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Replay of Live Competition Q&A with Laura and Julia


So if you missed today's live competition Q&A with me and competition judge/Gold Sponsor @Laura Saporiti, no worries! Below you'll find the replay video. In it, Laura and I address many aspects of the 3rd virtual edition of Julia M. Usher's Cookie Art Competition™. We also answer a number of lingering questions from entrants about theme, rules, the judging process, and more.

In conjunction with reviewing the official Competition Overview post in the competition section of the Cookie Connection blog, watching this video is a must for all entrants! It's that rich with information! Plus, Laura relays her experience as a past international entrant in this competition, which is coupled with lots of practical advice. Thanks so much for sharing your insights, Laura! (P.S. I apologize for the low-level humming noise in the background of the video; that's the sound of my very old computer working hard to broadcast the live video. Hopefully, I'll have a chance to upgrade my computer in a few weeks after spring class season is over, because it's got a bunch of other issues. But I digress . . .)

If, after watching the video and reading the Competition Overview, you have further questions about the 2024 competition, don't hesitate to email me at any time at Laura, the rest of the judges, and I can't wait to see your entries and wish you the best of luck! Remember: Regardless of whether you place and earn a prize, you'll end up winning just by entering, as this competition offers an unparalleled opportunity for learning and growth.

So please relax and enjoy the process! Fun and challenging yourself are really the competition's primary objectives!

Again, don't forget to read the Competition Overview post, which contains all of the rules and a registration link. And, please register early, even before you complete your entry, as getting an early read on the number of entries helps me immensely with the competition planning process. TIA!


Images (1)
  • Live Competition Q&A Replay Banner - April 18, 2024: Photos Courtesy of Laura Saporiti and Julia M Usher; Graphic Design by Elizabeth Cox and Julia M Usher

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