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CookieCon 2015 Ticket Giveaway!

Foregoing fancy meals or pulling decorating all-nighters in order to scratch together the change for CookieCon? Hoping you'll win the lottery so you won't have to go another year without meeting your online cookie friends?




Well, hope no more! The wonderful Tammy Colitti of 2 T's Stencils and I have partnered to bring you this special CookieCon 2015 ticket giveaway.




We'll be giving away one ticket to CookieCon (value: $259; event registration only; travel not included) to one lucky winner anywhere in the world, and entry is easy!

Giveaway Details:

  • Just tell us why you really, really want to go to CookieCon in the comments area below.
  • Post your comment no later than Monday, April 6, 2015 (5 pm central) in order to qualify. Please comment just once; we will not accept multiple entries/comments from the same person.
  • Hop on over to Tammy's Facebook page and give her a like if you haven't already. (I'm giving her a virtual hug as well! Without her financial support, this giveaway would not have been possible. Thanks again, Tammy!)
  • And, last but not least, please share this post on social media using any or all of the share buttons at the end.
  • On April 6, shortly after giveaway close, a winner will be randomly drawn from the comments and announced here.
  • If the ticket is not claimed by the winner within a week of the drawing (by Monday, April 13), we will consider the ticket forfeited by the winner, and another winner will be drawn.

Yes, it's that easy! So what are you waiting for?! This could be your free ticket to the cookie event of the year!




First, thanks to all who played along, but especially to Tammy Colitti of 2 T's Stencils for co-sponsoring this giveaway with me.


Well . . . the random number generator has spoken, and the winning comment is #112, the last comment on the blog . . .




This means that JojaBlueberry is our lucky winner with the following heartfelt comment:




Congrats, JojaBlueberry! Clearly, you've got lots of good reasons for wanting to attend this wonderful event, and Tammy and I are delighted to help make your dream a reality! I'll be in touch soon via email with instructions for redeeming your ticket!



Images (4)
  • CookieCon 2015 Banner: Courtesy of CookieCon 2015
  • 2 T's Stencils Logo/Banner: Courtesy of 2 T's Stencils
  • CookieCon Giveaway Winning Comment Number: From Random Number Generator
  • JojaBlueberry's Winning Comment: From Cookie Connection Blog

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Comments (113)

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Meeting the creators behind the deserts would be really cool. I love people who are passionate about what they do and can talk about their love of food and learn from these experts.  It would be great to be in a room filled these wonderful artists! Thanks for the opportunity to try and win one of these tickets! 

This is absolutely amazing. The main reason I want to attend cookie con is to try and improve my skills as much as possible and learn from the most amazing cookiers in the world. I know that I've improved a lot in the last year, but I also know I have so much to learn. Beyond that I want to meet all the amazing people I've been talking to during this past year and have formed a bond with. I've never felt more accepted or like I belong anywhere as much as I do with the amazing cookier community. Thanks Tammy and Julia for creating an opportunity for those of us that couldn't afford a ticket a chance to attend. 

I really, really, REALLY NEED to go to cookie con to get experience and meet all my favorite cookiers and inspirations. It is so sad how much I NEED to go to CookieCon, Ever since I discovered Sweetopia's cookies, I've been in cookie mode nonstop (ask my family!) I want to make cookies, look at cookies, draw cookies, decorate cookies, etc all day long. I don't know what else to say besides I REALLY hope I can go. It would be SUCH an honor to be among the great cookiers that I admire everyday (from my computer :/ ). Thank you to the cookie queen (Julia Usher) for giving us 'little people' an opportunity to go to cookie con. This is truly wonderful. So thank you.  

I've been doing cookies almost 6 years now and not once have i ever been able to go to any sort of cookie event or convention due to them being so far and costing so much. I would love to finally go and meet fellow cookiers that i've been following and talking to for all these years. Also it falls a few days after my birthday 

I would LOVE to go to Cookie Con!  I have only been doing serious cookieing for a relatively short time, so I feel I still have lots to learn.  Plus, it would be great to be among people who share my obsession - my family is beginning to think I am nuts.

My daughter has just recently graduated from Culinary school and has her heart set on a baking career, wanting to help people with special needs (allergies, etc) be able to have access to baked treats.  I am a 2-year cancer survivor and I try to help her where I can, mostly on the decorating end.  We both have so very much to learn still...I don't think that process will ever end, but a trip together to this gathering would be a great head start on her journey, a wonderful learning experience for me, and a sweet celebration for both of us that we could not otherwise afford.  

I really really want to go to cookie con because cookies have changed my life in the past year and the people I have met online are amazing. I would love to tell them so in person. I've never had a passion as strongly as this an finally there is a con just for me! It seems a shame to miss it due to financial struggles. Thank you for this chance to win.
I was counting down the days to purchasing my ticket to Cookie Con. The time came and I did not have enough to pay for a ticket. It would be a dream come true to be able to go to Cookie Con for the first time and meet all the incredible people. 😊

CookieCon was one of the best weekends I have ever had last year!! Had a blast seeing the different techniques and meering all the wonderful instructors. Met a lot of awesome cookie decorators from all over the world. Would be great to go back to learn some more and shop, shop, shop! 


EDITOR'S NOTE: I love the photo! 


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Last edited by Julia M. Usher
.. I cannot believe I have an actual chance to win!! I would love this opportunity to strengthen my cookie decorating skills!! I'm new and I would love to be side by side with the best!! ❤️

I would really love to go to since I would be a newbie and would love to meet all the great cookie artists that I have been following and inspiring to reach their talent level one day....

Wow! What a wonderful give-away! Just wanted to say how kind and generous you both are! Thank you Tammy and Julia!  I have learned so very much in the last year! Watching videos is a great but it is nothing compared to seeing first hand what is happening behind the scenes. And to meet the ladies and gentleman who have helped me on my journey would be so exciting! And believe me there are many!  Thank you again!


I would LOVE to have my trip to Cookie Conn sponsored by the wonderful Julia and Tammy!  Yes, I'm pulling cookie all nighters to pay for this otherwise...

I would LOVE meet all of my online cookie "idols" - but even more, it is meeting a group of my peers - and eat sleep talk COOKIE...I always feel that in person lessons are amazing! 

THANK YOU for offing this  - golden ticket - !!


Love watching and learning from many wonderful Cookiers, but as great as social media is nothing can replace being there in person.. After reading ALL the comments from all that attended last year How Could You Not want to go.  I saw the date come that tickets would go on sale and watched all thought the day... post after post of gleeful ticket holders. The ticket price just to much for me now. If I won I most certainly would feel like Charlie getting the last Golden Ticket to the chocolate factory!!

Being able to go to CookieCon would be like an athlete going to the Olympics. They are the best of the best! With 2 kids in college and being on the east coast, it is just not in our budget to get me there. This would be a dream come true!

Going to Cookie Con would be a dream come true. I'm a hobby baker and I can't justify the cost of going to my family. I'd be able to somehow make it work if I won a ticket though. It would be so amazing to meet all the cookiers I so look up to and admire. I really really want to go because I have so many questions and I would be like a sponge just soaking up all the amazing information everyone there has to offer. Getting to practice alongside all the other cookiers and sharing information. I'm sure this is a bucket list item for so many of us. Good luck to everyone and thank you for the opportunity.

I have a Charity Bakery out of my home.  I donate either baked goods for Charity events, or donate my profits to local Children's Charities.  It would be awesome to be able to learn more techniques to improve my skills at this convention so that I can donate more to our local charities.  


Images (7)
  • Basketball sugar cookies: 450 sugar cookies showcasing different areas of study at a local school.
  • Dessert night: Local charity event
  • Sugar cookies and desserts: Local charity event
  • Easter Cookies
  • Bunnies: Some bunny loves you
  • Salted dark chocolate ganache tarts with chocolate transfer: Art after dark Charity Event
  • Halloween cake: Young life event
Last edited by 247chef

It would be a dream come true to be able to go to Cookie Con 2015. My cookie business has not afforded me the fund to go. Would love the chance to meet fellow cookiers. And rub elbows with the pros. I will keep my fingers crossed and hope.   

I would love to go to Cookie Con this year!! I've been trying to attend for a few years now, and I thought it was going to happen for real this year, but it still is too uncertain and they are sure to sell out.  This would be an answer to all of my prayers!! Thank you both for all of your wonderful contributions to the cookie world.

Well, I would LOVE to attend CookieCon, because I've never gone, and everyone says I should, and that it is a most fabulous event! Also, I need a break from my teenager, and my 70 lb. weimeramer. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


I would love a chance to go. Thank you tammy and Julia, not only for the amazing chance but for all in the inspiration you and all the other cookiers provide. I only started decorating a year ago (April 15). I have 4 wonderful kids but I found decorating was finally something I could do for me. After 7 years of devoting everything to my kids I feel the cookies have given me a little bit of myself back. Now I am a superhero mom and cookie artist. Thank you

Being able to be with other like minded people who just totally 'get' it, finally meeting friends I've found acquaintance with via various boards, marveling at the amazing techniques others are using, discovering the 'aha' moment, many times during the course of the event and...and...and....the list goes on...  Why would anyone NOT want to part of this amazing party?  

Wow, thank you so much Tammy and Julia for such an awesome giveaway! Just another example of the generosity in this wonderful cookie community. I would love, love, love to make it to CookieCon for so many reasons. I would love to learn new techniques from the best around. I would love to be in the presence of my cookie idols, who I look up to and admire so much. Most of all, I would love to meet all of the cookie friends I have had an online relationship with for the past 3 years. Just getting to meet everyone in person, spend time hanging out, making memories and even some new friends would be the best!
I really, really want to go to Cookie Con to meet all of you cookiers whose blogs and pages I stalk on a regular basis! And for the classes! And for the cookie cutter swap! Oh, and the cookies, yes, the cookies!

I really, really want to go to Cookie Con to see how far my art can travel in the world of cookies. I love to learn from those and be inspired by those who are a step ahead of me. And it would be tons of fun to get away from my day job for a small beak.

I want to go to CookieCon because I love cookies, and really want to see all of the tools and supplies in action. Plus, I desperately need to get out of the house, lol! Its been many years since I did something special for myself, and CookieCon would be a perfect way to spoil myself with something fun, energizing, and positive. Whooo Hoooo - CookieCon or bust!

I think there's a character limit on comments so I'll just say I want to go to Cookie Con because...

~ I'll get to meet my cookie idols (faint).

~ I'll get to learn new things.

~ I'll get to meet all my cookie sisters that I interact with daily.

~ I'll get to buy cool stuff.

~ I'll get to have fun instead of living vicariously through FB posts of attendees (and crying myself to sleep).

~ I'll get to give out all these hugs I've saved up for when I finally meet everyone in person.

~ Most importantly.....I'll get to learn from the best of the best. 


Thank you thank you thank you for offering this awesome giveaway!

Let's hope I can still make cookies after having my fingers crossed for the next week!

Wow, I would love to go for the experience of it all. I've never been to one before, actually I had never even heard of one until just recently as I have only been doing cookies for a little over a year now. Such an awesome opportunity.

i would love to be able to attend for all the reasons above and then some......what an opportunity and privilege it would be to meet and pick the brains of all those creative cookiers out there!  plus.....I deserve some alone time from my  beautiful children!

I would really love the opportunity to go to Cookie Con 2015. However, my family could not afford it this year on just one salary. You see, I've always had a passion for decorating cookies and started selling them on the side a few years ago, while I was still working full time. Thus was born Sweets on the Side. It wasn't until I lost my job in the summer of 2013 while pregnant with my 2nd child that I finally considered selling cookies full time. It's been a dream of mine to be able to do this full time and now it's come to reality. I get one chance. There is no room for failure. We are determined to make it a successful business. So began the new chapter in January of 2014. I thought I was a good cookier until I discovered all the talented cookiers out there. I was blown away and inspired to push myself to be more creative and maybe one day inspire others. I feel a sense of sincere community among my cookie peers on Cookie Connection, Instagram, Facebook Let's Talk Cookies and McGoo U and yet have never met any of them. But, it wasn't umtil a recent discovery of a group of local cookiers that has been the most encouraging and empowering. And the friendships I have made have been priceless. Who else can I text in the wee hours of the dark night needing that extra bit of  "you can do it!" or "your almost done!" or teased with "hand cramping yet?"! I feel that if I got to attend Cookie Con, it would be that same sense of comeraderie. It absolutely fills my soul with a sense of humbleness and gratitude to learn from such amazing cookiers. Once again, I would love the opportunity to learn from some of the best and admired cookiers in the world at the Cookie Con. Thank you for your time. And may the odds be ever in my favor!

I really wanna got to CookieCon coz my cookies suck. I wanna learn how to make them fabulous like yours! And I wanna be in a great big space filled with the smell of cookies and frosting. mmmmmm

I would like to go to CookieCon because:
1. I've never been!

2. I believe we should never stop learning and to learn from so many talented cookiers would be an honor!

3. I'd love to behold all of the amazing creations in the sugar show.

4. To shop all the amazing vendors would be so much fun!

5. This would be like the most amazing Girls Day Out EVER!

(Shared on Twitter!)

Last edited by Sweet Ivy Confections (Melody)
I would love to go to Cookie Con to meet all of the people who share their love and amazing talent for cookie decorating/art. It would be a wonderful opportunity, to meet everyone who helps make Cookie Con a cookie decorator's dream!

When our only child went off to college, I felt like I needed a new hobby. One day I stumbled upon an cookie Facebook page and never turned back! Although it has only been around six months that I have been creating cookies, I have learned so much already, but I know I have A LOT more to learn. Going to Cookiecon would be a dream come true!! Surrounding myself with other cookiers, learning from the pros and making new friends along that way would be an amazing experience. 

As a novice cookie decorator, going to Cookie Con would be a dream come true.  I look at the cookie creations by the "experts" and wonder if I'll ever be that talented.  In life, one must continue to learn.  What better opportunity than to attend Cookie Con and learn from the experts.  If I don't win the tickets, I'll be certain to start squirreling away money for next year's event. Wishing everyone all the best!

I would be SO HAPPY and grateful to win this and actually get to go to Cookie Con. Why do I really really want to go?  To improve my skills, to meet friends, to see what's new and exciting in the cookie world, sure.  But most of all, because I haven't been anywhere in 14 years as "Kim" and not "Mommy".  Cookies are my creative outlet and my "ME" thing.  It would be so amazing to be able to get out of here for a few days, on my own, to learn and celebrate what I love to do.  Thank you for the chance Julia and Tammy!

I would love to go to Cookie Con! I am still fairly new at cookie decorating, actually any kind of baking at all, and absolutely love it! I quit my 'real' job to pursue the glorious life of a baker, and have enjoyed every minute, I KNOW that CookieCon will increase my skills to the point that I can contribute in a noticable way to our family. I never want to have a real job again and see this as a way to ensure that I do not have to. 

Additionally, My favorite sister-in-law and nieces and nephews live about 2 hours outside of Salt Lake. I no longer have disposable income to pay for trips, that I could spend a few days with after and that would make my heart sing!

I would love to go so that I can meet all the wonderful cookiers that I chat with every day online. This cookie community is by far the best group of people I've ever known. Tammy Colitti has been such a pleasure to work with recently too. I'd love to meet her!! Winning this chance to go would be fantastic!!

My hobby is making wedding cakes.  I started out as a young girl baking and selling cakes at my own bake sales.  Now it's  over 45 years. I love creating new stuff.  When I found this blog, I thought it might be interesting to reduce the calories by making smaller more creative items.  An opportunity to Cookiecon would help my learning curve.  I think   this would help me immerse myself in cookie decorating and expose me to a world of cookie makers.  Good luck to me and all other hopeful entrants..  


I would love to go to cookiecon in order to grow as a cookier on all levels.  I would love to be able to meet the kind people I hear others talking about. I would love to make one or hopefully a few friends there myself.  I am a proverbial Southerner, friendly,  kind, giving, outgoing, and also,  filled with creativity but trapped in a stereotypical Northern state. I have no one to fellowship with  here that are interested  in the creative arts. I have wanted to create a group in my area of fellow cookiers but have not been successful in getting one established.  I am fairly new to the decorative world of cookies {I was a cake decorating instructor}  and I am blown away by how kind and giving spirited so many of you are.  So,  many gifted and talented cookiers generously share your knowledge and also are  giving of encouragement.  You are my kind of people.  Especially,  you Julia.I just can't get over how much time you give and personal talent you just put out there people you will never know.  People aren't like that here. You all speak to my soul. So, I guess I would like to go just as much to hopefully fill my spirit by  having the opportunity to  associate with our type people and to actually see these beautiful works of art in person simply excites me. Oh... Yes, and to hopefully have the awesome opportunity to learn some new techniques! I've never been to one of these events and can't even imagine how  awesome it would be to actually get to attend this event. I've  never really traveled anywhere, so this would be a great adventure for me.
Thanks to you both for making this available to some one of us out here in Cookie Land.  ��

Thanks for this awesome giveaway! I would really love to win a ticket for cookie con and see all my cookie idols! I'm relatively new and have never attended any sort of cookie function. It would be an awesome experience and opportunity to learn from the best!!

Wow this would an amazing opportunity to meet all the new and talented friends that I have only know via the internet.  What a generous gift this will be for the  lucky winner.   Good luck all

I didn't even know about cookie con until last year.  I would love to go and meet more of my cookie idols.  I want to learn from the masters And Tammy is my good luck charm, so my fingers are

Dear Julia & Tammy,

I would so love to go to the 2015 CookieCon - I'd sell my kids (almost, just kidding!! I'd put them to work instead spruiking my cookies ) Finding the cookie community has given me back something that has brought some joy & creativity into my life, as well as being able to pass that on through my biscuits.

Here in Australia, cookies aren't as well known or done really, so it's an uphill battle to introduce it as an alternative to cupcakes. Being a nurse (but keen baker & sweets/dessert eater) ALL I've learnt is through the amazing cookiers who share their talents via their blog posts, tutorials, FB & IG sites. I'd have been LOST without that (& a damn sight worse at decorating). I've still a long way to go.

But, getting on a Saturday Spotlight my 2nd time on the site, & starting up my legitimate business 2 weeks ago have been my highlights. 2015 is going to be MY year & this'd crown it!!

Thanks, Kristine  

I started decorating cookies just over a year ago, with the first ones being for my daughter's birthday party.  I figured I was okay at cakes and would try some cookies.  If they didn't turn out, at least I would have the cake and could just hide them.  Looking back at them, they were awful, but at the time I was so proud.  I fell in love with decorating/designing cookies and knew immediately I had to learn everything I possibly could to be able to come close to decorating like some of these cookie geniuses.  I am happy to say that I have greatly improved, but not without the awesome support, love, tutorials, websites, blogs, videos, etc from the cookie community.  I love everyone of my wonderful cookie friends and given the opportunity to meet even just a few of them would blow my mind!  Thank you for such an awesome giveaway and chance for someone like me to meet some of you!

I'm new to the Decorated Cookie group. I love seeing all the different styles that the cookie decorators come up with. I would love to meet these talented people, and learn as much as possible. Three days at COOKIECON with this wonderful opportunity to learn and shop different vendors in person instead of online, really fascinates me. I so hope I'm the lucky winner! Thanks so much for the opportunity.
First, thanks so much to 2 T Cutters for this opportunity! And thanks to you Julia for promoting it, and the great folks behind CookieCon for all their hard work!!! Why do I really really really want to win?? Oh my.. so many reasons! To meet my "cookie crushes", to attend the amazing workshops..and mostly for the cookie camaraderie. I am in need of some inspiration and rubbing elbows with other cookie people is just what the doctor ordered!

I hope you choose me, but if I'm not the lucky one, have fun to those who are going!! Happy cookie-ing!

I have just started my cookie business over in the UK, and would absolutely love to come to Cookie Con this year and meet the wonderful people who inspired me to start! Sugarbelle...SweetAmbs...Jill FCS...too many to name! If I won, I would book my flights over straight away- just the thought is giving me butterflies!  Thanks for the generous giveaway and I'll keep my fingers crossed...

I would love to attend this amazing event! After years of teaching myself, I would love to spend a few days with the "experts"! It would be an amazing 3 days sharing it with other like-minded people, people who share the same interests and understand the obsession!

I went to Cookie Con last year for the first ALONE!!!  I left with a new understanding of cookie decorating, a whole bunch of NEW friends that I still keep in contact with (usually cookie sharing ideas), and the ability to say that I have seen Arty McGoo in person (yes this girl is amazing!).  It truly was one of the biggest highlights of my year.  Cookie Con is a must for my Cookie soul.  I'd love to win a ticket this year!!!!

I'm amazed at the design creativity and sheer talent, time, and love that goes into cooking decorating.  I'm hopeful to even attain a portion of this skill and would love to attend CookieCon to learn from the best and meets other with the same love of cookie decorating.  Thank you for offering the giveaway!

Attending Cookie Con would be a dream come true! I've been decorating cookies for about 1 year and have certainly improved but the opportunity to attend Cookie Con would give me hands on experience with the top cookiers.  I would love to spend time getting to know other cookiers, learning new techniques, improving my limited skills and just generally have a fantastic time with like minded people.  Whether I go or not, I will definitely enjoy reading the blog on the upcoming Cookie Con.

I would love the chance to go to Cookie Con. I have family in Salt Lake and would have a place to stay...I could afford the plane fare or the ticket but not both. This would clear my way to attend. Since the moment 3 years ago when I googled "Recipe, Cookie Icing that hardens" I have been hooked. I've been getting better and better at both my designing and decorating I would so love to learn at the feet of the masters. I'm completely gobsmacked by the talent and prolificacy of the cookie bloggers I follow. I aspire. Thanks Julia and Tammy. Fingers crossed.

I had no idea this was 'a thing'.  It became my thing. I have been decorating cookies since 2012 when I first laid eyes on the creations of sweetambs, Julia, Montreal Confections and sugarbelle and arty mcgoo and so many more.  Its like being starstruck and inspired. I've made art on other mediums but this is by far what resonates with me -I still want to learn so much - putting a smile on people's faces. I would love to be immersed in "cookie-dom" for a weekend. I'm sure an unforgettable experience.  Thanks!

Well, I have so much to tell ! Last year CookieCon2014 gave me great inspiration to break through. That time I took a third place in the Decorated Cookies  contest, that made me even more happy for what I am doing. And afterall this year I opened my own Commercial Studio for decorated cookies in Moscow - I am excited to bring my co-workers to this event. the last but not least - I met great ppl whom I will love to see this year too - this is the only chance for me!

As a Cookie Decorator Artist would be a pleasent and wonderfull experience to asist an event of this magnitude, would be just the perfect gift for my birthday wich will be in those days. Learn new techniques and skills, meet my High Top Cookies Decoratos, know new stuffs to improve my skills will be for me more exciting than win the lottery so thank you for this oportunity to get this giveaway! blessing to all and good luck everybody! I hope to win! <3



For the past few years I have attended Cookie Con by social media only! I have loved seeing the photos and comments posted by everyone that attended "in Person" and had such a wonderful time, gained so much inspiration and knowledge and met their "online cookie friends". I would LOVE to go and meet everyone, learn a bunch of stuff and just have a great time! Becoming a "Cookie decorating addict" is nothing to be ashamed of!

I am going to add my name to the mix...the cookie community has been wonderful to would be wonderful to go and hang out with the people I talk to on a daily basis...thank you for a chance to go...

I have a very boring day job and decorating cookies really lets me connect with my creative side. Knowing that I have a creative outlet gets me through the toughest parts of my 'real' job.  The artists in the cookie community are truly inspiring.  I've learned so much and would like the opportunity to meet these wonderfully gifted people to thank them and learn from them.  

Who wouldn't want to go to Cookie Con?!  Though I enjoy making (and eating) cookies, I am inspired by many of the facebook posts that I live vicariously through.  I just missed out on doing the Cookie Cruise (I was so close) in January, so I thought this would be a great follow up to meeting and learning from all my cookieologist idols!!

First of Thank you Julia and Tammi for once again giving so generously! The cookie cruise was incredible and it was awesome to meet you both!! Secondly, I will be attending CC as my husband got me tickets as a 35th birthday celebration getaway since I was unable to get away for my 30th!! YAY!!  I have learned so much over these past few years about baking and decorating but a ton in the last two about cookies!!!! I look forward to meeting more cookie peeps in person who I have gotten to know and talk to through FB and other forums in and getting  to learn from them is the best gift! Speaking of gift,  I would LOVE to have a fellow cookie artist be able to join me in attending CC who I know deserves this trip and break but cannot afford it!! Thanks for all you do ladies-you truly are AMAZING!! xx

Last edited by Winn@ Cherry Blossom Creations
I have always had a fascination and desire to decorate cakes since I was a young girl.  Took some classes.  Later in life decorated cookies started showing up and I loved that even more and took a few classes and watch lots of tutorials.  I work in a family owned cupcakery  that occasionally will do cookies and I do cookies on my own for friends and my daughters.  However, while I'm ok at it, I'm not the best that I could be.  I really need some hands on and up close and personal instruction.  I desire to make beautiful cookies to take to the homeless shelters in town and the women and children's shelters, as I know they seldom get anything but store bought treats, and I want to be able to show them through cookies that someone is thinking of them and taking time to make something for them.  I realize the hours put into cookie making, and the sometimes frustration, but I feel as I am learning, this is my calling.  I would love to win a ticket to go so I could use my ticket money towards travel expenses or hotel cost.  Thank you for your generosity.
Julie Reynolds
Primero doy gracias a las personas que estan haciendo posible este concurso. La ganadora sin lugar a dudas será una apasionada y enamorada de las galletas decoradas. Si yo fuera ahí me emocionaria conocer a todas las creadoras de los diseños que solo veo a traves de una pantalla. Aprendería de cada una de ella. Que mas desea una fanatica de la galleta? Suerte a todas y todas. ¡Abrazos Para quien lea mi mensaje! Con eso soy ganadora.
I would So LOVE to win a ticket to cookie con!! I would love to win this not for myself but for a fellow cookie friend I met here in OKC . Sweets on the side. we moved here not knowing anyone and she has been the best friend and cookie friend EVER! She has brought me lunch, helped me flood and goes to the baker supply store for me since its hard for me to get out with 3 year old triplets. So I would love to win to surprise her with a ticket to come with me!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have already purchased a ticket and can't wait to meet everyone but I so would live to win this one to give to Jennifer Mora. She is so deserving and isn't able to by a ticket since all of her funds go towards her daughters chemo treatments .

I've been waiting for this show since I just took up cookie decorating, which is an art form and I just love it!  Started with Christmas cookies in 2013 for a friends get-together and I've never looked back. I'm pretty creative but to see it up close and personal would absolutely be THE BEST! And, to meet other cookiers from around the states is the icing on the...cookie!  My birthday is September 25 so this would be the best present ever!!

A couple of years ago a new facebook friend was posting pictures of her beautiful decorated cookies and I instantly wanted to learn how she did it! Well, she taught me a few things via fb chat, and then began my love for decorating sugar cookies. I pulled out my great grandmother's cut-out cookie recipe, started practicing, and I was decorating.  But I have soooooo much more to learn!  I am just amazed at what all of you ladies do, that I am inspired every day!


I would love to go to CookieCon to learn more techniques, network with so many lovely ladies, and hone in on the craft! This past 8 months has been a roller coaster of events from a car accident that broke my left arm (thank goodness I am right handed) and injured my right hand, to getting my hands back to being able to decorate at all, to my Mother's recent unexpected passing. I love what you all can do, and I would love to learn up close and personal! Thank you Tammy for this great opportunity!

My favorite motto is BE HAPPY and creating is what makes me happy! I would be sooo happy to be able to attend the CookieCon 2015 by winning tickets. Happy to meet the artists that inspire and share their love of decorating. Happy to be among others with the same love of sharing ideas, techniques and stories.

Happy to just BE .... Thx!



I will love to go to the cookiecon! This will be amazing opportunity to meet a lot of people, and have a lot of fun!!! I want to learn everything, even if my English is not very good. Thank you for share!



Just like everyone else who has posted a comment, I would be completely excited to attend CookieCon. I haven't been on this cookie journey for very long, but I have made some good strides in building my skills, and I have so much more to learn.  I think I would be inspired by CookieCon to work on developing my cookie-ing skills.  Most importantly, however, I would love to be able to put faces to the names of so many amazing cookie artists.  They have been so encouraging, and kind.  So many have been super generous by sharing their cookie knowledge. Fingers crossed that I will be able to make lots of new cookie friends at CookieCon!

I want/need/have to go to Cookie Con 2015!!!  Last years was so much fun that I'd hate to miss this one.  So many talented friendly people sharing so much information and fun.  Lasting bonds were built and must be nourished again this year.  

Awesome that you guys are giving away a ticket! This will be my first CookieCon! I want to go to meet in person all of the great people that I have thus far only met online! I have heard so many great stories of life-long friendships formed after the previous CookieCon's and that is something that I hope to happen to me! Thanks again

I have made plans to attend since the beginnng and something always prevents me from making it.  I would love to finally be able to go and see for myself what everyone talks about.  I would love to mingle with people who understand my "condition"! LOL! 

I am always looking to further my knowledge of different styles of cookie/cake design.  I love meeting others with my same quirky brain and love for all things cookie!!!   


Liz @ PublicDisplayofConfection

This would be the best mommy vacation ever!  I am now a stay at home mom in a new state trying to turn a hobby into a career and would like to provide additional income to our family.  Cookiecon would be a great way to learn and be inspired by the greatest cookiers around.

Oh my gosh I would love to go!  I've been a cake decorator for 15 years (now retired), but only recently got into royal iced cookies.  I stayed away from them for a long time because I was so bad at flooding.  I would love to see all the cool things that can be done with cookies as well as meet some of the online people who are helping to inspire me to create cookies!  You are such a lovely group of people and I would love to see you in person!

This would be amazing and such a blessing!! I'm just getting started with decorated cookies but I can't get enough of them! The opportunity to learn from the best around in the business... yea every cookiers Disneyland dream!! I would love this opportunity and if not no worries because I'll be stalking those pages for all the tips, tricks, and pics I can!

This would be an awesome event to attend as I only started (again) decorating a few months.  I would like to meet the awesome people behind the scene who gives us such inspiration to keep doing what we LOVE to do....decorate cookies.  I also want to gain more information and learn from the 'best' in the cookie world. 

I just moved from Florida to Washington State. Being this close now, I am dying to go. One small thing, I need a job to start making money here! Still working on that. Pick me, I would love to represent!

I REALLY, really want to go to Cookie Con so that I can finally meet my extended cookie family. I have "met" so many wonderful people since I've started this cookie journey, and I know that many of them will be there. In addition, of course, I want to LEARN from these wonderful people! I could see myself walking away from this conference feeling refreshed, and ready to start doing some fun and crazy decorating with the skills that I learn! 

I'd love to meet all of my cookie sisters in person.  I feel like I've been communicating with them online for what seems like forever even though it's only been a little under a year.

I have not yet been to CookieCon and would absolutely love to go!! I tried to come up with the money last year but just couldn't do it.  I have a friend that goes every year (Heather from SugarNosh Treats) and has only great things to say about what goes down there.  Being able to attend would be amazing. I know I would learn so much that would take my cookies to the next level and make this side business bakery more of a real thing! So many amazingly talented people to learn from!!

I've been decorating cakes for over 35 years, but I am fairly new to cookies.  They are so versatile, and you can hold them in your hand while you decorate them!!   I'm an aspiring "Cookie Crazy" and would love to dive headlong into a complete cookie environment to experience a pleasant cookie overload!

It would be amazing to meet so many people that are so talented in something I'd love to gain more knowledge in.  Cookies make people happy, they make me happy and to be with people who share the same interest would be so amazing.  Thank you for the chance

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