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CookieCon 2015 Ticket Giveaway!

Foregoing fancy meals or pulling decorating all-nighters in order to scratch together the change for CookieCon? Hoping you'll win the lottery so you won't have to go another year without meeting your online cookie friends?




Well, hope no more! The wonderful Tammy Colitti of 2 T's Stencils and I have partnered to bring you this special CookieCon 2015 ticket giveaway.




We'll be giving away one ticket to CookieCon (value: $259; event registration only; travel not included) to one lucky winner anywhere in the world, and entry is easy!

Giveaway Details:

  • Just tell us why you really, really want to go to CookieCon in the comments area below.
  • Post your comment no later than Monday, April 6, 2015 (5 pm central) in order to qualify. Please comment just once; we will not accept multiple entries/comments from the same person.
  • Hop on over to Tammy's Facebook page and give her a like if you haven't already. (I'm giving her a virtual hug as well! Without her financial support, this giveaway would not have been possible. Thanks again, Tammy!)
  • And, last but not least, please share this post on social media using any or all of the share buttons at the end.
  • On April 6, shortly after giveaway close, a winner will be randomly drawn from the comments and announced here.
  • If the ticket is not claimed by the winner within a week of the drawing (by Monday, April 13), we will consider the ticket forfeited by the winner, and another winner will be drawn.

Yes, it's that easy! So what are you waiting for?! This could be your free ticket to the cookie event of the year!




First, thanks to all who played along, but especially to Tammy Colitti of 2 T's Stencils for co-sponsoring this giveaway with me.


Well . . . the random number generator has spoken, and the winning comment is #112, the last comment on the blog . . .




This means that JojaBlueberry is our lucky winner with the following heartfelt comment:




Congrats, JojaBlueberry! Clearly, you've got lots of good reasons for wanting to attend this wonderful event, and Tammy and I are delighted to help make your dream a reality! I'll be in touch soon via email with instructions for redeeming your ticket!



Images (4)
  • CookieCon 2015 Banner: Courtesy of CookieCon 2015
  • 2 T's Stencils Logo/Banner: Courtesy of 2 T's Stencils
  • CookieCon Giveaway Winning Comment Number: From Random Number Generator
  • JojaBlueberry's Winning Comment: From Cookie Connection Blog

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Comments (113)

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I really, really, REALLY NEED to go to cookie con to get experience and meet all my favorite cookiers and inspirations. It is so sad how much I NEED to go to CookieCon, Ever since I discovered Sweetopia's cookies, I've been in cookie mode nonstop (ask my family!) I want to make cookies, look at cookies, draw cookies, decorate cookies, etc all day long. I don't know what else to say besides I REALLY hope I can go. It would be SUCH an honor to be among the great cookiers that I admire everyday (from my computer :/ ). Thank you to the cookie queen (Julia Usher) for giving us 'little people' an opportunity to go to cookie con. This is truly wonderful. So thank you.  

Dear Julia & Tammy,

I would so love to go to the 2015 CookieCon - I'd sell my kids (almost, just kidding!! I'd put them to work instead spruiking my cookies ) Finding the cookie community has given me back something that has brought some joy & creativity into my life, as well as being able to pass that on through my biscuits.

Here in Australia, cookies aren't as well known or done really, so it's an uphill battle to introduce it as an alternative to cupcakes. Being a nurse (but keen baker & sweets/dessert eater) ALL I've learnt is through the amazing cookiers who share their talents via their blog posts, tutorials, FB & IG sites. I'd have been LOST without that (& a damn sight worse at decorating). I've still a long way to go.

But, getting on a Saturday Spotlight my 2nd time on the site, & starting up my legitimate business 2 weeks ago have been my highlights. 2015 is going to be MY year & this'd crown it!!

Thanks, Kristine  

I didn't even know about cookie con until last year.  I would love to go and meet more of my cookie idols.  I want to learn from the masters And Tammy is my good luck charm, so my fingers are

Wow this would an amazing opportunity to meet all the new and talented friends that I have only know via the internet.  What a generous gift this will be for the  lucky winner.   Good luck all

I really, really want to go to Cookie Con to see how far my art can travel in the world of cookies. I love to learn from those and be inspired by those who are a step ahead of me. And it would be tons of fun to get away from my day job for a small beak.

Being able to go to CookieCon would be like an athlete going to the Olympics. They are the best of the best! With 2 kids in college and being on the east coast, it is just not in our budget to get me there. This would be a dream come true!

Love watching and learning from many wonderful Cookiers, but as great as social media is nothing can replace being there in person.. After reading ALL the comments from all that attended last year How Could You Not want to go.  I saw the date come that tickets would go on sale and watched all thought the day... post after post of gleeful ticket holders. The ticket price just to much for me now. If I won I most certainly would feel like Charlie getting the last Golden Ticket to the chocolate factory!!

CookieCon was one of the best weekends I have ever had last year!! Had a blast seeing the different techniques and meering all the wonderful instructors. Met a lot of awesome cookie decorators from all over the world. Would be great to go back to learn some more and shop, shop, shop! 


EDITOR'S NOTE: I love the photo! 


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Last edited by Julia M. Usher

I've been doing cookies almost 6 years now and not once have i ever been able to go to any sort of cookie event or convention due to them being so far and costing so much. I would love to finally go and meet fellow cookiers that i've been following and talking to for all these years. Also it falls a few days after my birthday 

Meeting the creators behind the deserts would be really cool. I love people who are passionate about what they do and can talk about their love of food and learn from these experts.  It would be great to be in a room filled these wonderful artists! Thanks for the opportunity to try and win one of these tickets! 



First, thanks to all who played along, but especially to Tammy Colitti of 2 T's Stencils for co-sponsoring this giveaway with me.


Well . . . the random number generator has spoken, and the winning comment is #112, the last comment on the blog . . .




This means that JojaBlueberry is our lucky winner with the following heartfelt comment:




Congrats, JojaBlueberry! Clearly, you've got lots of good reasons for wanting to attend this wonderful event, and Tammy and I are delighted to help make your dream a reality! I'll be in touch soon via email with instructions for redeeming your ticket!

First, I would love to go to Cookiecon because it would be wonderful to meet the masters in this type of art who are also an inspiration to me! Second, I would like to experience this fabulous world of cookies and to be able to bring all these new techniques and art to Colombia. For me as an entrepreneur and small business owner, it would be wonderful to meet people who do what I do and love making awesome cookies. And last but not least, I would also like to apply the newest techniques available in the market and be able to bring this knowledge to Colombia, to my business, to better my business and to better my life since part of my income comes from making people happy through cookies.

I would LOVE to go to Cookie Con! I was set to go to the first one for my birthday--and cancelled to prioritize visitng a friend across country who was going through a divorce. Two weeks prior, she emailed me to tell me about her new boyfriend who would be spending all weekend with us--on my birthday--and wasn't I excited to come out to meet him? Again. My birthday. Ditched for a guy. On my birthday. I should have gone to Cookie Con.

I started decorating cookies almost 4 years ago. My plan is to make my business a full time one. To get to learn from the best, meet so many cookie artists that I follow and admire would be Amazing! This would be a wonderful opportunit!

I really want to go to Cookiecon because I'm a new Cookier and would really love the opportunity to meet all of the wonderful people that I've met through Let's Talk Cookies and Cookie Decorating for Beginners. I love learning how to bake and decorate cookies just in the last 5 months. There is nothing better than when a customer tells you over and over again how great your cookies are.

After being forced to leave my career due to disability, it was my hope that I could focus more time on my love of cookie decorating.  However, it was only then that I realized how little I knew!  I see so many beautiful works of art being created but seem unable to progress toward anything near to this beautiful work.  I have not register erred due to my now limited resources, but  I would very much like to attend CookieCon to restore my passion for this creative outlet that I began working in when I was very young.

Why would I love to win a trip to Cookie Con? Well, for more reasons then you all probably want to sit here and read. I began decorating cookies a little over a year ago and fell in love. I had been casually baking cakes for about 5 or 6 years and decided to take the leap into cookies. I never thought I would be able to create beautiful cookies, like some of the many, many great cookiers I follow. I still wonder if I will ever be at their level, but I am certainly having fun along the way. 

I work at a University, in a finance position. I probably do not need to even elaborate, but I will. The stress and anxiety of an average week is almost more than I can handle at times. Decorating cookies has been my outlet. I come home from a stressful day and dive into baking and decorating. While I am doing so, I forget about the stressors of my day. Not only does decorating put me in a “happy place”, but seeing the reactions to the creations I make for others, truly is rewarding beyond what words could say.

Since I started decorating cookies, I wished I would have the money when the time came around to register to attend Cookie Con. Unfortunately, finances are very, very tough right now and it definitely is not feasible. I would love nothing more than to win a trip to Cookie Con. There are sooo many wonderful decorators that have been my inspiration along my cookie journey. I would love to meet them and be able to attend some of their workshops. It would be an honor.

I know many others are probably just as deserving, but please consider me! Cookie Con is like the Disneyland for adults. Take me to my happy place!!

Cookie Con is a dream, I admire all of the wonderful talent of the cookie artists. I am a beginner cookier and I would love to be exposed to so much talent.  Cookie Con would help to make my dream come true. AND be so much fun.

I have thought about CookieCon for the past two years. Thinking that one day I would have the time to go. I quit my job as a social service director to find find my true passion. I started baking, enjoyed it, started selling and now I am really wanting to go big a cookies have nearly surpassed my other sales. People tell me they love what I do, but they have no clue where the masters are, they are at CookieCon! Lol. I admire all of the amazing talent. I can't imagine being there and soaking up all that I could. I want to be a master one day and I think this would give me the opportunity to make it happen! This would be the sign I need to move forward and make this dream a reality!

I would love to go because it will means a dream come true. It will be my opportunity to learn and meet the most artistic and sweet creative people. 

Thank you for your opportunity and support. 

I just learned about this wonderful event from someone who happened be in the area on business and saw your event.  She decided to see what it was all about, and loved it.  She then came to the Minnesota ICES Day of Sharing and told us what fun she had.  I recently bought a bakery and I'm looking to expand with some new ideas.


EDITOR'S NOTE: Just a clarification: CookieCon is not hosted and organized by Cookie Connection; CookieCon is the brainchild of Karen and Mike Summers, and operates completely independently of this site. I am simply sponsoring this giveaway along with Tammy Colitti (paying for half of the ticket) and sponsoring the CookieCon event.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

I like to be around people that I want to be like.  Your generosity is a shining example.  I want to be that kind of person always.  It's really a no brainer.  The BEST of this passionate field will be there.  I'm hoping to get more knowledgeable, more talent,  create lifelong friendships and ultimately share what I learn..

It would be amazing to meet so many people that are so talented in something I'd love to gain more knowledge in.  Cookies make people happy, they make me happy and to be with people who share the same interest would be so amazing.  Thank you for the chance

I've been decorating cakes for over 35 years, but I am fairly new to cookies.  They are so versatile, and you can hold them in your hand while you decorate them!!   I'm an aspiring "Cookie Crazy" and would love to dive headlong into a complete cookie environment to experience a pleasant cookie overload!

I have not yet been to CookieCon and would absolutely love to go!! I tried to come up with the money last year but just couldn't do it.  I have a friend that goes every year (Heather from SugarNosh Treats) and has only great things to say about what goes down there.  Being able to attend would be amazing. I know I would learn so much that would take my cookies to the next level and make this side business bakery more of a real thing! So many amazingly talented people to learn from!!

I'd love to meet all of my cookie sisters in person.  I feel like I've been communicating with them online for what seems like forever even though it's only been a little under a year.

I REALLY, really want to go to Cookie Con so that I can finally meet my extended cookie family. I have "met" so many wonderful people since I've started this cookie journey, and I know that many of them will be there. In addition, of course, I want to LEARN from these wonderful people! I could see myself walking away from this conference feeling refreshed, and ready to start doing some fun and crazy decorating with the skills that I learn! 

I just moved from Florida to Washington State. Being this close now, I am dying to go. One small thing, I need a job to start making money here! Still working on that. Pick me, I would love to represent!

This would be an awesome event to attend as I only started (again) decorating a few months.  I would like to meet the awesome people behind the scene who gives us such inspiration to keep doing what we LOVE to do....decorate cookies.  I also want to gain more information and learn from the 'best' in the cookie world. 

This would be amazing and such a blessing!! I'm just getting started with decorated cookies but I can't get enough of them! The opportunity to learn from the best around in the business... yea every cookiers Disneyland dream!! I would love this opportunity and if not no worries because I'll be stalking those pages for all the tips, tricks, and pics I can!

Oh my gosh I would love to go!  I've been a cake decorator for 15 years (now retired), but only recently got into royal iced cookies.  I stayed away from them for a long time because I was so bad at flooding.  I would love to see all the cool things that can be done with cookies as well as meet some of the online people who are helping to inspire me to create cookies!  You are such a lovely group of people and I would love to see you in person!

This would be the best mommy vacation ever!  I am now a stay at home mom in a new state trying to turn a hobby into a career and would like to provide additional income to our family.  Cookiecon would be a great way to learn and be inspired by the greatest cookiers around.

I am always looking to further my knowledge of different styles of cookie/cake design.  I love meeting others with my same quirky brain and love for all things cookie!!!   


Liz @ PublicDisplayofConfection

I have made plans to attend since the beginnng and something always prevents me from making it.  I would love to finally be able to go and see for myself what everyone talks about.  I would love to mingle with people who understand my "condition"! LOL! 

Awesome that you guys are giving away a ticket! This will be my first CookieCon! I want to go to meet in person all of the great people that I have thus far only met online! I have heard so many great stories of life-long friendships formed after the previous CookieCon's and that is something that I hope to happen to me! Thanks again

I want/need/have to go to Cookie Con 2015!!!  Last years was so much fun that I'd hate to miss this one.  So many talented friendly people sharing so much information and fun.  Lasting bonds were built and must be nourished again this year.  

Just like everyone else who has posted a comment, I would be completely excited to attend CookieCon. I haven't been on this cookie journey for very long, but I have made some good strides in building my skills, and I have so much more to learn.  I think I would be inspired by CookieCon to work on developing my cookie-ing skills.  Most importantly, however, I would love to be able to put faces to the names of so many amazing cookie artists.  They have been so encouraging, and kind.  So many have been super generous by sharing their cookie knowledge. Fingers crossed that I will be able to make lots of new cookie friends at CookieCon!



I will love to go to the cookiecon! This will be amazing opportunity to meet a lot of people, and have a lot of fun!!! I want to learn everything, even if my English is not very good. Thank you for share!



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