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Happy 1st Birthday Giveaway!

It's hard to pinpoint the exact birthday of this (my beloved) site. It launched "softly" into cyberspace in Spring 2013 with different people getting introduced to it at various stages of development.


About a month before I announced its birth on Facebook, a small cadre* of members were already testing the site's various features and functionality while I was furiously adding content so it wouldn't be naked upon official arrival. (Naked might be normal for most babies, but it wasn't acceptable for this one!) A month or so before that, the lovely Jaci Baynes Harper of Ali's Sweet Tooth was the one who gave me the idea and encouragement to start this community. It took some coaxing, but she eventually convinced me!  She looked at early versions of the site, provided input on possible names, and also joined the team doing the early testing. Around this same time, Elizabeth Watt of Pretty Sweet Designs stepped in to offer advice on my color and font choices and to work on banners, backgrounds, and other necessary graphics. I am deeply indebted to all of these people; for without them, Cookie Connection would have never come into being.


While the history is a little fuzzy, I do know this: it was a quick gestation period (no more than two months). Testing on the site was still underway at the end of May and into early June 2013, and one of my first official welcome posts on the site was dated June 7. 


That said, I'm splitting the difference and declaring June 1, 2013 as Cookie Connection's official birthday! I hope you'll celebrate with me by taking part in this giveaway!




(Another great graphic by Pretty Sweet Designs, BTW!)


In one short year, we've grown to over 3,700 members (from nearly 50 countries)! We've brought on six (now five) incredible contributors, and we're experiencing an average of about 1.4 million views per month. What's more, some amazing sponsors, including Designer Stencils, Fancy Flours, BRP Box Shop, The Classic Cookie Cutter, and Craftsy, have consistently supported us along the way.


But more important than any of these numbers are the warmth, energy, and wonderful artistry that members of this community share so generously with one another each day. It's been immensely gratifying to see the world of cookie decorating come closer together and to get to know many of you through your cookies and comments on this site. Thank you, everyone, for making this year one of the most rewarding ones that my sieve-like brain can remember!  I look forward to many more years of cookie fun together!


Enough waxing poetic about the site's birthday . . . about that giveaway!


What's Up For Grabs


We've got three great prizes, all for one winner:


1. First, a Kalorik volumetric kitchen scale (retail value: $50), a never-used gift to me from sponsors of the Oklahoma State Sugar Art Show. It automatically converts various things from grams/ounces to cups to take the guesswork out of your royal icing mixing!

2. Second, another lovely custom-embroidered Cookie Connection apron straight off the plane from Italy, this time in blue (retail value: $40).




 3. And, last but certainly not least, this set of nine gorgeous and super well-crafted (I know, I'm lucky to have some!) Tiffany blue cookie cutters from Tracy Hicks, owner of Whisked Away Cutters (retail value: $65). PLEASE NOTE: The cutters can only be shipped in the domestic US. But should there be a non-US winner, the other prizes will be shipped anywhere.


Giveaway_Julia_Larger Text_3


Yeah, I just did the math - that's a combined $155 in cookie value! Ka-ching!  


How to Enter


Just tell me what you'd most like to see happen on Cookie Connection in its second year in the comments area below. All comments must be received no later than June 15, 2014, 5 pm central, when the giveaway closes.


Other Giveaway Details:

  • Only one comment per person is permitted. Duplicates will be deleted.
  • Remember, you must be a Cookie Connection member to comment on this site. To join, just click on "Join Community" in the upper left of our home page and follow the sign-up prompts.
  • The winner will be determined by random number generator at the close of the giveaway. The person whose comment position matches the number drawn by the random number generator will win!
  • The winner will be announced on this site and also contacted directly via email shortly after the close of the giveaway.

I think that's it. Please email with any questions. And, again, my sincerest thanks to all of you and to . . .


*The Cookie Connection Start-Up Team

Jaci Baynes Harper (Ali's Sweet Tooth), Elizabeth Watt (Pretty Sweet Designs), Liz Adams (Arty McGoo), Glory Albin (Glorious Treats), Penny Knapik (Lucky Penny), Marian Poirier (Sweetopia), Michele Shoup (Bakeskool), Kip Simpson and the BRP team, Pam Sneed (CookieCrazie), Amber Spiegel (SweetAmbs), and Mike and Karen Summers (Karen's Cookies).


***** AND WE HAVE A WINNER! *****


The random number generator has spoken!


Random Number

This means that comment #181 (or lttlemad) is our lucky winner. Stay tuned, lttlemad, I'll be contacting you shortly about how to redeem your prizes. Congrats!



Thanks to everyone for participating, especially for sharing your thoughtful feedback! Read all about how we're acting on your advice here. And a super special thanks to Whisked Away Cutters for her generous donation of the nine-piece cutter set shown above. If you weren't lucky enough to win it, there are plenty more in her Etsy store.


Images (5)
  • Cookie Connection Birthday Giveaway Banner: Graphic Design by Pretty Sweet Designs
  • Giveaway Prizes 1 and 2!: Photo Courtesy of Julia M Usher
  • Giveaway Prize from Whisked Away Cutters: Photo and Cutters by Tracy Hicks
  • Random Number Generator Results: Courtesy of Julia M Usher
  • The Winner - lttlemad!: Courtesy of Julia M Usher

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I met you at the first cookiecon and you are very nice, helpful and an amazing decorator.  I love Cookie Connection and thank you for creating it.  I would like to see more tutorials on decorating techniques.

Happy Birthday! I'd love to see an "inspired by" forum...where people can post a cookie they've made, and where the inspiration came from...whether that came from another cookie, a picture, fabric or whatever! i love to see how these creative minds work!

Hi Julia! Happy 1st Birthday to Cookie Connection! I really enjoy the time, I spend here, I enjoy the amazing cookie art and learn so much! 

I would love to see more tutorials, video tutorials, contributors and blog post, and some type of translation tool, easily accessible in the comment area. It would be also be great, if in the comment area, we could click on the likes in parentheses, for example (4 Likes) and see the names of those who liked the comment. Can't say enough about all of the great features, you already have here on Cookie Connection, the wonderful contributors, and very talented members who share their beautiful cookie creations for everyone to enjoy! And great giveaways! Thank you for all you do, to keep Cookie Connection a positive, and fun place, that encourages the art of cookie decorating in so many creative and ways! And for always looking for ways to make Cookie Connection even better than it already is! 


Thanks, Dana, for all of the great input. Not sure if you know, but Google Translate is already installed on the site. You can access it from the left of the home page or at the very bottom of every page on the site. Just select a language and it translates everything on the site, including comments. I'm sure the translations won't be the best, but it should be a good start for anyone struggling with language differences. ~JMU

Last edited by Dana ~ Dana's Daydreaming Cookies

Happy Birthday Cookie Connection! I just have loved being a part of this group and have "met" some amazingly talented and inspiring individuals <3 I have loved the site so far I would love to see ideas on how you can do multiple uses for cutters we may already have. I would also be interested in seeing gatherings of cookie connection members so we could get to know one another better  

Hmmmm...admittedly I'm not as well versed on this site as I should be.  It seems pretty overwhelming when I do hunt around on here.  I just need to spend more time here -- so you're all good.  It's me.  THANK YOU!!!  I adore your work!

Happy Birthday and thank you for this fabulous site!  I would love to see more:


1. recipes

2. tutorials

3. different uses for cutters - I am very challenged when it comes to thinking 'outside' a cutter and it really helps me to see how others have used them.


Thanks again because this site is a cookie decorator's paradise 

Happy Birthday Cookie. Connection! WOW, time has flown by! I stumbled across your site in the earliest stages in June 2013. Amazing how it has grown! You've done a great job!

i would love to have more opportunities in different locations throughout the US to gather with other cookie fanatics. Perhaps even to organize local "support groups" within states so that we could get to know one another and possibly host smaller gatherings. 


Happy Birthday!  As many folks have mentioned, more tutorials and "how-tos" would be great.  And how about a classified ad section where people could post things such as equipment, duplicate cutters, etc.?


Just an FYI: we already have a forum called "Cookie Swap" which is designed to be a classified ad section in effect - a place to post about cookie things that one might want to give away, trade, or sell. Check it out; I'd love for people to start posting there. ~ JMU

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

I would love to see more recipes for cookie dough--I have a few go to ones (basic sugar cookie, chocolate, chocolate chip, pumpkin-spice cookies) but I love new ideas--I have a key-lime-coconut recipe that rocks and an espresso-chip recipe that people seem to enjoy! Would love some new, clever ideas to mix things up!

I would like to see features about color theory and color mixing...hint, hint  It is a helpful tool for both beginners and advanced decorators.


Happy Birthday Cookie Connection!!!


You should contact me about the possibility of writing about color theory for the site. I'm always interested in new ideas!  ~JMU

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

Me encanta CC, gracias Julia Por El Enorme Esfuerzo Que realizas Con Todo tu Equipo para brindarnos la Posibilidad de ver tanta Creatividad en la Elaboración de galletas. Felíz cumpleaños y me encantaría ver más videotutoriales. Gracias nuevamente y vamos por más !

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