

I just wanted to post a public thank-you to Julia for running this contest and donating the generous prizes. I've been using the app on my Android phone for a few days and I love it! And today I got Julia's fabulous books in the mail and have been poring over should all put these on your Christmas list!!!

Thanks so much, Joanna! Glad you are enjoying!

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