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Ice Cream, Anybody?
Watch-Learn-Create Challenge #51

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IMG_4362I'm so happy to be back here with you all❀️Summer season was busy

So back to my creation ice cream ,as following photos 2 metal cones used for forming and baking 2 half cones,baked for 10-12min 190degree celsius,also 2 half hemispheres onfca09ff9-a834-4201-89fb-d31065532224aed823c1-14f2-4a91-9120-8ac5f7ccfede

silicone mold for cake pops,after baked and get cold I neded to etched them so they fit together ,actualy 1 "ice cream ball" was necessary to carve so fit 1 bal on another after all.

Back to cone for ice cream I iced it with stiff beige  icing and after with knive I did  horizontally lines and then I used parchment paper folded from before to get texture of ice cream cone


Images (3)
  • IMG_4362
  • fca09ff9-a834-4201-89fb-d31065532224
  • aed823c1-14f2-4a91-9120-8ac5f7ccfede
Last edited by Petra Florean

Wow, so realistic, especially the ice cream! I mean, between @Zeena's donuts and your ice cream cones, you'd never guess this is a cookie site. Really well done - congrats!

Thank you Julia,yes it's funny, really you'd never guess this is cookie site.I agree you I was also not satisfied with my cone 100%, @Zeena's donuts look definitely more realistic.Thank you so much❀I forgot notice important start point-I was working with your recipe again @Julia M. Usher's gingerbread dough ,but if I input it now to post and I saw it many times until now and Don't know why after all vanish and seems like error

Last edited by Petra Florean

Petra @Petra Florean, this ice cream cookie looks so realistic ! It still feel like summer in Rome and your creation looks so refreshing. The texture you gave to the scoops of ice cream is great, I would never have known these weren’t real ice cream! Thanks again for sharing pictures of the tools and of how you textured the icing cone.

Thank you very much dear @Manu biscotti decorati .It's very hot these days here in Greece, so yes very refreshing...only if was really realπŸ˜†β€At least it looks like πŸ˜‰

Last edited by Petra Florean

I absolutely love your ice cream cone dear Petra @Petra Florean!!! The "ice cream" looks so real. It makes me want to get some ice cream and make one of these. LOL. I love how you created the texture on the cone!! What a creative idea and it looks very realistic!!  Awesome work my dear friend .

1000thanks dear Carol,so glad youlike it❀️❀️❀️

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