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Competition Registration is Now Open! (Plus, Huge Final Prize Tally!)


Woo hoo! That's right, registration for the third virtual edition of Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ opened on March 30! While the complete set of rules and theme description for the competition were announced in mid-February (which means you may already be working on your entry - yay!), now's the time to declare your official intent to enter by clicking on the big, bold pink link directly below. This link will take you to the registration form on Eventbrite, my event registration platform. But, first, please carefully read all of the competition rules and theme description, which you can find in the previously posted Competition Overview (which now also contains this registration link, BTW).


Wondering what it means to register? Again, registration is nothing more than a declaration of your intent to enter the competition. It does not obligate you to submit an entry, but it does require you to submit your name, contact information, and payment of a non-refundable $15 USD entry fee per entry to cover competition admin costs. I encourage you to register early, even before your entry is complete, as getting an early read on the number of possible entries helps me immensely with planning the judging process. Thank you!

Once you have paid that fee on Eventbrite, you will automatically receive a receipt from Eventbrite (check your email junk box) with a letter from me with links to access the competition entry databases. The entry databases reside here on Cookie Connection and are only accessible to paid registrants. They are where you will eventually upload your entry photos, a video, and other supplemental materials explained in the Competition Overview before entries are due on June 30, 2024, 5 pm CDT.

And, oh, before I forget to tell you 😀: Prizes for the competition now top $25,500 USD, an all-time competition record! So, in addition to the opportunity to learn a lot, you have the chance to win big if you enter!

Again, for all of the competition rules and theme description, I direct you back to the:


Best of luck, everyone! Have a blast creating! The judges and I can't wait to see your interpretations of this year's theme!


Images (1)
  • Registration Banner for Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™: Graphic Design by Elizabeth Cox

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