If we could afford it, my teen daughter and I would jump on an airplane right now and come visit for a week! I can't tell you how much I relate to your loneliness. As I get sucked further into the cookie world I keep coming across all these amazing discoveries, and I have no one to talk to about whatever got me so excited that day. (I definitely drank the kool-aid.) I think a lot of people with unique hobbies or artistic inclinations feel this way.
I also have seen a lot of women/moms put their own needs aside in order to be there for everyone else. Nurturing others is a good thing, but you deserve to have family and friends give you some attention and interest too. If someone is really a friend, they should be supportive, and they get to eat cookies too. What could be better?
I have to say, I was very impressed and proud to see someone stand up and say "I am lonely" with dignity instead of feeling like a loser. As they say, the only difference between humility and humiliation is attitude. I live with chronic pain that has led to depression at times, but I feel so ashamed to share that with people, because they will most likely run the other way. After all, who wants to be around someone that might be a downer all the time, or really needy, or could turn out to be unbalanced? (I am proud to say that I am not a downer, and quite well adjusted, at least for now, lol) This is sad, because people with those serious issues need a friend and support more than anyone.
I am very lucky to have my 14-year-old daughter, because I have not left the house once since New Year's. Poor thing, I have been driving her crazy with cookies, and now we just do a trade. I will listen to go on about World of Warcraft and other video games, memes, cute animal photos, and cracked.com, but then she has to look at cookies on Pintrest with me and listen patiently while I show her my new gel color or latest creation. The side benefit to sharing things the other is not really into is that now I enjoy a game of Minecraft from time to time, and I got to see her eyes light up as she smugly made an almost perfect royal icing rose on her first try. It was so pretty sitting there next to the 30 smooshed rose-ish shaped lumps I had made! Because we both have ADHD, our home can be an endless afternoon interruptions, but we both benefit because we learn more about the world around us.
Maybe you could try looking at things from a different angle. Maybe instead of looking for other cookiers, you could befriend other types of artists. Not only do they have a lot of the same interests such as color, surface design, tools, and a creative spirit, but some crafts are almost directly related. For example, polymer and other clay can be worked like fondant and moldable chocolate, scale model builders are interested in airbrushing, miniatures, and molding, and multimedia artists and scrapbookers do a lot with templates, stencils, and layering interesting textures. Maybe an author would be interested in your cookie journey, or find inspiration for poetry or music in your designs or visa versa. I know I am inspired in my cookie designs by other artists all the time. I am sure you could come up with other hobbies besides arts and crafts as well.
One of my current plans is to look into how I can help others through my creative side. Cookies are the perfect thing to bolster people during hard times, and other people might be interested in sharing about cookies so they can help others too. Making cookies for auctions and fundraisers, giving classes for disabled people, helping create gift baskets for lonely senior citizens, or even just teaching troubled teens a craft are all wonderful examples of way to give back while being social. Here in the USA, girl scouts would jump at the chance to have someone come show them how to make fancy cookies, and some troops even join together to pay teachers for a lesson about historical crafts and skills. (I know many boys may not think it is "cool", but even Peeta from The Hunger Games novel knew how to pipe fancy icing decorations, and using that skill to camoflage himself saved his life, lol!)
I hope some of this helped give you some ideas, or at least reminded you that you are not alone, even when it might feel that way

P.S. I can't help but think that a lack of cookies and cookiers in your area could equal a great business opportunity for you. I have been thinking about how cool it would be to do cookie parties and sell hard to find cookie artist tools at a really good price.